Completed Ranked Jam for Maps
Embody your inner Lighthouse Keeper; Design and build a beautiful Lighthouse!


Pixel Art Lighthouse
Lighthouse Designers Assemble!
The Background:
For centuries, lighthouses, light stations and navigation aids have been constructed to reduce loss of life and limb in the maritime industry. They are an integral part of our transport infrastructure, and although not quite as cool as they used to be (lighthouse keepers aren't a common job these days unfortunately), they have a rich and intricate history of both design, placement and utility. And now, you can join the many before you by designing your very own lighthouse!

The Competition:
You (or your team), are tasked with designing and building your very own lighthouse.
You must find a piece of coastal terrain suitable (or you may create your own, see more details below), create or find a "hazard" that would need to be marked by a lighthouse (or similar navigational aid), and then build a lighthouse in a relevant location based on the above.

The Criteria:
You're design will be rated by your fellow entrants based upon the following criterium:

Positioning (scored out of 5): How well has the lighthouse been positioned in regards to the terrain the and intended use? How well is it integrated into the terrain?

Design (scored out of 10): The EXTERNAL design of the lighthouse. How does it look? Is it well designed and semi-realistic (see notes for more info on realism)

Internal Design (scored out of 5): How well is the INTERIOR laid out and furnished? Does it look like it could function as a lighthouse?

Bonus Categories:

Functionality (scored out of 2): Does the lighthouse work? Does it light up? Can it be turned on and off? Does it have a flash pattern?

Story / Context (scored out of 2): A brief description of either a fictitious (or real) history of the lighthouse or a description of where it was built and how it works

Further Details:
On Sculpting your own terrain: You must terraform a minimum 3 chunks in each direction around your lighthouse to provide context for the build. If you don't want to do this, but still want the clean look of a limited number of chunks, I would suggest using world edit or a similar program to copy-paste a chunk of world into a blank one with the desired terrain. If you are reading this and worrying that you don't know how to do any of this, not to fear, just use a normal world and find a spot to build a lighthouse, the criteria WON'T deduct marks for this.

On Realism: We want you to be creative with your designs, you can make what you want really but at the end of the day in order for it to qualify as a lighthouse it (generally) needs to have an elevated light source and some way to access this. if you want to create some sort of fantasy-esk lighthouse suspended in the air by some magical force, then you can do that, but make sure to explain all this in your map description so that your peers rating your design will be able to understand how this is realistic based on the context provided

Judging and Results:
The judging will take place by those who have entered. IF YOU'D LIKE TO BE A JUDGE, THEN ENTER A LIGHTHOUSE SUBMISSION
Results will be released after the voting period has concluded.

Any obvious spam submissions will be asked to change/remove their submission
You may enter as an individual or group (just ensure proper credit is given)
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