Completed Unranked Jam for Maps, Skins, Mob Skins, Texture Packs, Mods, Data Packs and Blogs
This is a jam hosted by the group "The Retirement Home!"


How many entries can I submit?
You can submit up to five!
What are the rules?
Avoid these things:
  • Anything against PMC rules
  • NSFW content (explicit, vulgar, sexual, etc) should not be submitted
  • Impolite behavior (harassment, bullying, discrimination, anything of the sort)
What happens if I break a rule?
If the rule broken was related to your entry, a group moderator will ask you to remove that from the jam (if you leave it up on your page, that's up to you as well as the site mods)

If the rule broken was related to your behavior within the bounds of this jam, you will be asked by a group moderator to discontinue the behavior and will be disqualified if you refuse
Who are the mods of this group + jam?
Where should I ask additional questions?
Please ask all questions in the guest book of this jam. Since there is no certainty that a particular mod will check their own guest book/ pms by the time you need an answer, it is best that you post it somewhere that all of us will see it
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