Completed Ranked Jam for Skins
Unleash stealth in the Minecraft Jam! Unique skins, stunning looks, easy recognition!


Welcome to the Minecraft Stealth Game Character Jam! Here's a description of the event and the criteria for the skin submissions:

Event Description:
In this Minecraft jam, we challenge you to create an impressive skin of a character from a stealth game, drawing inspiration from iconic figures like Agent 47 or Sam Fisher. However, to encourage creativity, we want you to focus on characters that are less commonly represented in skins. Characters from well-known stealth games like Agent 47 are excluded from the competition to promote uniqueness.

Criteria for Scoring:

  1. Uniqueness (1-5 points): Choose characters that are not widely seen in Minecraft skins. Think outside the box and bring lesser-known stealth game characters to life. The more unexpected and original your choice, the higher your score in this category.

  2. Looks (1-5 points): Put your artistic skills to the test and create a skin that stands out in terms of quality and attention to detail. Avoid simplistic designs and show us your ability to add shadows, highlights, and multiple shades of colors to make the skin visually appealing and realistic.

  3. Character Recognition (1-5 points): Make sure your skin accurately represents the chosen stealth game character. While uniqueness is encouraged, ensure that the character's key features are recognizable and that others can easily guess who it is when looking at your creation.

Voting Eligibility:
Only participants with at least level 5 can vote. This ensures that the voting process involves experienced members who can appreciate and assess the skins with a discerning eye.

Submission Guidelines:
Any skin that aligns with the jam's theme of creating a stealth game character will be accepted. Remember to follow the guidelines for uniqueness, looks, and character recognition to increase your chances of scoring higher in the event.

We wish all participants the best of luck, and we can't wait to see the creative and stealthy skins you'll come up with!
Happy crafting!
Planet Minecraft


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