❄ Create something winter themed, it can be from any holiday such as Christmas or New Years or just plain ol' winter themed.
You can submit any category of project here so get creative with what you make! ❄ ❄ ❄ Anyone who submits anything during this event will get a special snow globe trophy for their profile.
The jam will run the whole season until the end of January so take your time creating a wintry masterpiece! ❄
Jam Overview
Jam is over. It ran from November 20, 2023 @ 6:00 am UTC to February 1, 2024 @ 5:59 am UTC
Unranked Jam accepted up to 5 Maps, Skins, Mob Skins, Texture Packs, Mods, Data Packs and Blogs from participants. Accepts all texture resolutions. Accepts standard and 2x HD resolution skins. Accepts all mob models excluding objects.
This year's wintry trophy is finally here! Sorry about the delay I've been quite busy recently. But anyways i hope you like the snow globe theme! Anyone who submits anything during this event gets it. Stay Frosty!