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    10/27/2023 1:57 am
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    No, at least not at the moment.
    10/20/2023 7:24 pm
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    Create or join a storyline in this thread.
    10/20/2023 7:21 pm
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    10/18/2023 12:25 am
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    10/09/2023 11:00 pm
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    To fix the chunk loading issue, you can force load the chunks at the beginning of the function, then remove the forceload at the end. Forceload is documented here.

    As for the fill issue, I'm not sure why it won't work, though it may be related to your use of relative coordinates in the first summon command. It's also likely a problem that you only fill one row and column of chunks; you first summon markers along the z axis, then switch to the x axis. I would try to test it, but unfortunately that's not possible just now. Hopefully someone else can provide more help based on that.
    10/06/2023 7:46 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    To prove a point. This is why God does many things, to teach a lesson. In this case, the Jews were chosen by Him to demonstrate His capacity to love them. They turned away from Him time and again and were generally a really pathetic chosen people, but He never changed His attitude towards them. Also, implied there is that 'could' means 'should', which is not the case. God could have just told everyone in the world in detail what His plan was, sure, but He didn't, meaning that He shouldn't have. And I said 'in detail', because God has already revealed Himself to everyone in a way. Everyone knows innately that there is some higher power, and they try to explain it, but the enemy often manages to twist them from the right path. Why must people who have never heard the gospel go to hell? It is required, because they are sinners and the only way to be forgiven is to ask. That said, the Bible indicates that their punishment will not be as severe as those who have heard and refused to believe. Quite frankly though, I can't say exactly why God chose to do things this way, but as the standard, everything God does is fundamentally right.

    Again, this isn't what I'm talking about, but all right. It is true that hope is a unique feature of Christianity, and this is not by accident. Many, unfortunately, reject that hope. As for the exploiting part, it must be admitted that this does occur, but the Bible condemns it very strongly and emphatically warns believers not to fall for such false teachers.

    Correct. You must accept by faith that reason is a valid method of proof, which is no more and no less valid than Christians accepting by faith that God is the standard for proof. Another thing: for one to judge Christianity, one must assume a moral standard by which to do so, which necessarily rejects Christianity already. The only way to invalidate Christianity is to find that it contradicts itself, which has never been done despite humanity's best efforts.

    I repeat, those who exploit others are not followers of Christ. If anything, they back up the Bible's prediction because Christianity is arguably the most attacked and betrayed religion in the world. And the Bible and myself both agree that church leaders are not necessarily to be trusted, for just that reason. The Bible is the only absolutely concrete source on Christianity, and all other teaching is to be judged based on it alone.

    This doesn't really make sense, even from an outside perspective. In the first place, never is the reader given to understand that God does not care, or that He condones certain actions. The Bible in the old testament is in large part a historical account, so authorial commentary is mostly excluded in favor of simply recounting events. What you can see from this account, though, is that God's plan is bigger than any single incident, as illustrated by the case of Joseph. Joseph had a rough time at first, but time told that it was all for a bigger purpose, and an illustration of how God can turn evil intent into a good outcome. If your plan is to just accept Christ when He comes, you won't. When He comes, it will be in judgement, and all who have rejected Him will no longer have a chance. But who knows; you might just get one last chance when the end begins. I can only agree with the last phrase; the end certainly doesn't seem far off.
    10/06/2023 12:34 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Added as a pirate.
    10/06/2023 11:50 am
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    You seem to be under the impression that humans get to define whether or not they are Christians, while the Bible makes clear that they do not. The actions you mention are clearly condemned by God in the Bible. Such hypocritical 'Christians', the Bible says, will not enter heaven unless they truly repent. There is no excuse for Christians not to act with kindness toward everyone, and those who exhibit anger are in fact committing sin. That said, the Bible also explains why this happens so often: It is an attack by the enemy on Christianity, by twisting people's minds so that they honestly think themselves justified in doing evil. The fruit of salvation is good works. If you don't produce good works, you most likely haven't been saved.

    I didn't say anything about similarity, I'm talking about believability. A global flood, for example, is not something that gives a believable first impression, and for the savior of the world to come in the most humble way possible goes flatly against what would be (and was) expected. If the writers wanted to just win converts, they could have come up with a more appealing story.

    Prove it. Prove that people can't survive without reason, without assuming that reason exists. You can't do it because your foundation rests on itself. It follows then that faith is what everyone lives by, faith in reason if not in a god. Incidentally, Christianity's foundation is equally situated, because you must first assume its view of knowledge to prove it true.

    God does, in the Bible. Again, you seem to think that people get to choose to be Christians by assuming a label. They don't. The Bible must be trusted before anything else, and if someone contradicts the Bible that person is wrong, label or not. Those you speak of go against God's law, and unless they repent they will be punished as the sinners they are.
    10/06/2023 12:18 am
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Actually, this isn't difficult to reconcile if you remember that God is transcendent, outside of time and space, meaning that what God in fact does is observe everyone's decisions over all time simultaneously; to watch a man do something is not to make him do it, but God still knows exactly who will enter heaven for this reason.

    Correct. It's common on any side to overlook the fact that from other perspectives, they're merely speculating.
    10/05/2023 9:48 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    I don't contest that. In fact, that's the point. The Bible is designed so that only those whom God has selected will be willing to enter heaven. All others will reject God, and will receive the punishment they deserve. For Christians, God is the ultimate standard for proof, allowing them to explain everything else.

    But to your claim that the Bible is merely a book, written by humans, I remind you that the Bible was written over thousands of years, by many authors and in different languages, yet never contradicts itself (or even observed science) once. In addition, if the Bible was simply made up, the writers could have done a far better job of making it believable. These circumstances don't necessarily add to the Bible's truth value, but it must be admitted that they're quite unusual.

    How do you know that you use reason? You can't prove that you do without assuming it. Ultimately you must of necessity use as much faith as any other religion in order even to claim otherwise. When God is the standard, you have His word to go on, and that tells you everything you need to know about life. I believe in Christianity not because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
    10/05/2023 7:06 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Does that mean that you want me to pick one?
    10/05/2023 4:55 pm
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    What occupation?
    10/05/2023 4:24 pm
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    It is true that sometimes humans can make incorrect observations, and it is true that interpretations of scientific evidence can make a great difference. However, these interpretations are not science, because as a description of reality two contradictory points cannot both be true in science. I do agree, however, that what is referred to as science should acknowledge biases and how they could affect interpretations. Also of note is that the Bible can be, if nothing else, a useful tool to aid scientific interpretation, as no scientific observations to date have contradicted it and many have actually supported it.

    Paul emphasizes, however, that since one man brought sin on the world, one man must atone for it. Even so, because death is clearly identified as solely a consequence of sin, the problem remains.

    Also, as a side note, as an effect of God removing the curse, all those who have refused to accept His offer of forgiveness must receive their deserved punishment, by their own choice, since no evil can remain in the new perfect world. So you still must believe in the existence of hell, though you choose not to emphasize it, which is acceptable.
    10/05/2023 3:50 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Science consists solely of physical observation of the present. As such it precludes any kind of interpretation, meaning that it is impossible for any religion or unreligion to affect it.

    I can prove that God 100% exists: He says so. This statement is no different from your own belief that reason exists because it is reasonable to think so. But one day God will prove that He exists, scientifically — and then it will be too late.

    Also, I apologize for the sarcasm, but last I checked the universe hasn't totally melted into oblivion.

    For the rest, I would concur for the most part with dominusanimum's comment.
    10/05/2023 3:37 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    To the contrary, Adam's sin is the entire basis of Christ's sacrifice. If sin did not enter the world through one man, sin cannot be atoned for by one man. Also, if I remember correctly Christ Himself referenced Adam's sin. Even if He did not, Paul does, and treats it just as literally as Christ's death (c.f. Romans 5:12 and following).

    Whatever the broad application of the term in the past, science at its core is purely reliant on observation and logic. As such it has existed for as long as humans have, since humans have always made observations about their world. Interpretations, accurate or not, do not fall under the scope of science. Thus, opinions about 'science' are instead opinions about scientists and their interpretations of the evidence.
    10/05/2023 2:37 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Science as classically defined is purely objective. We can all agree, for example, that you can't walk through a brick wall. What should be done is to identify exactly what science is and is not. Science consists solely of objective evidence. The interpretation of that evidence is up to the observer, and does not fall under the scope of science. In brief, science is nothing more than a tool to explain the world. Also, different testing methods cannot be given equal standing if they give equal results. Only one result can reflect reality, and thus if two testing methods differ drastically, at least one must be wrong.

    Another critique: The Bible states clearly that death only existed after Adam sinned. Naturally, this eliminates the main engine of evolution. Admitting death before sin removes a cornerstone of Christian doctrine, and the rest can only collapse from there.

    Aside from this, I do acknowledge that the issues you mention are real. Many Christians, and others, could do a much better job of explaining what they believe.
    10/05/2023 1:51 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Sharks are non-sentient.
    10/05/2023 1:37 pm
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    10/05/2023 1:34 pm
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    10/05/2023 1:32 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Ranger
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    Due to the premise of the roleplay (and the fact that I'm already the Iteration), your role might pose some difficulty. We can perhaps say that you were an experiment by one of the architects, intended to resemble a normal human?

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