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Level 12 Journeyman Architect

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    09/05/2014 9:51 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
    0924385223454's Avatar
    The DMCA take down was issued by bukkits former coder, not the owners. Mojang bought Bukkit many years ago and currently Dinnerbone and some others are working on building the 1.8 build. All past builds are still available for download on other sites, i dont know about spigot though.
    09/04/2014 8:30 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
    0924385223454's Avatar
    There are multiple theories from many different sides. Religions will usually tell you a god or higher figure created it for one reason or another. (Some religions such as greek mythology say the universe is a god itself). But science also has a few theories. Most people are familiar with the Big Bang Theory (not the show =P ) and how gas clouds or hot-pockets or gas collided causing an explosion of matter which sent debris flying and creating the universe we know (Read comment above for more detail) while another states that it was made from the "God Particle". A singular particle which was so compacted inside itself it is still growing as it unfolds. While it unfolds the inner particles of it the matter coming from it shapes the universes we know and have yet to know. Though due to the theory matter cannot be created or destoryed (they actually did a test with "real" antimatter and it supposedly destoryed some matter, so we'll see how long this theory lasts), the God particle must have been layers upon layers of compacting matter. Though this is very interesting, personally im interested with whats after space. The current belief (to those who believe in it) is that the universe and space is always expanding. So what would happen if we got to the end, what would we find? And to all those who believe in a God or a specific religion, and not in theorized science. I ask that you dont attempt to fight all this with "God created it" or any thing else similar. I respect you for what you believe but unless you are able to supply me with legitimate proof im going to have to ignore it.
    08/23/2014 1:05 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
    0924385223454's Avatar
    To all those commenting about it replaceing Steve, it wont be replaceing it. Just an option to use, a new feature as the original post stated. And in my opinion i dont think much will change due to it. Considering the majority of players use custom, playermade skins. Other than that its a great idea to appeal to other players, though to some it may seem a little TO feminine, in my opinion at least...

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