23Hudson_'s Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    05/12/2017 4:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    23Hudson_'s Avatar
    Denied. There is a lack of detail within the application.
    04/08/2017 10:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    23Hudson_'s Avatar

    1-What Is Your IGN?: Hudsondrite

    2-What Is Your Current Age?: 15

    3-Why Would You Want To Join This Staff Team? [7 Sentences Minimum]: I feel like since we met on the smp, we had a good relationship with each other and I feel we could continue that relationship. I feel like I could contribute a decent amount of things to the server. I feel like since I have so many positive attributes that could be added to the team, the server could improve. I want to do anything and everything I can to get the server at a high point and get it where it should be. Recently I have felt a sense of being bored and it has been a big issue to me. Eternity Network could fix that issue, and be a lot of fun and enjoyment not only for me but for others. I hope that not only do I get my experience and joy as a staff member, but I also get to make others happy and excited to come online everyday.

    4-What Can You Contribute To The Server?: My activity can be a good contribution, as I can be on almost everyday of the week. I also have many experiences as a staff member for many popular servers, so I have the preporations and experiences to be onto the team and be a good contribution. I also will monitor players as much as possible, making sure there are no server conflicts, player conflicts, etc, and use any powers and abilities I have to keep the server a better place.

    5-Would You Be Able To Manage Lower Staff Members, How?: Yes I would, and I can make sure that all staff are doing their jobs, making sure they are active, teaching them along the way, and observing who else should fill in lower positions.

    6-Have You Ever Been Staff On Another Server, If So Why Are You Not Now?: Yes I have been staff on servers, here is a small list of the biggest servers I have been on: (If you need more let me know)

    7-Are You Currently Staff On Another Server?: No I currently am not. I have not applied for any other servers currently.
    8-What Is Your Skype Or Discord ID?: Hudson12_23 for skype, Hudson #8159 for discord
    9-Do You Have A Decent Mic?: Yes I do


    4-What Past Experience Do You Have With Plugins?: I have worked on many servers and have owned servers myself where I have received console and have worked on plugins.
    5-Can You Configure Most Plugins?: Yes I can, I can configure A LOT of plugins.
    6-Would You Be Able To Make Custom Plugins?[Not Required]: Not currently but I am going to learn how to soon.

    Thanks for letting me apply!

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