4natlow's Avatar
Level 4
Apprentice Crafter

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    12/07/2012 6:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    I would like to join
    IGN: bloodangeloz
    12/07/2012 2:20 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    okay then got hamachi
    12/07/2012 2:19 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    i Can help again
    11/28/2012 6:01 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Well am I in the group if i get hamachi?
    11/26/2012 6:39 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    SIngapore!!! There are so many cultures there.
    11/25/2012 8:06 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Hey i would love to help out in the PVP map!
    11/25/2012 8:02 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Age: (needs to be 13+): 14
    Mature scale: 1-10 : 9 its okay to have some fun
    What are you best at in minecraft: (building, fighting, mineing ect.) mining
    Hamachi: yes/no: no
    Do you like survival: yes!
    11/25/2012 7:55 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Skype: natlow9
    Minecraft name: Bloodangeloz
    Maturity: 9.5/10 Funny and smiley
    Tell me about yourself: Just love to play minecraft and to have fun with other people.
    What is your minecraft speciality? (Building, Redstone, etc.): Mining and building
    Can you host a server to play on?: no
    Are you smart with mods?: depends
    Can you record?: no
    How old are you?: 14
    Email: 4natlow@gmail.com
    11/09/2012 5:55 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: bloodangeloz


    Are you applying for a staff position if so what position (Remember show prof and if you are not applying for a staff position just do not fill it in):

    What does OOC stand for:out of character

    What is the meaning of role-playing (no wiki): playing a role of a speicfic character and staying in character until told not too.

    How did you hear about us: planetminecraft cause i love lotr.

    Do you have Mumble or Teamspeak: no

    A little bit about you: Im a funny guy who loves lotr, i love community, and dont ruin it for others.

    Why do you think we should accept your application: Cause i will play by the rules and i love lotr.

    Have you read the lore(aka have you read the lord of the rings books): yes

    What can you bring to this server: A sweet elf (just as cool as legolas)

    Do you accept and understand the rules: yes

    And last but the most important do you know what "The Lord of the Rings" is: YEs i do


    Character's name: Findecáno Mithrandír

    Race: elf

    Age(Character Age): 20

    Your character's ambitions: to explore the land with people that i am close to.

    Biography (A little about your character the longer the better): Findecáno Mithrandír is a elvish wanderer who has taken up his father's hunting skill and his mother's sense of direction. He has a kind heart which sometimes gets him into trouble, but he always manages to pull through.

    Your character is walk along the road when off in the distance he sees a dwarf being attack by two goblins what does you character do?: he takes out his bow and arrow from his bac and with two swift shots he kills the two goblins. he then goes up to the dwarf and asks if he is ok.

    Your character is traveling through some hill when he sees some smoke rising from behind the hill to his left you go to investigate you see a hobbit hole burning what does you character do?:He calls out to the hobbit hole to make sure if there is anybody inside. He also uses his elvish eyes to see.

    Your character is admiring Sira_Taure when you King Hyanda walk by you what does your character do?: Bow to him in the highest respect.

    Photo of your skin: i will be using either the legolas or some form of elvish skin. if unsuitable i will gladly change.
    11/09/2012 5:18 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Why should i let you join the series? I love minercraft and im not a spoilsport for other people.
    How old are you? 14
    If You Are Able To Record, What's Your FPS When Recording?I cannot record sry
    If i could it would be reallly laggy.
    Whats your personality like?Funny and always the joker of the group but i can be serious when needed.
    IGN - bloodangeloz
    RLN - Nathaniel low (nat)
    Country - singapore
    11/09/2012 5:17 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    Name: Nathaniel low
    Skype: natlow9
    Minecraft username: Bloodangeloz
    Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/4natlow?feature=guide
    age: 14
    Location: singapore
    Open to collab videos: Yes cant make them but i would love to join in on them
    Bonus info: Im not that kind of guy who ruins the game for other people.
    11/09/2012 5:03 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    4natlow's Avatar
    AGE: 14
    Main design(X) (so so )

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