7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
Level 17 Journeyman Skinner

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    05/11/2012 11:07 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Name: Flame
    Age: 26
    Species: void-being
    Personality: rather arrogant and headstrong thinks that anything can be solved by the right amount of force...er, I mean persuasion >:3
    Appearance: fair skinned with blond hair,blue eyes, and a narrowed chin
    Battle gear: wears steel plate armor with a spartan in spartan inspired helm
    Weapons: steel "enchanted" sword and a bow made of bone
    Any magic abilities?: i don't know if this counts but, things tend to go aflame when he's angry
    Backstory/Bio: Flame's parents weren't rich ,nor were they poor but they got along just fine, Flame was to become a black smith's apprentice when the demons first came. he worked hard with the tailors to get out weapons and armor for their guards and army. Eventually rumors of his great smithing skill spread and beside armor they requested enchantments something he had never tried. His first experiment went well with an unknown side effect. this side affect was his love of fire. However it wouldn't be long after this that he was evacuated closer to the core to "protect" him. This is when he joined the army. he continued making armor and doing small enchantments but be fore long he tasted battle.his sergeant fell and he brought it upon himself to continue leading he grabbed the officer's helmet and took the plume from it welding it quickly to his own he grabbed his sword and fought. he continued fighting until he and his men won the battle. he returned to his city..
    That is where his story begins in this RP at least in my eyes and I wont OP everyone with his fire abilities.
    02/27/2012 4:50 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Character Name: Lukas Anderson
    Character Age: 14
    Personality: secretive and untrusting.
    Backstory: Lukas has always been untrusting and has never held together a social life. His parents think that this "special" school will help and so his story begins...
    02/27/2012 4:38 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Nothing is true, everything is permitted
    You see the target exactly 10 meters away in a crowd of 10 citizens, what do you do?:
    I blend in by acting as a monk or hooded priest to disguise myself as i walk up to him
    and cut his arm with my poisoned dagger, give it a good 5 minutes and he falls over dead
    What is the average time it takes for you to decide a strategy: depends if target in a group of civilians no time he dies by poison. If he is alone sneak up to him and stab him in the back.
    Why do you want to join our ranks?:some people deserve to die others get payed to kill
    I'm both and neither at the same time.
    02/26/2012 3:37 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    As Lukan walked with Jax he picked up a branch and set it's tip on fire." I believe that your 'ability' is supreme speed while mine is causing things to burn, if you keep training you'll be able to hunt even the fastest mustang." Lukan explained this until they reached the clan village "Now go to your watcher I have to go trade some skins for herbs" He nodded his head towards another female and walked out to go trade his deer skins for medicine.
    02/26/2012 12:52 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    ((sorry Lovelove hasn't responded so Lukan is just walking alone to the fire clan base))
    02/26/2012 12:44 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Lukan turned to face the other wolf "yes?"
    02/26/2012 12:23 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    "Come the clan still needs warriors in it and i think ,although you're female, you'd be an excellent warrior" and he begin's his walk back to the clan's camp.
    02/26/2012 12:08 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    'that was... exceptionally fast" he said and then "Go on have some fresh meat it would be dishonorable to not share with a pup"
    02/26/2012 12:05 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    "good" he then dragged the fruit along the ground and dropped off so that he could get a new kill.he found a deer beneath a cliff he killed silently and dragged it to the fruit. he proceeded to to yell "Find the scent child!"
    02/26/2012 12:01 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    "we start with smell and tracking" while pulling off a barley scented fruit from a bush."I'll drag this on the ground and you follow the scent until you reach my kill understood?"
    02/25/2012 11:58 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    lukan considered his options and finally said "then come, let's see if you can hunt as proudly as a wolf should" and trotted into the woods
    02/25/2012 11:53 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Lukan laughs "one day young one one day"
    02/25/2012 11:45 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    lukan looked over his clan. He turned and saw Jax chasing a squirrel. Kids he thought as he walked over to Jax and petted her gently with his paw.
    02/25/2012 11:26 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Name: Lukan
    Nickname: Burny
    Age: 26 "dog" years
    Species: clearly wolf
    Clan:fire clan
    Role In Clan: warrior
    Unique Abilities: can set things on fire
    Appearance:a wolf with red stripes going down his back
    02/21/2012 10:00 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Character Name: Alpha-01
    Character Age:300 years
    Gender: thinks of self as male
    Race: steam-bot
    Backstory: he was suppose to be the first of his line "alpha" was a prototype and he was the first and the last of the alphas.why you might ask? Because his creator went insane before he could build more.now alpha awakes in The Gear Graveyard knowing none of the past and knowing his systems are outdated he now seeks a purpose.
    02/18/2012 3:12 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Character Name: Lukas anderson
    Character Age: 14
    Personality: secretive and untrusting.Tends to love working with machines
    Backstory: Sent to summer camp to develop some sort of social life he already knows things are not what they seem...
    01/26/2012 8:51 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Name of Character: Jason Anderson
    Character Age:16
    Occupation:Lone Wanderer
    Backstory:He was in his home when the apocalypse started. Now his family being superstitious figured something like this would happen so they had 3 gas masks and a rifle. When they began to move outside his folks were attacked.his family was killed he managed to grab the rifle and kill the zombies although he ran out of ammo quickly, he kept the rifle for later uses. He got away from the zombies and headed inward state-wise.
    Appearance: a light skinned american with a gas-mask
    Have you read The Zombie Survival Guide / World War Z:yes
    01/09/2012 9:56 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Issac went from his defensive posture to offensive and attacked Vanagard. delivering a few blows to his abdomen then Issac followed by stabbing him between his back plates
    01/09/2012 8:56 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    Issac shook awake immediately. He was awoken by the giants yell. Upon listening closer he knew this was no lie.he put on his strengthened armor and picked up his upgraded weapon he walked back to the town in which the giant stood demanding someone to show themselves.as he entered the town Issac yelled "By the Knight of the spirit you shall not harm the innocent" he raised his sword into a defensive posture ready to parry the hell of strikes to come.
    01/09/2012 8:20 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
    7Flameking7Alpha7's Avatar
    As Issac suddenly lost sight of the green being he had just pointed his sword at, he turned and walked away only to hear a scream and then a powerful thud. Not knowing what was inside he climbed a tree to watch as a golem in armor charged out of a cave nearby. Being curious he investigated to find the mangled remains of a thief 'Oh no! Could the rumors possibly be true?' slowly he followed the golem's trail. when he reached a town he heard mad shouting "Where art Thou coward. Show thyself!"
    Knowing his armor was in no condition for battle he continued until he found another cave. Upon entering he set out performing the rituals to "heal" the spirit inside his armor. 'Soon I will be able to battle but that giant... could it be the one that is said to be a thieve's worst nightmare. I must ponder this further' Issac finished his healing rituals and slowly fell asleep.

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