_DaDictator_'s Avatar
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New Miner

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    03/01/2014 5:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Accepted, Welcome aboard! Please add ThaLegendaryNoob on skype to get whitelisted!
    xxMadMan3214xxIn Game Name: xxMadMan3214xx

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on): available upon acceptance

    Age: 15

    Location and timezone (time purposes): Mountain Standard Time (Alberta, Canada)

    Will you be creating youtube videos? (If so, please include your channel link): I hope to return to a more active state on YouTube by focusing majority of my attention on a Private SMP Server such as the one you are operating.
    I also stream sometimes on http://www.twitch.tv/madman3214/

    Why do you want to join the server?: I have been a part of these types of servers before and there have been financial, convenience and internal issues that have caused all of them to shut down. My YouTube audience highly enjoyed these videos and defiantly loved making these types of videos and loved the environment I got to be apart of on these servers. Since the shutdown of the last server I was apart of I have been a little less active on YouTube and I would love to change that with a new series on your server, Evermine.

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.): I bring my own flare to building and I love to take on large, more creative, projects. I also posses a basic knowledge of redstone.

    A little more about you (optional): I have a passion for making YouTube videos and a passion for Minecraft. I hope you will consider my application for Evermine and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for your time.
    03/01/2014 5:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Declined, sorry.
    ChaoticoMCIn Game Name: ChaoticoMC

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on): ChaoticoMC aka Soulurvivor

    Age: 18

    Location and timezone (time purposes): NY, EST

    Will you be creating youtube videos? (If so, please include your channel link): I will most likely stream on twitch at: http://www.twitch.tv/ChaoticoPlays

    Why do you want to join the server?: Im looking for a server to join that is sorta like Mindcrack/hermitcraft. I would like to join a server that has nice people on it that are sociable and are cool to hang out with. I have been a member of other servers and there was always something that made them close or made people lose interest, prolly the griefers and/or people going crazy.

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.): i enjoy building things that are useful for example a storage room and a nice house above the storage room. I also like to build buildings that enhance the appeal of the base.

    A little more about you (optional): I know how to make a auto chicken farm, I know how to make an iron farm. Im active daily (I do pretty much nothing cept school work during the day).
    03/01/2014 5:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    ChaoticoMCIn Game Name: ChaoticoMC
    Skype name: (You may leave this blank and share it later on): ChaoticoMC aka Soulurvivor
    Age: 18
    Location and timezone (time purposes): NY EST
    Will you be creating youtube videos?: (If so, please include your channel link): no, sorry
    Why do you want to join the server?: I would like to join the server because I feel like I would be a good, friendly addition to the community. I can make auto farms aswell as grinders.
    How active are you? (Schedule): Daily (several hrs a day)
    A little more about you (optional):
    02/28/2014 8:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Accepted! Welcome to Evermine, Please add ThaLegendaryNoob on skype to get whitelisted!
    xxMadMan3214xxIn Game Name: xxMadMan3214xx

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on): available upon acceptance

    Age: 15

    Location and timezone (time purposes): Mountain Standard Time (Alberta, Canada)

    Will you be creating youtube videos? (If so, please include your channel link): I hope to return to a more active state on YouTube by focusing majority of my attention on a Private SMP Server such as the one you are operating.
    I also stream sometimes on http://www.twitch.tv/madman3214/

    Why do you want to join the server?: I have been a part of these types of servers before and there have been financial, convenience and internal issues that have caused all of them to shut down. My YouTube audience highly enjoyed these videos and defiantly loved making these types of videos and loved the environment I got to be apart of on these servers. Since the shutdown of the last server I was apart of I have been a little less active on YouTube and I would love to change that with a new series on your server, Evermine.

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.): I bring my own flare to building and I love to take on large, more creative, projects. I also posses a basic knowledge of redstone.

    A little more about you (optional): I have a passion for making YouTube videos and a passion for Minecraft. I hope you will consider my application for Evermine and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for your time.
    02/28/2014 7:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Please write a little more, this is not enough information...
    xRedboxy1xIn Game Name:

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on):Redboxy1


    Location and timezone (time purposes):Pacific standard time

    Will you be creating youtube videos? (If so, please include your channel link):Some times when i got time like every sunday or each 2 weeks

    Why do you want to join the server?:Because love building and teaming and playng with mature players who dont grief

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.):Redstone/Homes

    A little more about you (optional):
    02/28/2014 6:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Accepted! Welcome to Evermine, Please add ThaLegendaryNoob on skype to get whitelisted!
    PheonixFlamesIGN: PheonixFlames

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on): hayden.johnson

    Age: 15

    Location and timezone (time purposes): EST

    Will you be creating YouTube videos? (If so, please include your channel link): Yes, http://www.youtube.com/theflamincabbage

    Why do you want to join the server?: I want to play and record on a SMP server that has a friendly environment and wont shut down 3 days later.

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.): I consider myself a very creative and professional builder, i can send you pictures over Skype.

    A little more about you (optional): I am a mature and friendly player and i hope you accept me
    02/28/2014 6:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Accepted! Welcome to Evermine, Please add ThaLegendaryNoob on skype to get whitelisted!
    WINDSOR_BRNIn Game Name: TheRedWeb

    Skype name: (You may leave this blank and share it later on) shotgun1777

    Age: I am only thirteen, and I know you said not to apply if you are under fifteen but I would appreciate if you could atleast check out my application. I don't expect to be accepted but it would make my day.

    Location and timezone (time purposes): Manitoba, Canada. Central canada/us

    Will you be creating youtube videos?: (If so, please include your channel link) I most likely will be making videos quite frequently. Here's my channel:www.youtube.com/channel/UCRQawCw69P4nYAL6As66IsA

    Why do you want to join the server? I would like to join the server because I have also experienced a ton of inactivity on my server lately (Also smp) and I want to actually see some other players. I have watched Etho's mindcrack videos since he started and I really love the idea of a close community on a good old vanilla server. I would probably post videos about every second day.

    How active are you? (Schedule): I usally start playing at around 5:00pm and finish around 10:00pm on weekdays and on weekends I play from about noon to midnight (With breaks to walk my polar bear, ofcourse).

    A little more about you (optional): I have been playing MineCraft for over 3 years now. I started in 1.8 beta and have played since. I don't get bored of the game very easily therefore I would probably be on pretty often. I am pretty much just a jack of all trades, but I enjoy building to the other aspects of the game. Thanks for reading. -TheRedWeb
    02/28/2014 10:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    02/28/2014 2:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    I need a username... In order to whitelist...
    Nr1creeperIGN: [I don't have it]

    Skype name: [Will give it later]


    Location and timezone (time purposes): GMT +1 (Holland)

    Will you be creating youtube videos?: No

    Why do you want to join the server?:I want to join because the current servers i play on are not vanilla and more of pay to win and everyone leaves because of it so the community is dying slowly.. And i always love helping a server make a huge community.

    What are you best at building in Minecraft?: I am good in building castles ,villa's and farms and i am a little good in redstone ,but i am not good at making modern things like cars and skyscrapers etc.
    02/26/2014 10:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Accepted! Welcome to Evermine! Please add ThaLegendaryNoob on skype
    helo123422343222Ign: Augsome69

    Skype name (You may leave this blank and share it later on): facebook:shogunruaufc


    Location and timezone (time purposes):Location (Later) time zone GBT

    Will you be creating youtube videos? (If so, please include your channel link):yes mayb so Youtube.com/theaugsomegaming

    Why do you want to join the server?: i Realy want a mindcrak like server to hopefully do a series and work as a community to builg great things

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone,
    abstract, etc.): Redstone

    A little more about you (optional):nothing really

    -We will notify you if you're accepted or not.-
    02/25/2014 7:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    02/25/2014 7:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    02/25/2014 7:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    12/24/2013 10:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    In Game Name: DaDictator
    Skype: supwillsup
    Age: 15
    Time Zone: Pacific Timezone
    Server Position: Admin

    Your Qualifications for This Position: World edit Experienced (Intermediate), Very Experienced owned 2 servers myself, I know what i'm dealing with, Since i had my own server i can make ranks and recommend plug ins.

    Why You Want This Position: I want this position because i want to help others and it's really great being part of a server. I want to make friends and moderate the server.

    What makes you different from the rest? By hiring me or wanting me on your server will result a young, smart and talented individual working responsibly on your server and having fun. I will monitor your server or build for you. To the community I am highly active, and very sociable.

    Would You Help Guardian Realms PvP Grow By Advertising? I will tell all my friends on skype about it and my IRL friends.

    Do You Agree To The Rules Of Being On Staff? (Rules For Staff Found Herehttp://grpvp.us/staffrules) - Yes, definitely!

    Thank You for your time!
    12/24/2013 10:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    IGN: DaDictator
    Country: California, USA
    Times you normally play: Weekdays- 2-6 hours Weekends- 2-9 hours
    A sentence or two about yourself and what you like to do in minecraft: It all started from youtube, I've been watching EthosLabs and his mindcrack videos. I extremely liked it and that's how I got into minecraft, I wanted to play on a somewhat server like his but since I was new to minecraft I just joined some random server on PMC and it was a faction/raid server. I didn't realize at first it was a greifing/raiding server. After time went by I was sick and tired of getting raided and greifed. After playing for about an year or so. I decided to give up minecraft. Then I was back into it after watching more mindcrack from ethoslabs. :3
    12/20/2013 3:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Name: William
    Gender: male
    Age: 15
    Minecraft username: DaDictator
    Skype: supwillsup
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/mangasummoner
    Average play time a week: Weekdays- 2-5 hours, Weekends- 2-8 hours.
    Country: USA
    12/20/2013 3:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Whitelist app:
    Age: 15
    Name: William
    IGN: DaDictator
    Nick Name: Will
    12/11/2013 7:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Skype name: untruepressure
    (you can leave this blank and give it at a later time)

    Age: 49

    Location and timezone (time purposes): Africa

    Will you be creating youtube videos?: Nope
    If so, please include your youtube channel here:www.youtube.com/user/___

    Why do you want to join the server? I like chris, mathew, and william

    What are you best at building in Minecraft? Nah i'm bad at everything,
    (Ex. Homes, skyscrapers, redstone, abstract, etc.)

    A little about you (optional): I like men

    Please Accept

    My ign is ThaLegendaryNoob
    12/05/2013 6:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    IGN (In game Name): DaDictator

    Age (15+) : 16

    How often do you play minecraft (hours): around 3-5 hours on weekdays, and on weekends I play around 4-7 hours

    Skype: supwillsup

    Where are you from?: California, USA

    Why shall we pick you: I just wanted a change, I've had enough with raiding and people hacking. Wanted a server where I can be myself, Socialize w/ people, Build in peace, Prank . and I've always wanted to play a mindcrack server or somewhat like it.

    Do you record (If so whats your youtube): I might sometimes, my youtube channel is https://www.youtube.com/mangasummoner

    What are you good at (Building, redstone, etc): Average builder, Average Redstone, Minning, exploring,

    Do you follow mindcrack (if so who and why): I've been watching EthosLabs and his mindcrack videos. I extremely liked it and that's how I got into minecraft, I wanted to play on a somewhat server like his but since I was new to minecraft.

    Would you be willing to donate?: Probably, if I enjoy this server a lot and that I want to keep it running.

    P.S If I'm accepted, I'll try to dedicate as much time on your server as possible and donate. Thanks for your time and reading this , Hope I get whitelisted!
    12/04/2013 6:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _DaDictator_'s Avatar
    Skype name: supwillsup

    Age: 16

    Location and timezone: California, USA - Pacific Standard Timezone

    Will you be creating youtube videos?: If it's a prank
    If so, please include your youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/mangasummoner

    What are you best at in Minecraft? Average builder, Average Redstone, Minning, exploring,

    Why do you want to join the server? I just wanted a change, I've had enough with raiding and people hacking. Wanted a server where I can be myself, Socialize w/ people, Build in peace, Prank . and I've always wanted to play a mindcrack server or somewhat like it.

    A little about you: It all started from youtube, I've been watching EthosLabs and his mindcrack videos. I extremely liked it and that's how I got into minecraft, I wanted to play on a somewhat server like his but since I was new to minecraft I just joined some random server on PMC and it was a faction/raid server. I didn't realize at first it was a greifing/raiding server. After time went by I was sick and tired of getting raided and greifed. After playing for about an year or so. I decided to give up minecraft. Then I was back into it after watching more mindcrack from ethoslabs. :3

    Anything else you'd like to add: If I'm accepted, I'll try to dedicate as much time on your server as possible and donate. Thanks for your time and reading this , Hope I get whitelisted! My IGN is DaDictator

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