_Frag_'s Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

Forum Posts

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    09/01/2016 4:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    Whats the new ip for the server ?
    09/01/2016 1:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    App for admin
    Ign: _Frag_

    why do you want to join: To Help make your server become a Good commuity by banning hackers/Advertisers.
    why should I make you admin: You should make me admin as i can do alot of stuff with pex and im good at making sure people Dont break the rules,i also Like to help alot.

    Anything Else: I have skype but i will give if accepted,Also have TeamSpeak.
    08/31/2016 2:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Frag_
    Skype:I will give to you if accepted
    How much experience do you have as a staff member. Name the servers.

    HellStorm=Head-mod ,Yeddiepvp=Mod,Sheencraft=Mod.


    How long can you be on a day:5 Hours per day 7 Hour Every weekend
    Anything else we should know about you? I Also have TeamSpeak. Im also good with /pex.

    Thank you
    08/29/2016 11:27 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Frag_


    Skype: (A MUST to be staff on YeddiePvP)I do have skype I will give to you if accepted

    What are you applying for?Admin/Moderator

    What can you do for the server?I can help make this server by making the community good for normal players and all hackers i find get banned.

    Are you good with commands or plugins? I am good with Commands but im not very good at plugins. I can learn how to use plugins if needed but i recommend you get a dev.

    Do you agree working for free? Yes when im bored i can just Catch some hackers and record then ban.

    Why should we pick you over other applicants? Because i will help you make your server become bigger aslong as other help.

    Anything else to add? I have also got TeamSpeak

    Thank you
    08/29/2016 6:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Frag_
    Skype: I will Give to you if accepted

    Why you should be chosen:Because I would like to join your server and make it good for players and make sure hackers get banned to give Normal players a good experience.I also would make sure there is no Advertisers in chat and spammers if so i will warn then and then if no response temp mute for 30 mins.

    Why do you want to be staff on LaCraftMc?:I want to be staff because i want to help your server to become bigger my part in that will be Banning all hackers and to make the community good.

    Past Experiences:I had past experience as Head-Mod and moderator but i left now.
    Anything youd like to add? I have TeamSpeak as well.

    Thank you
    08/28/2016 5:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    IGN: _Frag_

    Do you have Skype:Yes I will give to you if accepted



    How long can you be on weekly: Weekdays:5 Hours Weekends:7-9 Hours

    Do you have any other experience being staff on other servers and describe(List
    Thats about it But i Made the community Good there Along with other moderators.

    Why do you want to be Moderator: I want to be moderator Because i like going to other server's and making the community good and helping People.I want to see this server get big and having players coming from everywhere it would be nice.

    What are your skills with server moderation, be descriptive(kindness, commands, etc):i know all the basic commands that every moderator should know Like /ban /mute /warn And more.
    If someone is hacking = Permanently Banned
    Someone is Releasing Personal information =1.Temp mute
    Advertising=1.Warn 2.Temp Mute 3.Kick 4. Permanently Banned
    Someone Spamming=1.Warn 2. Temp mute 3. Kick
    Staff Abusing = Tell Higher Staff ,If no Staff on then i will record and send to a Higher Member of staff (Co-Owner,Owner)

    Anything Else We Should Know: I Have TeamSpeak As well. I will make a Forums Account.

    Thank you.
    08/25/2016 3:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar


    IGN: _Frag_

    Do you have experience?:Yes i have had Experience i was head-mod on a server and then i Left.

    How often can you be online?:i can be on about 6 hours a day somtime more.

    Why should we pick you for this position?: You should pick me because I am Very good at What i do and i can make the community better for everyone and to stop

    Why do you want to be a staff member?:I want to be staff because i want to help the community on your server and to make sure its fair for other players.

    Skype?: (Yes/No) I do have skype i will give it to you if I get accepted.I also have Teamspeak

    Thank you
    08/25/2016 2:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    _Frag_'s Avatar
    Mod/Admin Application
    IGN: _Frag_
    Skype:I have TeamSpeak aswell and i will give you my skype if i get accepted
    If you saw a hacker what would you do: I would Watch him and then start recording if i think he is hacking and if he is hacking i will Ban him and link the proof if he is not hacking i will Just leave him and tpo to someone else or go and help people.
    Youtube: Sorry i dont do youtube
    Why: I want to Apply because i like to Catch hackers and help people out and to make the community Nice.

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