ACE024's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    09/28/2016 1:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ACE024's Avatar
    Name: Alaina

    Age: 20

    Gender: female

    IGN: ACE024

    I don't like to rate my work, you'd have to see my work in order to figure out if it is to your tastes or not. I'd like to think I am an experienced builder and have a sense of artistic ability.

    The position I am looking for is a building and maintenance work. I also have an ability to work out issues with people.

    I have been on multiple servers, one of which is Freedom United. I can build huge castles within just a day. I also love to landscape and design.

    My proof of work:

    I work 9-5 so ill be on or available after 5.

    You can contact me in team Speak 3 or Skype.
    09/14/2016 2:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ACE024's Avatar
    Age: 20
    IGN: ACE024
    What is your favourite style of building (Modern, medieval, etc): I dabble in Modern, Medieval, futuristic, and landscaping.
    How many hours per day can you play? Or per week: I work 9 am to 4 ish. So I am available anytime after that, I am usually on at those times.
    From 1-10, how good are you at building walls with designs ect: I wouldn't like to rate anything, I believe I am a good builder but you'd have to see for yourself.
    From 1-10, How good are you with World Edit and Voxelsniper: I dont like to use most of those things, I am more of a naturalist when it comes to game play and tools. but I do know quite a bit.
    What are some of the biggest/most intricate things you have built? Ive built quite a few buildings, I can take screenshots of them and send them through Email if you are interested.

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