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    07/28/2014 7:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    I got one:


    Its a cipher, but more than a mere Caesar Shift. Solve it.
    07/28/2014 6:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    Notice the first word "Rr3fc". It starts with 2 "r"s, one capital, one lower case. That and the fact that he said "Python-Scripted Word Encoder" means its probably some algorithm, probably just adding some number to each character value. Of course, ciphers can be seen as algorithms, as they are processes applied to some data.
    07/28/2014 5:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    You... just copied the contents of a .png.... except... you screwed up. When I open a .png with these contents, its corrupted.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that its meant to be a picture of something naughty, or of a cat. (or both )
    07/28/2014 4:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    I got it: "If you figured this out, you already know I used a caesar cipher 5 times"

    Or you used a caesar cipher with the number 11. The T being alone and capitalized gave it away. It could only be "I" (capital "i". this font stinks. ). That means that the other loner, "L", which you didn't capitalize, is "A". From there, I figured it out

    Do I get a cookie?
    12/09/2013 3:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    It seems like what I'm asking for is currently impossible. Still, thanks for responding to my question even if it was slightly confusing.
    12/09/2013 3:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    NO NO NO!

    You misunderstood my question. @a[score_test=1,score_test_min=1] would return all players with the value of "test" equal to one. I am looking for a way to return the value of "test". Perhaps a better example of what I desire is this:
    /say "test" is equal to <something to return value of "test">
    So I'm not looking for a way to get which players have a value of "test" that is equal to one, I am looking for a way to return the value of "test", whether it is 1, 0,1000, or any other number, much like a variable.
    12/08/2013 10:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    Oh well, thanks anyway!
    12/08/2013 3:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    Or if you're in minecraft 1.7.2, you can use this command:

    /setblock <x> <y> <z> skull 1 destroy {SkullType:3,ExtraType:"Herobrine"}

    You can replace Herobrine with whatever name you want of course. Also, replace <x> <y> and <z> with the coordinates you want.

    Hope this helped!
    12/08/2013 3:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    @poltercreeper, I am trying to use scoreboard objective values as arguments for other commands. I am looking for a way to return the scoreboard value in a way that could be used as such.
    For example, I would make a scoreboard value:
    /scoreboard players set a@ test 1
    which would set the value of "test" for all players to 1.
    Then, I want to be able to use that value not to get certain players or to check whether a player has that value, but instead use it as a variable to be used as an argument.
    For example:
    /tp a@ <something to return the value of test> 1 1
    Which would teleport all players to a location with an x-coordinate of "test", and a y- and z-coordinate of 1.

    "test" would only have one value, as I would be setting it to all players. I could, however, change it using commands.

    Once again, thank you for trying to answer my question.
    12/08/2013 1:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    No, what I want is to teleport everyone to a location with an x-coordinate that is equal to "test", in this case 1. Still, thanks for trying to answer. I guess I'll just have to do more research.
    12/08/2013 1:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Achenar's Avatar
    Sorry if my question was confusing, but you did misunderstand what I was asking. Here is what I am trying to do. I want to set a scoreboard value to a certain number.
    For example,
    /scoreboard players set @a test 1

    Then I want to use this value in another command that is not /testfor. I already know that
    /testfor @a[test=1]
    would be used to check for the value, but I want to do something like this:
    /tp @a @a[test] 1 1
    where @a[test] would return 1. However, this does not work, and I would like to know if there is a way to do this and how.

    Also, thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

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