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Level 53
Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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    06/24/2015 3:34 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    haha same here, both.

    Name: Tommist
    Age: 17
    Skype: tommist60
    Why I want to join? Building is a fun activity and I love to do it even more with teams.
    Link to Youtube channel:
    Pictures of build: Visit my PMC profile
    Good quality video? Check youtube!
    07/02/2014 8:31 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Hmm, experienced builder? And for 3 years? Post something on PMC so I can see how good is your skills...

    - Tommist = Aircraft Builder -
    05/11/2014 8:53 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    I'd join but it seems the Java won't allow me
    05/10/2014 2:20 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Deadline is a little confused for me, Could you give the specify date, for example 1 Dec, 2014.
    12/23/2013 12:12 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Introduce to you first, I am an Aviation-er and MC Aircraft Architect. I build plane and airport (commercial), not military aircraft.

    IGN: Tommist380

    Position? I have 2 years Staff experiences. But I am not asking for staff here, a forum application would be better. My position here is Architect

    Any significant exp: Yes, Designer of Dubai airport and upcoming Tan Son Nhat Airport (both in real scale).

    Contact information: You can contact me as tommist60 (Skype) or sending message via PMC inbox
    10/13/2013 12:13 pm
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    SO looking for Architect?

    Name: Tommist | IGN: Tommist380

    Age: 15 (turning 16 this Dec)

    Building Level: 8/10

    Skype Name: tommist60

    Experience With Building: I am a Aviation Architect, I mostly make commercial aircraft. I have great experiences in plane and airport in real also in Minecraft.

    Why should you be part of the team: Be working with a team is also my proud, I like to be work together, share experiences and learn new things from them.

    Link to you're best build: ... air-france

    Do you own a server: Unfortunately no. But I have my largest project on my friend server (He is a Arab guy and I make DXB Airport )
    10/09/2013 10:35 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Age: 15

    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Beta 1.7.3

    Have you built on any popular servers before?: Yes and now

    Are you able to build large structures?: I made planes / airports (real scale) ._. Check my PMC, you'll see.

    Amount of time you're able to spend on the server daily: Well, I have other project need to be done, but if I make a airport on your, the time I spend on would be more longer
    How can I contact you? (If Skype/Live, feel free to leave your username here): Feel free to contact tommist60
    10/01/2013 8:33 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Hmm, look like you don't want a bad comments about your server? You deleted it probably, you only keep the Pros (advantages) of your server and doesn't let the people who want to put their complaints about it. Right, so you try to hide away your bad side, that will not helps to promote your server.

    And do you know how people feel, after their complaints or advises being delete? That mean you even don't care wat are they talking, straightly DELETE the post.

    Another thing that, you banned me without a reason, when I was typing back the sentence that you talk to me. So please think back, before you act and answer
    10/01/2013 8:26 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Ok Mr, your PMC server page contain a girl image in there, the slideshow meant to show about your server, this way, you are showing a girl. So people thinks that this own by a girl.

    And I remind you that please Do not take political information about Vietnam took over Aus, is very serious! Is not even a joke anyway, it make some people have bad thinking. So if you said you are a 15 yrs old mature, you better should not saying like that
    10/01/2013 8:23 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    If you talking nicely, I wouldn't think that you are talking with a 3 yrs old mind. You found your own fun because you enjoy to acting like that. This doesn't help anyone, it just only helps you and your buddies who is acting the same thing.

    And for the "girl," well, the PMC server pages contain a Girl skin, so I though is a girl. If players really enjoy your server, they must join a lot. This way, they join and "OK, bye!" That's mean there's nothing to make them interesting
    10/01/2013 8:18 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    You guys been asking about her acting. Ok, here's the answer.

    The girl is acting as a real 10 years-old girl, and I approved that she knows what she is doing. But at the first, when I joined the server, she being racist, that make other kids follow and create a huge problem.

    I advise her to change her acting, also improve her server so everyone would be have fun... BAM! BANNED - no reason!
    10/01/2013 6:37 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    AH, one more thing that, on the PMC page of the server. If you comment something bad, it will get deletes, also you got blocked. So its like the Owner don't want to show their Cons to the public.
    10/01/2013 5:37 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Unknown host? Are you lying? This is not good
    09/29/2013 4:49 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    I better try it out
    09/26/2013 9:34 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    IGN: Tommist380

    Age: 15

    Experiences: Aviation ( Aircraft, Airport,...). Buildings, developed countries style, modern style. Bus mostly is Aviation, you can check my project for it

    Why? Well, as always, when people open a new server, I'd like to help, manage and have fun. It's all talk about a well grown developed community

    -Tommist Aviation Architect
    08/23/2013 5:49 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC! Make sure to read the rules and respect the Staff.
    08/22/2013 7:21 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC! Make sure you read the rules and respect the Moderators! Have fun.
    08/21/2013 11:39 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Welcome to Planet Minecraft! This is where you can share your Minecraft creation to the Minecraft Community.
    08/21/2013 11:22 am
    Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Aeroblock's Avatar
    Hi! I really enjoy helping people create their own server. Especially building things, I'd like to help you too. By the way, I'm an Aviation Architect, so if you need to make flying stuff, I could help you make one 90% realistic.

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