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    06/15/2012 3:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    aftershock2011's Avatar
    fighting job:knight or warrior
    why should i pick u:because,i am very trustworthy im good in pvp archery is good i can basicly do anything.
    PvP 1-10:8 out of 10
    can i trust u:yes
    anything else?not really.
    06/15/2012 3:46 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    aftershock2011's Avatar
    Narolf“we” automatically don't like you. By "we" I mean the crowd that wants to play with people who are 18+.
    I've noticed here and plenty of other places that MC has gotten extremely popular with the school kids. It's not a super, extreme violent game but mild enough to be interesting. MC is a much better alternative to CoD or KF, seeing how it can also be a creative outlet. Well, anywho back to the topic..
    The reason I'm posting this is to kind of explain why there are some age restriction or some biases from certain players. No matter how mature you claim you are or really are, sometimes it's just nicer playing with players your own age. Someone you can relate to. I'm sure interest-wise, a 10 year old and a 21 year old could have stuff in common, but life-wise not so much.
    i agree with you
    tl;dr version = scroll down

    Example For me, I'd like to play with people my own age because we have things in common besides just some similar interests. For an almost 19 year old right out of high school and heading to college, it's nice to be able to know I'm not the only one going on to something new and scary like that. A 16 year old and I could get along fabulously because we both like Tumblr or Youtube or like cookies, but it wouldn't be the same connection.
    And I'm sure some of you younger players kinda get where I'm going at. It's always “cool” to play with older players and get along with them, but sometimes it's like a comfort thing to be around people roughly your age and just hangout. A 14 year old possibly almost 15 and a 16 year old probably would have more in common because one is about to start or already in the early stages of high school, while the other had been in it for a bit and know what it's like. The two could possibly chat about sports or classes or whatever. Same with an 18 year old and 20 year old. They are typically both in or starting college (if that life path was chosen), and they could chat about majors, classes, parties, or professors, maybe even jobs and money.

    I really don't hate or dislike younger players. I think you all are cute little critters. xD I just wanna pat you on the head and give you juice boxes! I'm not being condescending, I love juice boxes.
    For you grammar Nazis out there, the extensive use of conjunctions is called polysyndeton.

    Honestly, this is my take on the subject. I'm sure there is going to be someone out there who is just completely ageist or just on the other side of the spectrum of my views, ahahah. I don't speak for all!
    I know attention spans can be limited for certain people so, congratulation if you made it this far!!
    Just my old person blabbers. You can go on with life now.

    ^ Read Post Above ^
    05/20/2012 12:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    aftershock2011's Avatar
    if accepted i will pm you my email
    05/20/2012 12:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    aftershock2011's Avatar
    building rank out of 10:7
    redstone:can do doors, pistons
    experience:admin and mod on about 4 severs

    e-mail:i will pm when accepted
    paragraph about urself:I live in the usa go to middle school if u need somthing done about 80% of the stuff u asked will get done.Will tell u major events on what has happened while i was on.Sry paragraph on myself is a big thing to do even if i will do all this stuff.
    03/12/2012 10:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    aftershock2011's Avatar
    i am always waiting for something to do and im good at basiclly everything your the boss and im doing what you want:i plede not to grief,harm or damage any settlement
    of piece of land without xHowsMyShooting's permission!

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