1 - 25 of 48
- Super-Compact 4x2 Slime Block Elevator - Expandable! [Minecraft 1.8]Redstone Device Map8.5k 229 3x 1
akiralysm •5/2/14 6:58
- Flow Free in Minecraft! [14w08a+]Challenge / Adventure Map6.2k 1.2k 20x 1
akiralysm •2/25/14 12:03
- Real-Time Analogue Clock, with Rotating Hands! [14w06b]Redstone Device Map5.1k 1.2k 5x 1
akiralysm •2/10/14 3:33
- The Squits! - a TNT-Pooping Minigame! [14w03b]Challenge / Adventure Map3.3k 624 6x 1
akiralysm •1/19/14 3:18
- Creeper Footie - RoosterTeeth's Creeper Soccer in Minecraft 1.7!Challenge / Adventure Map30.7k 9.8k 15x 1
akiralysm •11/10/13 3:53
- Teleporter Pad! [1.7.2]Redstone Device Map9.2k 2.3k 20x 1
akiralysm 11/5/13 6:36 • posted 8/7/13 3:55
- Block Type - Fontpack 3! A 'weekly' fontpack installment!Pixel Art Map1.8k 65 3x 5
akiralysm •10/7/13 5:29
- Block Type - Fontpack 2! A weekly fontpack installment!Pixel Art Map2.2k 72 1x 5
akiralysm •9/17/13 8:19
- Light-up Floor! Glows under your feet! [13w37a]Redstone Device Map2.3k 206 10x 1
akiralysm •9/12/13 4:38
- Block Type, Font Pack 1! A weekly font pack installment!Pixel Art Map3.5k 242 5x 5
akiralysm •9/9/13 5:39
- Hogger! A top-down, Frogger style minigame! [1.6.2]Challenge / Adventure Map10.2k 4.5k 21x 1
akiralysm •9/4/13 5:31
- Swamp Parkour - Invisible Jumping Puzzle Concept [1.6.2]Complex Map3.6k 801 11x 1
akiralysm •8/19/13 7:25
- Trick Minecart! Derails, flies over a gap, passes through walls! [1.5.2]Minecart Map3k 420 9x 1
akiralysm •5/30/13 5:39
- Quest Giver Exclamation Marks for NPCs! [1.5.2 / 13w19a]Redstone Device Map3.4k 194 17x 1
akiralysm •5/13/13 6:51
- Mob Statues (With Piggy Teleporter!) [1.5.2 / 13w19a]Complex Map5.8k 844 7x 1
akiralysm •5/11/13 7:41
- Usable Chairs and Sitting on Air! [1.5.2 / 13w18c]Minecart Map8.8k 1.8k 20x 1
akiralysm •5/8/13 8:12
- Diagonal Blocks in Minecraft?! [1.5.1 / 13w18c]Complex Map12.7k 1.7k 54x 1
akiralysm •4/30/13 6:04
- The Spawncano - Fills a room with Monster Spawners! [1.5.1]Redstone Device Map1.6k 187 8x 1
akiralysm •4/24/13 6:17
1 - 25 of 48