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    10/14/2017 12:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    The first one. And I wouldn't mind if you would do both after skintober and if you would make at least the first skin, I would really appretiate it! I would appretiate it in both ways, so thank you for taking your time!!
    10/13/2017 4:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    If this is still open, could I please request 2 skins?
    1. skin:
    Long black/brownish hair (multiple shades of both colors combined together), and a green sweater that is kinda too big for her and some dark green boots with black laces. Blue eyes and multiplue shades of dark and bright green at the sweater and boots are desirable.
    2. skin:
    A blond hair girl with brown eyes, wearing a purple t-shirt and and blue short jeans with a pair of purple shoes.

    I hope you could make these and thank you!!!
    03/23/2017 2:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    03/22/2017 4:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    So, the first thumbnail that I really want is a girl (in minecraft) that is ready to give a hug. She is only visible from the back. Then there is a Turtwig (minecraft pixelmon mod 1.10.2) that is happy and ready to jump in my lap. Background: a meadow.
    03/21/2017 4:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    Example of what I want?
    03/20/2017 4:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I'm probably going to make a small building contest in the "Community challenges" forum. I already have everything planned, but there is still one problem... What should I use for a reward? I can't use any kind of money, that's for sure... So it needs to be something easy... I can build something, but don't know what.
    Thank you everyone!!
    03/20/2017 12:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I... Want...

    I know, there is an Ender dragon already... But I want to have alot of dragons, you can tame, ride and take care of them!! There is a lot of mods that add dragons, but they are all the same (Ender dragon texture) and I want dragons with different textures...
    If that kind of dragons will be added in the game someday, than I will probably break my computer.
    And also I want

    They are just so CUTE!! And you can tame them, give them names...
    More animals would be also AWESOME too!!
    03/19/2017 6:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    That's ok! Can you then make me one not HD please? Because that would be great Thank you!
    03/18/2017 1:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    ING: Samantha
    Link to ingame screenshot of your skin:
    Additional description of your skin: happy face with closed happy eyes.
    Extra info (pose, items): this skin holding two Pokemon: Froakie and Turtwig
    Thank you!! Also, Pokemon are smiling too.
    03/14/2017 1:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I hope you still make those, because i want to have a YouTube banner and a profile picture...
    PM me or send me a message on my Email,
    for more information.
    Thank you!
    03/14/2017 12:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I need a skin for my role playing channel... Is it still time to make it please?
    1) Skin Gender: female
    2) What you want the skin to be:
    So, I would like a Pokemon-themed skin. Her hair is black (with different shades of gray), blue eyes and no mouth. She has a red hoodie with white strings (I forgot how to call them!). She has dark blue pants (different shades of dark blue) and light blue shoes.
    3) Extras/Styles/Main Colo(u)rs you want on the skin:
    Main colors: different shades of red on the hoodie and different shades of dark blue on the pants.
    4) Do you want your IGN initials on the back of your skin, if so what is it and what colo(u)r do you want it?
    Yes, I do actually! First i wanted it to say "Samantha" but, that's too long, so you can write just "SAM" at the bottom of the hoodie (on the back) with orange.
    5) Any extra info you think I may need.
    If it's possible, can you make me a HD Pokeball on the hoodie (at the top)? Because that would be awesome!! But if that isn't possible, just a Pokeball would be ok too...
    Thank you!!!
    03/14/2017 11:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    Do you only build for servers? Because I have a request for my own role play I will be doing on my YT channel. The description is pretty long, and I apologize because of that...
    I would like to have a Pokemon themed map, whit at least 3 small towns. The town must be like it would look in real life and not in the game of Pokemon... Each town should have a big center with markets and a fountain. The town I spawn in must me smaller then the others, with a hotel with 6 rooms and simple houses, a small, but not too small Pokemon arena (the town I will spawn in must have a classroom and a battling arena), a small shop for food and another one for clothes. In each town there would be like a club house, where people could talk about their Pokemon, hang out and that kind of stuff. Houses can be wooden but not just in a square, inside should be detailed, with a bathroom, a living room, some bedrooms, a kitchen and dining room. The other towns should be bigger, with more houses, shops and other. Gyms wouldn't have classrooms like the first one and it should be bigger and more detailed from inside and outside. The towns would have a path leading to each other, and they would be far apart.
    I will create custom terrain (with trees and everything) on my World Painter.
    Thank you so much if you build this!!!
    03/13/2017 12:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    Youtube Channel Name: I am soon going to create one, I promise
    Skype or email:
    What do you want your banner to look like:
    My MC skin:
    (On the right side of the banner) I am in a running position, happy. I'm holding a Pokeball in my hand. There is a lot of Pokemon around me (those are): Turtwig, Vuplix/Ninetales, Balbasaur, Dratini and Dragonair and Squirtle.
    (Left side of the banner) I am in a position to fight with my Pokemon, angry. My Turtwig is in front of me and also very angry and ready for battle!
    What do you want your Profile Picture to look like: I want to have my skin holding Turtwig, happy expression with this eyes : ^^
    I hope this is possible!!! Thank you so much and when I will have my YT channel, I will give credits to you for making the banner (I will tell you how my channel is going to be called).
    Thank you!
    03/12/2017 1:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I have a request...
    Can you make me 2 thumbnails please? With those cute eyes if possible?
    Thumbnail 1:
    Background: pink, and glitter shattered all over it (not everywhere) Glitter: pink
    Character: (Skin):
    Her face is like this: with big cute eyes (with depth). Only her head is visible. She is holding a Pokemon in her hands, It's Turtwig (Minecraft pixelmon mod 1.10.2)! The head is on the right side of the thumbnail.
    Text: One the left side of the thumbnail it's saying Turtwig! The text is pink (and 3D) and it's shining a little bit (just a little bit).
    No, I don't want the logo, thanks.
    Thumbnail 2:
    Character: same as before, but now the whole body is visible. Her hands are together, like they are holding. Her body is slightly turned to the left, and her eyes are looking to the right. She is a bit sad and uncomfortable in this situation.
    On the right side there is her dad, shoving her (with his hand) "Come here, follow me..." He is happy. There are two Pokemons playing by his legs, Vulpix and Charmeleon (Minecraft Pixelmon mod 1.10.2). He also has those eyes, with depth.
    Text: in the middle, on the top of the thumbnail is saying "My dad's lab", also 3D and pink and it's shining.
    No logo.
    I hope it's not too much work for you!! Thank you so much!
    03/12/2017 9:36 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    My joke:
    It was halloween and Death nocked on the door to send a guy to Heaven. Chuck Norris opened the door and Death asked frightened: "Trick or treat"
    03/12/2017 4:13 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I would but I don't know what do you mean by that.
    Also, there is another post coming with more details... It just needs to be checked by the Planet minecraft staff or something like that.. Sorry!
    03/11/2017 6:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    03/11/2017 5:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    Hello! I have a request..
    Can you make two pictures for thumbnails please?
    Thumbnail 1:
    Skin: (I hope the link works!!!)
    Only her head is turned to the left (if you look from behind), but her face is still visible. Her face is just like this smiley: and her eyes are cute*
    She is holding a Pokemon, Turtwig (Minecraft pixelmon mod 1.10.2)
    Only her head is visible!
    I hope there's no problem, that it includes a Pokemon...
    The background: Pink, but from the middle it goes from bright to dark on the edges. And the Pokemon she is holding in her hands...? It shines (you know those lines that come from an item or a creature?) I want those... Please?
    Thumbnail 2:
    Same skin as before is standing on the left side (if you are looking from the front). She has those cute little eyes and she is looking a bit uncertain about the situation. She has her arms together (not crossed). She is turned a bit to the left (from in front)
    in she is looking to the right side.
    The background: There is an image of a lab (built in MC), that is not visible like it would actually look in MC, but the whole background is colored with light pink, same the lab.

    Skin 2:
    It's her dad and he is showing her to come closer to check something. He is doing something with his hand and showing her "Come here, follow me". His right leg is a little more forward then the left one.

    There is two Pokemons next to his legs, Vuplix and Charmeleon (Pixelmon mod 1.10.2) and they are playing with each other.
    Quality: high quality

    Hope there are no problems! And if you can't make Pokemons, that's ok... I guess? And one more question... Can I keep making requests for these thumbnails, because I'm soon making my own YT channel?
    03/11/2017 4:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Albinopanda124's Avatar
    I have a request!
    Can you make me a girl skin?
    Hair color: black and different shades of grey
    Shirt: white
    Jacket: there's a jacket that goes on the white shirt. It's open so you can actually see the shirt. It also has a hoodie that goes on the head (not all of the head).Color: different shades of red with those white strings going around her neck (i forgot how to call them). At the back of the jacket there is a Pokeball.
    Pants: different shades of blue
    Shoes: Light blue
    Thank you!

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