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Level 1 New Network

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    03/30/2016 2:53 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Age? 14

    Name? Madi

    Ign? Allisynn

    Do you have any experience as a worker on another server? Yes, currently Sr. Mod on a roleplay server, and helper on a faction server. I was mod for monman for 2 years

    Have you ever been banned from a server? Yes, but because they were just banning randomly.

    Why do you want to be apart of this server? I want to be staff on this server, because I love to help players, and other staff

    If you see a player using profanity in chat what is your first reaction? If it allowed, then I don't mind, if it is not allowed, I will warn them

    Skype? Maymay.72

    Timezone? PST

    Anything else you want us to know? I joined minecraft around 2011-2012. I like building, and spend a lot of time on creative servers creating stuff.
    03/28/2016 11:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Real Name: Madi
    IGN: Allisynn
    Age: 14
    Position wanted: Admin
    Availability: Pretty much everyday, unless something comes up.
    Best Minecraft Strength: I would say building, I do a lot of creative and make houses mostly, I can kind of do pixel art, but not that well.

    My skype is Maymay.72 if you need more info.
    03/24/2016 10:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Postion: Staff
    Name: Allisynn (Madi IRL)
    Skype: Maymay.72
    Amount of time spent in minecraft: I've played since around 2012
    age (optional): 14
    Amount of hours per week you can help: Not sure on hours, but I can be on most everyday, unless something comes up.
    03/24/2016 10:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    IGN: Allisynn

    Skype(Must have): Maymay.72

    age: 14

    how good are you on a scale on one to ten: 8

    can you dedicate yourself into building parts of the server: Yes, I can be on mostly everyday

    past experience: This would be my first server as a builder, but I love to build on MC. I create a lot of creative worlds, and create random projects. I did build a few things for old servers, with my old friend.
    03/24/2016 4:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Mine says no connection..
    03/24/2016 12:07 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    03/23/2016 11:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    gender: Female
    hair: Wavy, long, above legs red hair
    eyes: 2x2 eye, with lashes 2 above and 1 on side. both medium green
    skin: Pale-Light tan
    shirt: Hoodie type shirt, no hood. all light brown
    pants: to the waist, end 4 blocks above feet. light blue
    shoes: 1 block high all black basic shoe
    MC USER: Allisynn
    Need this skin by: Whenever
    Extra: Headphones if possible? White and light brown.
    03/23/2016 11:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    I think you should pick me as a staff member because I am reliable, and will do whatever I am needed to do. I can help build if needed. I will help make sure players follow all the rules, but not in a tedious way. I will make sure to be reasonable if I believe a player broke a rule, or even myself. I am 14, but please don't let that be why you don't accept me. I am mature when I need to be, but I can have fun. If you would to know more contact me I hope to talk to you soon.
    03/23/2016 4:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    IGN: Allisynn

    Age: 14

    Experience as staff: I use to be a moderator on the server Monman for 2-3 years. My friend and I were mods for a couple other servers, but non that I remember.

    Why I'd like to be a staff member: I love helping people, and I want a community that I can be a apart of, and help grow. I believe that I can help players when they need it, and help out other staff when they need it.

    How often am I on: I can be on mostly everyday if needed.

    Why you should pick me:You should pick me to be a staff because I want to help make your server great. I want to make a safe place, without hackers, and people just breaking the rules. I want to help people when they need, and so players can have an amazing server to play on.

    Thank you.
    03/23/2016 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Can we apply here
    03/23/2016 3:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    IGN: Allisynn
    Age: 15
    Skype: Maymay.72
    Experience: I have played minecraft somewhere since 2012. I use to be a mod for the server Monman, I'm not sure if the server is still open though. I use to be mod with my friends for some servers here and there, and I don't remember names though.
    If you saw someone hacking, what would you do?: I'd tell them to turn them off, but keep watch on them, if they did it a second, I would kick them, with another warning, and three times I'd ask other staff if they agree they should be banned
    If you saw a staff member abusing his/her powers, what would you do?: I would tell the staff they shouldn't do that, and if they continued I'd tell the owner/someone of higher power.
    What makes you unique from the rest?: I am very helpful to players, and I want to have a community to help out. I will not abuse powers, and will use the powers I have to help make your server a better place. I love smaller servers, because it makes it feel more like a safe community. I'd love to be a staff member at a respectable server.
    Maturity 1-10: 9
    09/21/2013 12:05 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    What role are you applying for? Admin

    If you’ve played on OutdoorPVP how long has it been? 30 mins

    What timezone are you from? Pacific

    What is your in-game username? Allisynn

    What is your Skype username that we should add? Maddy-kastel

    Why should we pick you over the next guy? Because I'm awesome? Just kidding, I can do art for the website and I am trust worthy

    Do you have any past experience as server staff? Yes

    Are you currently staff on another server? Yes

    Do you have any experience with plugins? No

    If you see someone raiding a base, what do you do?

    What if someone is griefing? Depends on what the building is, if it spawn, yes obviously, if it is a players house, no

    How should you try to gather evidence for punishing someone? If there is logblock use it, pictures, watch and see if they do other suspicious stuff.

    If someone uses caps, spam, or advertises, what should you do? Ban, or tempban

    What are the first five rules? 1)Talk nice 2) Respect staff Server 3) No spawn shooting/killing 4) No spamming 5) Scamming is allowed

    Can you punish someone based on your own set of rules? No
    09/20/2013 6:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    In game name; Allisynn
    Skype; Maddy-kastel
    Location; West coast
    Real Name; Madi
    Age; 14
    Position wanted; Admin or Head Admin
    Why do you want this position; I would love to be Admin/Head Admin so I can help the server out
    Building skills; /10 8.5
    Perm skills; /10 7
    Plugin skills; /10 2
    Maturity level; /10 9.5
    How trust worthy are you; /10 10
    Have you been Staff on any other server; Yes
    How badly do you want this position; So freaking bad.
    Extra infomation about you; (Give as much information as you can here) I can do art for a website. I feel like I can really help the server out. I am very trust worthy and I will NOT abuse or grief. I would only ban people when it would be needed.
    09/20/2013 5:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    In game name; Allisynn
    Skype; Maddy-kastel
    Location; West coast
    Real Name; Madi
    Age; 14
    Position wanted; Admin or Head Admin
    Why do you want this position; I would love to be Admin/Head Admin so I can help the server out
    Building skills; /10 8.5
    Perm skills; /10 7
    Plugin skills; /10 2
    Maturity level; /10 9.5
    How trust worthy are you; /10 10
    Have you been Staff on any other server; Yes
    How badly do you want this position; So freaking bad.
    Extra infomation about you; (Give as much information as you can here) I can do art for a website. I feel like I can really help the server out. I am very trust worthy and I will NOT abuse. I would only ban people when it would be needed.
    09/20/2013 11:51 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    In game name; Allisynn
    Skype; Maddy-kastel
    Location; West coast
    Real Name; Madi
    Age; 14
    Position wanted; Admin or Head Admin
    Why do you want this position; I would love to be Admin/Head Admin so I can help the server out
    Building skills; /10 8.5
    Perm skills; /10 7
    Plugin skills; /10 2
    Maturity level; /10 9.5
    How trust worthy are you; /10 10
    Have you been Staff on any other server; Yes
    How badly do you want this position; So freaking bad.
    Extra infomation about you; (Give as much information as you can here) I can do art for a website. I feel like I can really help the server out. I am very trust worthy and I will NOT abuse or grief. I would only ban people when it would be needed.
    09/14/2013 8:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    IGN: Allisynn
    Skype: Maddy-kastel
    Plug-in knowledge: None :c
    Building Experience: A lot with my sister
    Maturity (1-10): 9.5


    ~Also, I can do art once the server gets a website!~
    09/14/2013 8:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    How old are you? 14.

    What's your time zone? West coast/Pacific.
    Do you have Skype? Yes
    Do you have a working mic? Yes.
    What's your knowledge on being staff? I have been staff a lot.
    What can you bring our team? I can make sure the players have a good time.
    Are you mature? Yes.
    Can you use proper grammar? Yes.
    Skype name? Maddy-kastel
    Which position are you applying for? Admin.
    What do you specialize in Minecraft? Building.
    How would you go about two players arguing? I would mute them.
    Why we should pick you? I can bring a good attitude to this server! And make sure it is a safe community.

    Thanks! ~ Allisynn
    09/12/2013 9:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Position: Warden
    IGN: Allisynn
    Age: 14
    Skype(required): maddy-kastel
    Experience In Prison Servers: New to prison servers(I have played just never as a higher rank then the beginning rank)
    Why Should I Choose You: I would love to try prison servers
    Descripe Your self: Caring, respectful, thoughful
    Building Pic(Only For Builders):
    Plugin Skill(0/10): 4.5
    Building Skill(0/10): 9.3
    Maturity(0/10): 9.5
    Extra Info: I am an artist so for any websites I can help with the art!
    09/12/2013 8:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Allisynn_1's Avatar
    Building Skill:8
    Will Abuse: Absolutely not
    What Will You Do To Make Lamp Craft Better:I will make sure people follow the rules and do everything I can to make the server better!

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