Altair_17052000's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Explorer

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    03/14/2015 1:31 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Seems I am not whitelisted yet. I dont want to bug around or anything just wondering if you wrote my name wrong maybe ( or havent been on at all )
    03/14/2015 10:16 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    IGN: Altair_17052000
    Why I want to join: I am sick of all those Hub, factions and so on servers. I would just love to for once just play vanilla with others
    Do you like Vanilla: Indeed I do. Especially the old versions though.
    Have you ever played on a vanilla server: nope. Just on survival servers, but they all had plugins
    Will you join our town: I guess I will, as long as there arent any griefers. But Minecraft is anyways most fun with others, so I will likely
    03/14/2015 7:59 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Yes, of course you could join. But before I`d put off the server it`d be still some time
    04/11/2014 10:54 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Worldpainter... and Cob is right you should join Boii Macedon is very inactive
    03/26/2014 1:51 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    03/18/2014 1:45 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Look if you got a message
    03/16/2014 12:01 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Ah and we are looking for builders, who will help building the custom map with it's huge landscape and towns.
    Please answer those questions to apply

    -Where are you from?
    -Do you have experience with Worldedit/Voxelsniper/Worldpainter and whats so ever?
    -Are you able to build in ancient style like roman/greek and barbarian buildings?
    -Are you able to build realistic and beautiful landscapes?
    -Do you have roleplaying experience?
    -Can you speak propper english
    -(optional) Can you speak german? (Would give a small plus point)
    03/16/2014 9:24 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Ah and we are looking for builders, who will help building the custom map with it's huge landscape and towns.
    Please answer those questions to apply

    -Where are you from?
    -Do you have experience with Worldedit/Voxelsniper/Worldpainter and whats so ever?
    -Are you able to build in ancient style like roman/greek and barbarian buildings?
    -Are you able to build realistic and beautiful landscapes?
    -Do you have roleplaying experience?
    -Can you speak proper english
    -(optional) Can you speak german? (Would give a small plus point)
    03/16/2014 9:12 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Right. I only want you to be mature. That means dont cry for every little issue and if you are staff you cant just du stupid things.
    03/15/2014 2:19 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    I guess this seems fine by now, but you should maybe inform yourself about RP and about the time the Server might take place. If noone else will apply your app should be approved.
    03/09/2014 5:51 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    This will be a server?
    03/09/2014 5:49 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
    Altair_17052000's Avatar
    Hello there I found this and I would like to join, so I will apply now

    IGN: Altair_17052000
    Why you want to help out: Because I think, that this server has potenial, and I just Love ancient history. Also I'd like to be there from the beginning.
    What you're good at: Building ancient style houses (roman, greek, celtic etc) but especially building celtic (I know decline of Rome, but there were still picts and scotii) and germanic buildings like longhouses, meadhalls, palisades and watchtowers, shrines etc.. Also I am a very good Roleplayer.
    So I hope you will take me . (And I hope that the project is still alive)


    P.S. Will there be barbarians?!

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