AperireAnimo's Avatar
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    01/14/2016 6:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    Name: Simon

    Skype: psycho.simon.319

    Email: simonellwood319@outlook.com

    IGN: AperireAnimo

    Age: 21

    Confidence(0/10): 10

    Are you here to work or have fun: I'm here to work and help make the server as fun as possible.

    Why Do You Want To Apply?: To help out the server and make sure you have as little to worry about as possible.

    Favourite server: Jectile (Mob arena style server)

    Gender: Male

    Experience: Many years of Mod/Admin/Co-owner work.

    Think I might have sent a few request emails trying to check out the ranks you posted, sorry about that.
    01/12/2016 1:46 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    1) IGN: AperireAnimo

    2) Age: 21

    3) Timezone: GMT

    4) Maturity (Out Of 10): 10

    5) Position/Rank Applying For: Community Manager

    6) Why Should You Have This Rank: I have played and assisted many servers in the past few years some have grown, some have been taken down, some still going and I come back to once in a while.
    When I assist a server, I'm mostly known to look after the player rather than the server itself. I'm no builder and I'm hopeless with plugins, but when you and other staff are trying to fix problems in those areas, I'll be making sure that the players are the last thing you have to worry about.
    If you have anyone covering this position and still need help with the smaller things, let me know I should be around.

    7) How Long Have You Played Minecraft: Since Beta

    8) Previous Expererience: 100+ servers since the Beta was launched. I can't really list them because in all honesty more than half would sound the same.

    9) Skype (If you have it): psycho.simon.319

    Good luck on your server
    01/12/2016 1:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    1. What's your name and Minecraft username? AperireAnimo

    2. What's your age? 21

    3. What's your gender? Male

    4. How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since Beta

    5. What other servers have you been staff member on and what was your position? Many servers for the past few years but they've either changed or took down their servers. I've been Mod/Admin/Co-owner.

    6. Why should I pick you out of everyone else? I'm an experience supervisor looking after the players who use your server and make sure that you just need to worry about the more important stuff.

    7. What's your Skype username? psycho.simon.319

    8. How many hours will you be on the server per Day/Week? As many as needed.

    9. Have you ever abused your power? Yes, used WorldEdit to replace half the server with TNT and crashed it until the owner shut the server down. But he was a racist and personally offended many players on his server.

    10. If you got a report of someone hacking. How would you handle it? Investigation and perma-ban.
    01/12/2016 1:20 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    *Minecraft In-game Name: AperireAnimo
    *Age: 21
    *Server Rank: N/A
    *Can you record? (If not that is not a problem): No
    *How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since beta
    *How often are you on Minecraft? Too often
    *What time are you usually on?: No specific time
    *How many hours can you contribute each day?: As many as needed
    *City, State/Province/Country: England
    *Email: simonellwood319@outlook.com
    *What are the two best ways to contact you?: Skype / facebook / email
    *Have you had any experience as staff? What was the server name?: Moderator/Admin/Co-Owner. Many different small servers that either lifted off and got too big for it's own good or the owner turned the server off. Lost contact with past members and haven't been staff for a good few months.
    *What will you provide to the server?: Authority, common-sense, a very basic mod/admin to control the players more than the environment. Fixing community issues rather than building.
    *Please attach images of your builds if you have any: Not much of a builder.
    *What server are you currently playing on/ ones were your buildings currently exist?: N/A
    Anything else you would like to add? Just looking to give a helping hand if it's needed to stop the children from interfering while you create a professional server.
    If not, good luck with your server
    07/31/2014 12:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    What position are you aiming for?
    Basic staff (Moderator) / Lore Writer


    Maturity Level:

    Why should we accept you?
    As a staff: I'm fair, hard working and persistent.
    As Lore Writer: I've been writing since I started pre-school and I've never stopped creating stories and rp's.

    Previous Experience: Co-owner once, admin 3 times, moderator 7 times.

    Plugin Skills: Little to none but I can work on it.

    Any Additonal Info? I'm in England meaning due to the time zones I'll be up at different times from you and be able to monitor the server whenever you can't.
    I stay up late meaning I can even be on when you are.

    Skype: psycho.simon.319
    07/31/2014 12:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: AperireAnimo
    Skype: psycho.simon.319
    Age: 19
    Maturity: Very
    Position Wanted: Mod
    Experience: Co-owner once, admin 3 times, mod 7 times.
    Comment: Player breaks the rules, I deal with them fairly. Two kids have an argument, I'll find out what the problem is and sort them out.
    I'm on quite late and quite often so I can watch the server while you're away or sleeping.
    07/30/2014 11:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    IGN [In game name]: AperireAnimo

    Age: 19

    Location: England

    Time Zone: GMT

    What times are you most active: Very often

    Have you been banned on other servers: No

    Why do you want to become a part of staff: You need staff and I prefer looking after a server than playing it sometimes.

    Previous experiences as being a staff: Co-owner of 1 server, Admin on 3 servers, mod on another 7

    How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since Beta 1.6 back in may 2011

    What rank are you seeking for: Anything you feel free to trust me with.

    Why we should choose you: I'm on minecraft a lot of the time so I can monitor the server when everyone else is offline sleeping or whatever else.
    I'm socially active, I can get along with most of the people I meet.
    I'm mature, I'm not gonna mess around when I've got stuff to do.
    I can sort out a variety of problems that may occur; two kids having an argument? I'll find out what the problem is and sort it out.
    I'm fair when it comes to dealing with people that break the rules of your server.

    Skype: psycho.simon.319 (I made the skype account a few years ago..)
    05/18/2014 3:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AperireAnimo's Avatar
    Applications: Admin
    IGN: AperireAnimo
    Skype: Will share privately.
    Age: 19
    Maturity: Pretty mature
    Experience: Been playing since early Beta. Been Admin and Mod for many servers before now.
    Reason why I should pick you: More help the better I'd imagine.
    Will you be dedicated: I attend college so it's not my first priority but I'll be on each night as regularly as possible.
    How many days will you be on: Everyday (If possible)
    TimeZone: I live in England so I differ between GMT and BST

    P.S. You can also use this for a builder application as I can build if needed.
    P.P.S. I have another friend who has been at my side for at least 3-4 years running and can be a very dependable helping hand.

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