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Level 1
New Miner

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    11/20/2014 9:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    assassan365's Avatar
    Name: Andrew
    Age:14(turning 15 in the coming months
    IGN: assassan365
    Position: Mod/admin or builder and any postion that i can help with
    Are you familiar with using GroupManager, Essentials, and worldedit?: I know of worldedit(in game version) and heard of Essentails but have no idea what groupManager but willing to learn
    Skype? (name/no) assassan365
    Servers you were banned from:
    - server IP + Server name + reason
    -has changed ip become inactive Craftywonderland banned somone as admin because person stole and greifed and the owner dident agree with me
    Have you ever been mod/admin on a server?:
    Please list the servers:
    - i have been admin/mod/and builder on Craftywonderland
    -i have been a co-owner on sparkcraft(i think was the name of the server was like 2 years ago) but lost rank due to inactive ness from school
    Have you ever had a conflict with a user on the server where you were apart of the staff? How did you handle it? What was the end result?: i had someone that i mentoned above banned him for breaking mutipul rules then was banned in return
    Have you ever owned a server? For how long?: i owned a server very a very very little amount of time(about 2 days)
    What type of people don't you get along with?: i dont get along with racists or general jerks
    What type of people do you get along with?: fun people layed back and mostly calm
    Use three words to describe yourself: fun layedback smart(in some things)
    How long do you intend being moderator on the server?: For as long as you will have me
    How do you handle stress?: i lissen to music or watch a funny video
    Have you ever griefed a server or person's creation: yes once on a raiding server where it was allowed

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