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Level 18 Journeyman Artist

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    07/02/2012 7:08 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    AsSoonAsPledge's Avatar
    ZerannyHere I will list points for and against Herobrine being real or not.

    -Many stories
    -Many people claim to have seen him
    -The update logs
    -The original post about Herobrine
    -Random things happening in singleplayer worlds

    -No proof for the majority of stories
    -People who claim to see him have no proof
    -Most people are positive that Notch was trolling with the update logs
    -Notch confirmed his non-existance
    -The original poster confirmed his non-existance
    -The mob "human" or "monster" was retextured in most cases (this mob would attack players where as in the original story he would not attack)
    -The live streaming that showed Herobrine was later proven fake
    -No credible person has had 'contact' with Herobrine
    -There is no Herobrine hidden in the code
    -There is not image file that can be used for Herobrine's skin
    -It would require a lot of coding to get Herobrine to do what most of these people claim he does and Notch would not put development time aside to work on something that only a few people would see.

    A hoax was staged on August 30, 2010 on the “Brocraft” stream (which is now known as “Ghost in the stream”). Copeeland, the stream’s creator, showed Herobrine, actually just a retextured painting or iron door, near the end of the stream at 20:45:

    A few notes about the original Creepypasta:
    -Notch could not have coded something that comes into your singleplayer world, builds, destroys and watches you and then hack the minecraftforum to delete your post and give you a 404, or make an automated forum account that sends you a pm and deletes itself.
    -Notch has no brother (nor a dead brother)
    -Creepypasta stories are so common, and this is obviously one.

    If you have anything valuable to add to either list please post below.
    But other than that the proof is highly in favour of him NOT existing.[/quote]

    Forgot one thing. There is no code to support the character >.>
    I've checked. Many times.
    07/02/2012 5:30 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    AsSoonAsPledge's Avatar
    Just click on their name.
    07/02/2012 5:24 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    AsSoonAsPledge's Avatar
    Why are people so concerned? There is, and has never been, "herobrine" Check the damn code. I have many times. The only things i've found is that notch randomly drops apples, and there is something about iron fence... In that picture there is leaves, the trunk of a tree, and the sun in the circle. Which that area is where you're referring too right?
    06/15/2012 12:08 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    AsSoonAsPledge's Avatar
    Alright cool same! I like to use world edit and stuff mid game, Also mcedit.
    06/14/2012 11:58 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    AsSoonAsPledge's Avatar
    What country are you from? I want to know because if you're on the other side of the world i can't do it. I'd have to be up too late >.< Like 3 in the morning.

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