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    01/02/2018 8:16 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Ooh, this sounds fun! I'll totally join :)
    09/06/2016 6:44 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Ooh! Pretty good pixel art there m8
    It reminds me of homestuck a bit but idk I haven't read that for months now
    But eh, it also reminds me of Starbound and Star Wars lol
    Keep on doing pixel art, cause it's a great way to start your art journey c:
    Trust me, I know.

    I also like your shading, it's pretty precise and awesome
    You're pretty good at everything lol
    08/30/2016 6:44 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    I started playing Minecraft by the age of 9 and I sure did say some stupid stuff but I was p mature. Yeah, sure some 9 year olds are pretty dumb *Looks at my 9-year-old lil bro* but they need fun too. You guys should make sure 5-9 year olds not say "kys" or any other stuff that means a bad thing. You should still watch over them.

    You're older, not younger, so stop acting like you're the boss. Sometimes children need fun, and so do you. And sure, things do get annoying, but is it their fault? No. They lack knowledge, so why do you not give them the knowledge? And yet, we don't. Sometimes you have to think with your own brain that these children are just starting to count, just starting to learn. Some 9-year-olds are mature, some are not. But sometimes, we all deserve the same thing that kept us happy: Fun.

    If you teenagers and adults want to hog Minecraft for your own happiness, I'd rather let them have the fun they deserved. Not all 9-year-olds are annoying, so why can't you just let them have what they want?

    I know you might be hating my point of view right now, but please, I beg you, I'm not hating on you guys, I'm just saying that sometimes you have to think before assuming.

    No, I'm not defending them, I'm just giving you my point of view.
    08/25/2016 7:48 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Well, yeah, there're too much, but we can fix that, okay?
    Girl skins are just easy to make. Boy skins too, if you think they're hard, I think you're seeing "hard" the wrong way. You just shorten the hair and remove some of the eyelashes and then you'll get a guy skin or something.

    I mean like, seriously. I don't get your point of "Oooh, boy skins are hard to make"
    ... I know I don't make guy skins that often but I do, well, I used to when I stopped skinning that much.

    And yeah, the amount of girl skins are a lot here. But I think it's an okay amount.
    08/24/2016 1:18 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    I play the recorder ^ ^
    I'm planning on saving up some money to buy myself a guitar and taking up guitar lessons ^ ^
    08/22/2016 5:55 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Team Valor! Because strength is all I need now!
    I know what you're going to say when you come up to me. I know you're going to say I'm on Team Trash and all, but, tbh, teams don't matter in my opinion. Teams only draw me and my family apart.
    I know you guys don't like Valor, and some of us do.
    Why do you guys care? It's up to us to be whatever we want. There's no point in judging us.

    Now, these are my reasons
    1. Moltres is one of my favourite pokemon
    2. I get pushed around for wanting to be in Valor by my Team Instinct sis and my three Team Mystic siblings and my little brother, so I felt like I should show them that a Member of Valor could Catch Em All!
    3. Red is a nice colour, it's better than the cool blue and the most electrifying colour of yellow. And plus, red is the colour of pure anger
    4. My friend is a good reason, since I support everyone I'm friends with...
    even if they're mystic
    5. I love fire type pokes
    6. Mostly to show people that Valor can be the best
    7. Totally to make sure people can just stop the hate around each other

    Alright that it xD
    Yes, I'm an idiot, no need to remind me

    tbh why hate on each other just because of what team we're on?
    08/19/2016 10:59 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Hello and welcome to PMC
    08/19/2016 8:15 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Minecraft wouldn't be "dying" I don't see any point in discussing this topic. Minecraft would "die" if it was a living person. Minecraft would "die" if it was an animal. So the answer is no. Minecraft isn't "dying"
    08/19/2016 8:12 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Then why r u here
    I mean like, people who play it while driving are totally dumb and unaware of the real world
    People with common sense should be the only ones who should play this game, I mean like sure, we might do things stupidly but you're just stating that 100% of the people playing this game are stupid, I mean like, sure, it's your opinion but hey, even when I play this game, I still keep my eyes on the road and the path ahead of me. That's why I haven't died yet. That's why I'm still not getting stabbed in the butt. Think about it, even if I'm spied, I wouldn't care. I could always do something about it. If I was getting spied by the government, they wouldn't care at all. Because they know how worthless I am, they know who I am anyways. Since they've been looking through my school's record and seeing that I've been the one who's not been to school for almost 15 days.

    In conclusion, even when you're not playing this game, the government could still find you and spy on you.
    I mean like, why would the government be spying on random citizens? Have some common sense.

    I'm not against the people who are against this game nor am I against the game.
    I'm just putting a little thought to it.
    And the whole government spying on me, it's true. They're just watching my school rep. It's no fuss at all. They're not watching me closely. They're just watching me in my school.

    And plus, every game is pointless. Unlike educational games.

    So good day, now.
    08/13/2016 3:46 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    ^ the answer is right there.
    08/11/2016 10:46 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Dude, the small pokemon warning was to make sure you don't accidentally get hit by a car or something or fall down into the river. There's no way in a million years it could be a dark message.

    And plus, this game is for fun, it would be just a waste of time if they made it only to locate a person who they might want to harm. There would be no use for people to locate others and harm them.
    07/28/2016 9:29 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    07/28/2016 9:25 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    ashland50Wow. I can't say much about this because you are just finding the first thread and posting trash. Why does MinecraftForums blow as well? It's sad. _ca with a Peter Pan .GIF file? Seriously? This is stupid! The forums is to say about things, not say random things. Don't go random. I bet you want the opportunity to swear. If there was no rules here, I would get spammed with your swearing and bullying.

    You do realize you're calling a whole lot of people "bad" and raging all about like a little kid when 95% (The other 5% is a whole long story, not to say some of you guys are bad) of this community are very nice and kind. And plus, I wouldn't dare say a swear. And _ca has a Link from Zelda .GIF file. Do you even know things lately? Just because you don't get a straight answer doesn't mean this place is bad at all. You think everyone would be all serious all the time? Heck no! We want to have fun and say random stuff that would possibly make no sense at all!

    ashland50Just get a life please.

    Says the one who really doesn't have a life.
    07/28/2016 9:04 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    should be a hella good pmc meme
    07/22/2016 6:20 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC!!
    Have a great stay
    07/17/2016 12:30 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    what everyone said
    06/18/2016 6:52 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Why, hello there.
    06/17/2016 6:51 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    Hello! Welcome to PMC, my fellow PMC-er c:
    (Watch out for soul-consuming tomatoes, they can be quite nasty)
    Hope you enjoy your stay c:
    06/15/2016 4:09 am
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    I didn't really think it was too quick since i really didn't have any interest in any updates anymore since I'm usually busy with school and friends and stuff like that, so yeah. In terms on content, i don't really give a damn care actually xD This game isn't just for content, y'know, it's about having fun, so why worry about the content and how fast the game's updates are supposed to come out?

    I'm not saying it was a bad update, it's a good one, really. I love how they added Polar bears and other stuff that I kinda forgot, um what was that I couldn't hear you. Anyways, I love these updates no matter how bad someone might think it is, Minecraft isn't about quality and quantity, it's about having fun, so respect that fact.
    06/03/2016 9:09 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Prince
    astrashira's Avatar
    It helped me with my social anxiety
    I used to fear talking to strangers a.k.a someone I've been trying to be friends with.
    I used to be alone so it helped me find friends.

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