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Level 8 Apprentice Archer

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    12/23/2013 12:40 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
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    12/22/2013 12:14 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
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    Listen to WPD!
    12/21/2013 11:03 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
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    12/21/2013 9:10 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
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    Need more staff! APPLY NOW!
    11/30/2013 11:57 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
    Avoriz's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: Avoriz
    Age: 16, almost 17.
    Ever owned or been a Plugin manager on a server before?: I have worked with many plugins and their configs. I am skilled at working most plugins to fit server needs.
    What are you specialities?: PEX for the most part, and many others. I am not really ... "limited" to each different plugin I configure or install, because I am able to figure out each piece of information.
    Any other information: I am available 1-2 hours ever weekday during school weeks, and 2+ hours on weekends around family. I am able to tell people (like other staff) when I am not going be on at such and such a time or day. I'm pretty dang reliable.
    11/30/2013 11:48 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
    Avoriz's Avatar
    IGN*: Avoriz
    Name*: Tim Weddle
    Age*: 16, almost 17.
    Past Staff EXP*:
    > Head-Admin: Rubber Bullet Gaming, current.
    > Admin: Legend of Aversus turned Cirque du Reverie, no longer staff due to resignation.
    > Head-Moderator: GodHaven turned Blockland, no longer staff due to resignation of poor owner.
    > Moderator: World of Steam, no longer staff since owner vanished, turning off the server.
    Why Should I Choose You*: I am hardworking, loyal, agreeable, friendly, helpful, able to help in crisis, mature, stable, driven, easily worked with, and versatile.
    Position*: Administrator, or Head.
    Skype: timweddle3
    Email*: tweddle@elenstar.com
    How long have you been playing MC*: I have been playing Minecraft a few years now.
    How many languages do you speak: I speak 1, almost 2. Not very fluent in Spanish, but I can piece together sentences.
    Experience With Plugins(Ex: Essentials, PEX)*: I am very experienced with plugin configurations and usage. I also learn very fast as to how to use a plugin.
    Can you donate: Potentially. With no current income, I am rather tight for cash now, but fairly soon, yes.
    How many hours can you contribute daily*: 2-4 hours weekdays, depending on homework, 4+ hours on weekends, depending on family.
    What makes you the best*: I am extremely loyal, hardworking and friendly. I am helpful with new staff and members for different servers and I have drive to do good for other people. I am a fairly good builder, more in the "natural" side of things, and I am also a good watcher for the server, always taking matters quietly with trouble makers.
    If you don’t have a skype can you get one: I have a Skype. timweddle3
    Are you mature*: Yes. I am very mature.
    Do you have a good sense of humor*: I have a good sense of humor. I can laugh at myself, and then dish it back, without overdoing it.
    Additional Info: I am Head-Admin on another server, and I am able to cross play servers with ease. The owner of the server loves me and my work, and knows that I am hardworking. I am also able to handle many different sized tasks, and able to assist others, give them advice, give them assistance, and overall play as a team, and help everyone on staff and as members work together.
    09/04/2013 11:19 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
    Avoriz's Avatar
    I have to no luck. I figured I would broaden my spectrum ever so slightly.

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