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    06/27/2017 3:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AyeUndead's Avatar
    Voice Actor
    IGN: AyeUndead
    Age Range: 7-15 / 16-20: 7-15 (14)
    Maturity Level: 8/10

    Why you want to be a part of this series: I really want to be apart of this series because I love making and doing rps and also I'd love to show you my abilities and everything and I love working with new people.
    Skype Name: theundeadminer57 (If not try AyeUndead)

    Do you have a microphone: Yes and this coming Friday I'll be getting a new studio microphone.

    What would your preferred role be: evil / good: Good

    What makes you stand out from the rest: I think what makes me stand out from the rest is the fact that I have over 3 years of roleplay and voice acting experience but I only just started taking it seriously last year. Also I love making new friends and working with new people and see how they can handle curtain situations. Also I'm good under the spotlight so I am capable to be a main character!

    Timezone: EST

    Optional* Any experience: 3 Years but taking it seriously since 2016

    Body Actor

    IGN: AyeUndead
    Age Range: 7 - 15 / 16 - 20: 7-15 (14)
    Maturity Level: 8/10

    Why you want to be a part of this series: Like the other reasons and paragraph I wrote I love making new friends and Working with new people and see how their personalities are and how they can change when it comes to the roleplay. Also the same thing with the other reasons I am fully capable to be a Main Character due to my experiences with roleplays and body acting I believe I could be a well fit for a main character role.

    Skype Name: theundeadminer (If Not Try AyeUndead)

    What makes you stand out from the rest: What really makes me stand out from the rest especially for body acting is I've been taking it seriously for longer than I have voice acting. I know the basics by hand and simple head movements goes a long way in my book. Also when it comes to anything else I can improve on I love taking suggestions!

    Optional* Any Experience Yes I've had more experience in taking body acting seriously then I have taking Voice Acting in general whether serious or not. I really think I'd be a great fit for this roleplay and can't wait to hear if I get accepted or not.
    06/25/2017 11:26 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AyeUndead's Avatar
    ~ IGN: Aye Undead
    ~ Real Name: Jordan/Jordi
    ~ Age: 14
    ~ Gender: Male
    ~ Skype or Discord (both would be nice): AyeUndead#1623 | theundeadminer
    ~ What language you speak in and what country: English and I'm from Canada
    ~ How long are you willing to do the roleplay: As long as it goes on for!
    ~ Why you want to be a part of this role-play: I've been in a lot of rps and I saw this one and I thought I should give it a try even though I'm pretty late but I just would like to meet new people and show off my talents.
    ~ Any additional information you want us to know: I've been in a lot of rps and I have a lot of experience. I've been doing voice acting seriously for a year now and think I'm decent at it. Of course everything can improve. I'm great with people and being under a spotlight. P.S I suggest putting in some movement mods to make it look better. Thanks!
    06/25/2017 11:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AyeUndead's Avatar
    Hi there! I hope I'm not late! I saw this and I couldn't wait to help! Also I've been in many rps before and I have had my experiences being a main character. If I could be a main character in this RP you wouldn't regret it. I've been in the spotlight a lot and know how to handle it. When we meet I would love to hear what mods I need!

    Discord/Skype: Discord: AyeUndead#1623 Skype: theundeadminer57

    MC User: AyeUndead

    And cast positions... Voice Actor!
    06/25/2017 11:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AyeUndead's Avatar
    I have been looking for something like this to join and can't wait to help if i get accepted

    1. Age: 13 turning 14
    2. Skype: theundeadminer57 if that doesn't work try AyeUndead
    3. How Long Are You On Minecraft Usually: Almost everyday for at least 4 hours
    4. Are You Okay With Your Username Going On YouTube: Of Course!

    Hopefully I meet the expectations and if I do can't wait to start helping. (BTW I would like to be a student but I could also help build.) P.S I've been in a lot of RPS when I've been a main character and would love to be apart of the main characters if possible. I've been under the spotlight and can handle it well. Thank you again.
    06/25/2017 10:57 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    AyeUndead's Avatar
    Name/Nick: Jordan/Jordi
    IGN: AyeUndead
    discord/orskype: Discord: AyeUndead#1623 Skype: theundeadminer57
    Age: 13 turning 14
    Availability: After Thursday almost ALL day (Summer Break)
    Position AKA: Student
    Characteristics/backstory and behavior: Male, Funny, Serious at times, Protective, Strong, Charming, Kind, The Rest We Can Decide Later!
    If you have a YouTube channel then link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRwL8 ... G-QSjxqXPw

    P.S I'm pretty good with being in the spotlight, I've been a main character for a couple of rps and would love to have the chance to be one on this. Hopefully I'm not too late. Thanks!

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