Baccup's Avatar
Level 36 Artisan Demolitionist

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    04/22/2017 2:48 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar

    You need to play around with the settings. It is complicated, but no effort? No reward.
    MCStacker does everything you need it to do, because I do the same thing with it.
    04/16/2017 2:01 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Honestly, in my experience, a good junkrat can sometimes be the working force of a team - especially on payload maps. However, usually if there's a bad junkrat, they're REALLY bad..

    Really? I find he's much more effective on Assault/Control, as his area lockdown skills are unmatched; and Payload's moving objective is harder to play around. The steel trap is actually a decent counter to bad Roadhogs, too: drop it on them after they hook you in, and you have a chance to survive+kill them. If it fails.. total mayhem ensues.
    04/16/2017 6:05 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    I feel like the only person who actually wants to play Junkrat in Competitive. He's honestly underrated thanks to his lack of focused damage, but he has a good balance between fire rate and damage; and has an ability which can instantly kill anything that isn't a tank if timed right. And people say he needs a rework.
    04/07/2017 2:49 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Well, you're in the right place. Have fun.
    02/19/2017 12:09 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Interested. I don't want paying, but I'm not willing to work to deadlines. (or to contact over skype.) Give me a description of what you want making, and I'll send it to you on PMC DM.
    02/15/2017 2:14 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Steampunk/cyberpunk wizard wearing goggles on his hat? Go crazy mate
    08/25/2016 9:51 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    The Hive :
    An alien hive-mind of insectoid beings with a highly advanced technology-orientated society. The ability to make improvements to Other technology (Other being the Hive name for anything that is not Hive) is highly valued in Hive society.
    They are not controlled by a king/queen but by every member of the species (in a roundabout way). Every Hive thinks alike, so ideas pass between them almost instantly.
    The Hive homeworld has an incredibly toxic oxygen-deprived atmosphere and very little liquid water. As such, the Hive are sillicon-based lifeforms as opposed to carbon-based like humans. The Hive home system looks like this :

    Sun ... ... Scarbrun ... Homeworld ... ... ... Talochai

    The sun is a red giant-type star. Scarbrun is akin to Mercury: A lethally (to humans) hot planet in close proximity to the sun. Scarbrun has a light side and a dark side, the dark side being hospitable for the Hive. Talochai is a rocky world like Earth, but further away from the sun, and much colder.

    There are three distinct classes of Hive, each performing a diferent task within Hive society.
    Brutes have a stockier build than the Scouts and the Hunters, and have smaller wings. This is compensated for by their increased strength and toxic bite. Brutes are the mechanics and engineers of the Hive.
    Scouts are the smallest of the Hive and operate as scientists and traders. They are very, very fast but are physically frail. As such, most Scouts carry a particle barrier, a form of energy shield developed by the Brutes.
    Hunters are the warriors and tacticians of the Hive. Bigger in stature than the Scouts and Brutes, Hunters have large, bladelike scales on their forearms that serve well in close combat.
    The Hive have attained space travel, but do not yet have FTL (faster than light) drives, and are unable to leave their home system. They have outposts on Scarbrun and Talochai, the other two planets in their system.
    08/20/2016 8:54 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    IGN: TheWelshEngineer
    Competent builder + commandblock user
    Specialise in medieval and sci-fi building styles, and with advanced /execute and /scoreboard mechanisms.
    08/17/2016 10:10 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    I would read this. Just from the title it already sounds good.
    05/29/2016 11:43 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Nice! I tried to do this myself, and I've created Torbjorn's Armor Packs and Soldier: 76's Biotic Field. I also own the game.
    05/05/2016 2:46 pm
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Put this in a Repeating Command Block, set it to "Always Active", and it'l be much less laggy than a clock and take up less space.
    03/28/2016 5:20 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    You don't have to be dedicated to have fun.
    03/25/2016 7:20 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Hiccup from HTTYD2. I tried. (I can't work out how to put the image in here, but check it out on my profile if you want.)
    02/03/2016 10:40 am
    Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
    Baccup's Avatar
    Maybe something like underwater ruins? I've built them once or twice, and stone brick (+ variants) works really well along with spruce wood planks.

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