bagged_milk's Avatar
Level 32 Artisan Taco

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  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 13, 2017, 8:59 pm to Public
    When they say that smiling and putting your arms above your head helps make you happy... Believe them. It works. In fact, wave your arms around a bit, include a "yay".
    bagged_milk replied to jaebeom's comment below 2017-05-13 21:29:42
    bagged_milk's Avatar
    That works pretty well too.
    jaebeom said 2017-05-13 21:07:56
    jaebeom's Avatar
    Actually, Wearing fedoras and walking side to side like a crab with my arms in the ear screaming 'MEMES ARE GR8" around my house is what makes me happy...
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 13, 2017, 8:58 pm to Public
    One more skin that I'd like to try and get done today. ONE MORE!!! *charges towards the Skindex*
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 13, 2017, 1:00 pm to Public
    Also, today is my posting day, looks like it'll be 3-4 skins this week!
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 13, 2017, 12:59 pm to Public
    Yesterday, after the ombre hair thing, I left it feeling a little less than confident. Today I come back to see beauty. I'm proud of it today :D Hopefully things turn out well!
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 12, 2017, 8:35 pm to Public
    I made an ombre head quite well, until it came to trying to continue the hair onto the body, and trying to make the bangs... I have no idea what the heck I did to make the head. No clue. Oh, crap. xDD Weirdest problem I've had all day!
    bagged_milk said 2017-05-12 20:37:59
    bagged_milk's Avatar
    LOL like two minutes later... I figured it out!
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 11, 2017, 8:54 pm to Public
    Sometimes, my best shadings are made by accident.
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 11, 2017, 8:02 pm to Public
    Finished with the Radioactive skin, idk how I feel about it though.. xD Not my best, but there's really only so far one can go with that outfit she wore. (Kirstie, PTX)
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 11, 2017, 1:52 pm to Public
    Me: "I just stuck my finger in a pencil sharpener. *looks at hands* I still have all nine- WAIT!"
    jaebeom replied to bagged_milk's comment below 2017-05-11 21:14:47
    jaebeom's Avatar
    Heh.. I did that once... I'm unlucky with that type of stuff, When I was like four I had an allergic reaction to a penny that I ate because I was stupid..
    bagged_milk replied to jaebeom's comment below 2017-05-11 19:53:36
    bagged_milk's Avatar
    WHOA o.o
    To me that's always been like using a stapler on yourself or something, it's always made me cringe.
    jaebeom said 2017-05-11 17:18:48
    jaebeom's Avatar
    Heh... When I was in like fifth year I stuck my finger in a pencil sharpener and turned it til it bled...
    I didnt cry i just pulled it out and told a teacher.
    To this day my right index finger is still a bit pointed ^^;
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 10, 2017, 9:54 pm to Public
    LOL!!! Why do I play games like skywars and bedwars when I absolutely hate them?? xDD
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 9, 2017, 12:59 pm to Public
    The skirt on the Kirstie skin looks strange. Finishing the shoes and socks, then doing overlay and hair!
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 8, 2017, 10:08 pm to Public
    Working on my new version of the Kirstie Maldonado skin, and so far I have the bottom layer for the shirt (excluding overlay).. It already looks so much better than the original xD I may or may not end up posting the original anyways just because some people may like that shading. (The crazy shading....)
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 8, 2017, 9:57 pm to Public
    tfw you log in and have 12 notifications, and by the time you're done checking them you have 3 tabs of PMC open
    jaebeom replied to bagged_milk's comment below 2017-05-09 20:50:16
    jaebeom's Avatar
    O, I usually have deviantart, Twitter, tumblr, PMC, A creepypasta story, and tons of beebo(Brendon Urie) pictures open ^^;
    bagged_milk replied to jaebeom's comment below 2017-05-09 12:56:51
    bagged_milk's Avatar
    XD I used to be like that but then I stopped using a Minecraft server which cut like 6 tabs out of my life and stopped checking a magazine site as often, so now I only use like two tabs and that's skinning.
    jaebeom said 2017-05-09 11:30:24
    jaebeom's Avatar
    I usually have atleast 12 tabs open on a daily basis and most of them are social media and PMC ;-;
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 8, 2017, 2:04 pm to Public
    *listens to twenty one pilots* "bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah!!"
    bagged_milk said 2017-05-08 21:56:55
    bagged_milk's Avatar
    xD I had Not Today in mind but it works with quite a few songs.
    jaebeom said 2017-05-08 20:44:12
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    Witherwings_ said 2017-05-08 15:26:40
    Witherwings_'s Avatar
    Trees I'm guessing?
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 7, 2017, 7:38 pm to Public
    Guess what I found in my skin files???
    Kirstie from Pentatonix, in the video Radioactive! I'm going to reshade a lot of it because it was weirdly made, but I think I might post both versions in the end. I had a lot of fun then and I'll have a lot of fun now. Wish me luck!
    vampfire said 2017-05-08 14:38:17
    vampfire's Avatar
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 7, 2017, 4:37 pm to Public
    My Love- Wale, Major Lazer, WizKid, Dua Lipa
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 6, 2017, 8:15 pm to Public
    Often, I have been uploading skins almost every day, or every other day, that kind of thing. However, I used to try and make skins throughout the week and then post them all on one day, then use that day for whatever I want. I think I'm going to start doing that again, just to make it so it's less often, and so I actually spend a decent amount of time making and comparing my skins. This way I will also be able to organize the files on my computer because I'll need to know what I have and have not posted! I will upload the skin I'm working on soon, though, but this week I will try to upload on 5-13-17 out of a file of prepared skins.
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 6, 2017, 5:56 pm to Public
    You know your phone's keyboard knows you well when it autosuggests "one pilots" when you say "twenty". <3 <3
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 6, 2017, 3:04 pm to Public
    "my flashlight's dead"
    Me: "CPR! CPR!"
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 6, 2017, 2:38 pm to Public
    *quitely mouths the words to polarize*
  • bagged_milk's Avatar
    May 6, 2017, 2:12 pm to Public
    Me, in murder mystery:
    "You, with the pink hair!!!!"
    "awww they left..."
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