bbg123456789's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Miner

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    07/01/2015 2:52 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    bbg123456789's Avatar
    Applying for Builder or Mod?:Moderator
    Past Experience:I have ran many servers in my time so i understand the type of people to come thru. Those servers are gone because of payment issues. I am very attentive and i can help the server in virtually anyway i can configure most plugins and i am very proficient in all commands of Essentials so essentiallly i can help everyone new player to minecraft I love to help and i think i can help this server aswell as the players in it
    A little bit about yourself:I am a musician i play the saxophone and the clarinet i am a fun guy and i make friends easily and i get along with everyone. I can stop fighting and when i need to show authority i can. Overall im a not so outgoing but not shy guy im in the middle.
    07/01/2015 2:42 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    bbg123456789's Avatar
    Hey id love to be staff here i have a lot of experience with servers and i can contribute to it in many ways if you have any questions about me email me at
    07/01/2015 2:20 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    bbg123456789's Avatar
    Hey id love to be staff on the server i have a lot of server experience and i would love to help this server bloom Email me at If you guys are interested in me My IGN is THeGamer4Lif3
    10/18/2014 1:17 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    bbg123456789's Avatar
    How old are you?: I am 15 years young.
    What is your in-game name?: my in-game name is bbg123456789
    How many years have you played Minecraft?: I’ve been playing Minecraft for about 4 years.
    What plugins do you know how to use?: I know how to use basically any plugin that you can possibly show me. I am a very fast learner, and I can easily adapt to any plugin that I would have to use.
    Do you have Skype (If so, provide Skype name)?: Yes I have a Skype name. It is live:floyd.mendoza
    How many servers have you moderated?: I have moderated 7 servers in my lifetime as a minecraft player.
    Why do you want to be moderator on Balcones?: I am an extremely helpful person, and I am easy to talk to. I can help in any way I possibly can, and will help with whatever needs to be done: Plugin-wise, moderating, etc.

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