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    10/30/2013 4:40 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    beavisjr's Avatar
    its 27 or 29 USD... That's what college students would love to have for buying ramen, soda, and some gummy bears for a week.

    Any how, you probably live some other place they don't where computers are super rare and money hardly exists. The best I can say is help your friend save up or something. Maybe even use classic? (I think it still exists...) To be honest with you, I would wait until the price drops, if anything see if you can get gift cards, i'd post a link on how you can get them easily buuut probably I would be banned for advertising, and I don't think any one would like that. You can do multi-player on Classic, it's a butt since when ever i did it was never truly multi-player in classic, i never was able to build or anything, so best bet is to make your own classic server, don't expect plugins like bukkit, but as others have said, there are some 'pirated' ones for single player with LAN capabilites (such as you and your friend can play in the living room) but if not, well, sorry. There's nothing you can really do. Minecraft won't stop being indev for quite a long time, and even if it does stop, it's of course going to be like any MMO or Download-able game, patches, bug fixes, etc. Nothing is 100% perfect in programming. It may be "full-released" right now, but to be honest, with the ways things are going, don't count on anything. so far 1.6 + have all been buggy as heck with additions that you could of gotten /optionally/ with mods (or plugins if you have a server.) The new launcher and resource packs and etc were never needed in the first place. But back on topic, Just save up, I wanted Minecraft for a year or two, On the day of 1.3.2 release did I actually aquire it, since my mom was happy with how I was saving money (had like 15$ at the time?) so she pinched in a little and bought me it. (In return I gave her the 15$ for groceries.)

    Edit: also, don't trust pirated games :I just don't.
    07/18/2013 10:09 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    beavisjr's Avatar
    Well; if you know of kingdom hearts; when one rests they normally get their heart connected with some one of very importance, or as a very close friend. So just think, your dog is happy inside your heart, running around and playing. You may not see it; hey maybe not even feel it. But if you know it, you may have some thing special!
    Also; every ending is a new beginning.
    :c I hope you cope! I lost a fish in january that it's still hard to ignore, but I'm feeling better!
    06/30/2013 12:46 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    beavisjr's Avatar
    I do agree, they are getting over populated. (It's like how bad "who's my twin" is/was on chicken smoothie, twins- who's my twins every where)
    Any how, I do agree with most of these people; "people should be able to post what they want, such as AMA." But about that, every page I go on the forum updates are 90% 'AMA', if not 95%. Yeah cool i asked you some thing you answered we're spamming the same damned questions and topics as every one else lets not forget we want to make buddies who know/play minecraft, so at the least we could find out your favorite mob? But as always "well this that and these also this stupid offensive word" is the common reply when bringing up some thing over used/done and popular.
    So lets deal with these spam topics that is turning the forums into a pure 'AMA' and have these minecraft things on the side lines for a little while, if it gets worse cause a uproar; if it stays steady bring up time to time; if it clears up, well just shut up. Sadly these started recently...expect these to last atleast a month or two.
    06/28/2013 4:42 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    beavisjr's Avatar
    I guess it's okay, I mean it could of been simpler to create more items for pigs then add a new mob with a ton of new items.

    Not forgetting they're releasing a new launcher, I took a look at both of these actually.

    The launcher-Not bad, I guess. The...I'm not sure of the word but, the features added in are good, and really nice. Though their organization is really (pardon my language) shitty. And that's just the beginning, the update page included with all of these makes it condensed and crowded so it seems very overwhelming, on top of that when you log in to play it pops a new window. "This window will closed when the game appears." Never does for me, my friends say it works for them-so even worse extra windows and overwhelming buttons and crowded organization.
    Oh yes, not forgetting if you CLOSE or EXIT the game you're kept logged in. Great, I like this but then again, the only options are "Log out" and "Play offline". What if I just want to reopen the game with out having to be forced to log out, re log in, wait for the damned launcher to load random words and files that'll never close in the window for a slow experience of it popping up and wait 2 minutes any how for it to catch up to it's self for not freezing when i close the new launcher.

    The update- Really cool however, It's also pointless. What's added could of been added just for different mobs such as pigs and cows. The carpets are nice however, again, It's rather unusual to see some one with out the carpet-mods. So there, we even are forced to remove files. Clay blocks seem unnecessary and well...honestly bland. they really look just blank pale wool colors with no texture other then like a spot. Block of coal seems nice but, what's next? blocks of slime balls?
    Name tags should of been in the game for a while, it really should of.

    The textures/resources- Wow. this. is. horrible. as well as good. The downsides, well if you're a texture maker I give you my respect for facing this. The way they divided all of these textured blocks is just horrible. Just down right horrid. Every. single. thing. is it's own. grass's top is it's own file to the diamond sword being it's own file as well. The only real good thing is the actual resource folder added in for adding our own music, which even then seems confusing. Half of this was barely covered. "Convenient way" how about annoying and frustrating, not forgetting a good x 4 the time.

    And I'd have to agree with a lot of these players, the mojang team is adding to much, if they paced them selves and added a little each time it would work
    But we're already over spoiled
    why not ruin our appeite by adding a new launcher that EVERY ONE will be forced to used like it or not ,adding NEW MOBS to that, RUINING the texturing dream, and just to be sweet incase you're not already ruined more over spoil you with changing the music that is barely explained how it's done.
    Mojang better hope they don't do a as huge update for what ever is next, such as 1.7, or else the community will be overloaded with too many new things at once and get frustrated and decide to bury their troubles in the back yard.
    04/28/2013 11:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    beavisjr's Avatar
    Kingdom hearts any kingdom hearts game. Just cause it has disney characters doesn't mean its bad, people I knew hated disney but Kingdom Hearts was the only "Disney" thing they liked-and its only about 40% disney really... They come mostly on DS, and PS2, though they do have one for GBA and 3DS, and I think two phone games. They're comming out with a HD remix of the first three main games (original, chain of memories, and the second) this summer. I do suggest to get it after PS4 gets out since it also comes in summer, and well-new system = nice price drop, not forgetting that over time the price goes down about 10 cents.

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