Berthely's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Artist

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    04/08/2024 1:18 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
    Berthely's Avatar
    It sounds really interesting, maybe I need more information but I would be interested in being part of a project like that.

    I'm an architect, 31 years old, Spanish speaker but I also speak English. My hobby is creating maps in Minecraft combining different tools like World Painter and World Edit. Recently, I started publishing some of my projects on Planet Minecraft. If you're interested in any kind of world design that can grow continuously by adding new areas, I would like to be part of that project.

    I also really enjoy making custom dungeons and caverns in my maps and always strive to give them an immersive touch so they are 100% playable in survival mode.

    You can get an idea of the scope of my work from my profile.

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