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    • BigChonkers's Avatar
      March 3, 2022, 8:45 pm to Public
      So, This guy on one of my forum post ( SyncdBuild91 ) Has said something that gave me an idea, but I don't really know how to make this "Idea" Work.

      Sync said,
      (Pay attention to the BOLD words highlighted)

      "The wholesome seed in the minecraft world :)
      My username is syncdbuild91, I’m down to play if y’all have an extra spot on ur smp"

      I don't have an SMP. BUT, I wanna make one... But I don't know how! I have watched funny youtubers like Tommyinnit has an smp, and I think it would be cool :D

      Can someone help me out with this?? PLS?????
      SyncdBuild91 said 2022-03-04 11:27:43
      SyncdBuild91's Avatar
      Heyo :)
      So the easiest way (unless you want to host off of another website) to make one would be to buy a $8 a month (Free first month) subscription(Realms +) ($96 year) off of Minecraft(Holds a 10 player cap). You will receive a code to which you may Copy/Paste and others may join! YT Explaining How to set up realms (General)
      I would look at other forums on this website if you want to go in depth.
  • About

    Hello! My name is BigChonkers. I have been playing MC for like about five or so years. I've never been on the Minecraft forums. I have some experience with Redstone, and I just like playing survival. I am not an expert on Redstone, but I try experiments and other cool stuff!

    We accept everyone on my profile! I am trying to make this profile Accepting All! Please Be nice to people online <3

    Flat World of Positivity!
    wanna make this profile all about having good vibes! I have made a flat world, to build cute stuff on! What should I build? There's So Much That I can build! Gimmie some suggestions! I can try to build froggo's! I love Froggos! I cannot wait to hear everyone's awesome suggestions
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