BlackWaterFront's Avatar
Level 22
Expert Architect

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    10/18/2013 7:34 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Not to be a jerk but... This is pure crap. Paint may be on your computer, but it doesn't mean we all should use it... Please find a way to uninstall it. Then I'll give you a link to win a free copy of Rosetta-Stone, so that you can learn to speak and spell English. I could have made that logo on my phone...
    10/18/2013 7:23 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Too be honest I'm more of a photoshop guy Hey! I've got experience! I can post a pic of my created logos if you want somehow. I will do it cheap too! If you play world of tanks (or not) I will give you my password and username so you can buy me $20-$10 of gold on it. I've done this for 2 youtubers, a paintball team (SICK ONE!!!), and a DJ Company. Please notice that while I do have free time on my hands but also go to high school If you can except this form of payment, I will be happy to show my work with you and negotiate a price if you are pleased with my work. Let me know though! -Black
    09/13/2013 7:30 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Maybe a glowstone texture that is white? Switch it with your current texture packs's quarts texture or something white like that. Im sure it is do-able though, for new light sources have been made in mods numerous times...

    Would be freakin awsome though!
    08/25/2013 2:39 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Were you talking to me? If So: dbrackettx
    I can only skype chat until i get a new mic and webcam. Both broke
    08/25/2013 2:36 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Your website looks like it will be pretty awesome! I actually would like to help with the house section! I build modern houses.
    08/25/2013 2:27 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    I love it! From one modern artist to another! Those are two of my houses but im working on my prized possession... I can see you used stained clay which is great if you have the correct texture pack (I use Flow's HD for modern) Because the color you are using will look NOTHING like what you think White is pink Anyways, I LOVE IT! SUBSCRIBED!
    08/25/2013 1:51 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    What kind of builder are you looking for? I'm a Modern Sculpture and House builder. Here is a link to my best and my worst house.
    Hope this is enough if not im currently working on my aquarium house, so I should be able to get that put up ASAP. I am dedicated, mature (Just turned 18 yeah I'm old....), experienced builder (Been in the game since 1.3) and I would love to help! Also, what do you need built?
    08/25/2013 1:46 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    F3rullo's Gun Mod....

    Pack-A-Punched RPG

    If that fails, a book and quill for my death note...

    Or maybe creative mode So those bastards can touch meh!

    I can't decide!!!!!!
    08/23/2013 9:31 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    I need more info :/ is this a creative, faction, pvp, minigame, city, etc. And what is the style? Modern, Medieval, Urban, etc. I will be happy to apply because I feel I'm an above novice builder (REALLY trying not to sound biased or COCKY) and am currently looking for a nice project to tackle so i'm mostly open to a lot of things, but still, I have limits
    08/23/2013 9:24 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Builder. (This was my EXCEPTED WoK Application)
    Can you hide redstone well?: I don't really redstone but i can make seamless redstone doors
    Can you make mountains very well? I can DEFINITELY make mountain houses
    How old are you? I'm 18 going to collage
    What is your email so I can contact you?
    Anything else I should know? I know. I Know. These are modern houses but I haven't really gotten to a lot of my projects (Registering for collage and what not) but I hope it was enough to get me in
    08/23/2013 3:34 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Ninja: Maybe a 6
    Monkey: 6.8 or something

    Suggestion: More detail :/
    08/23/2013 3:31 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    chocolate bar
    H20DynamoI need some experienced builders to build me a spawn.You will get builder rank on my server which has all default member permissions but also the essentials to creating a spawn.I may be a creative person but it is extremely hard for me to make something that is not a dull box.I want spawn to be interesting and make people want to stay and not leave.I only want experienced builders.To be a builder on my server, you must send me a project you have posted on Planet Minecraft and proof that it is your creation and have skype (you don't need a microphone).

    wtf wtf wtf cant u get a better rank at least plz I mean am I the only person here that thinks that we should get admin or something come on srsly map-making-t296149.html

    I agree
    Pro Builders like us deserve a much better rank like admin or somin.

    Bro quit calling yourself a pro builder just because you can surround some water with glass!
    08/23/2013 3:22 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Don't even lie You stole the mansion (THE FAMOUS HILLSIDE MANOR) and im sure you stole the rest aswell...
    08/23/2013 3:20 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    You do know he stole all of those snapshots right?
    08/23/2013 3:18 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Arceusman7I would like to help with your map. I am a good builder in my own perspective and can make good mountains, houses, large scale structures, and animals.

    Edited by Arceusman7

    Nice try

    IKR! I've seen all of these builds!
    08/20/2013 10:34 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    08/20/2013 9:55 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    MultiWorld Servers like a mix of different mini-games along with a survival mode world and a creative world brought together by a spawn that has linking portals or something. I love a server that is well rounded rather than focused on one thing, but also has a real community like feel. Not such big high traffic that you lag like hell and the chat is so full that you cant view a thing someone has said to you for more than the time it takes to craft a wooden button! Not so deserted that the only people that there are is one of the dick admins and the server owner himself along with an annoying little kid that insists on constantly asking to join the staff or be OP, but enough to know everyone on the server and form bonds/rivalries with the members. An Online Community
    08/20/2013 8:04 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    P.P.S. Forgot to add Playtime: MDT
    Steam: Yes
    Username: BlackWaterFront (Same as PMC)
    08/20/2013 8:01 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Architect
    BlackWaterFront's Avatar
    Hello. My name is Dennis and I am from the UK but have lived in the US for four years now. I am an experianced modern minecraft artist (Not pixle art but fountains, houses, sculptures, etc.) and also have had much experiance with moderating and administrating server work, for i have been admin in three different servers. I am a mature (18 years old), serious builder that believes that anything is possible in the world of Minecraft! I hope you take my two requests into consideration.

    P.S. I do have skype but my mic is broken so I need a new one

    I don't want to sound all snobby but these are things that would seriously help to make your server the best i can contribute to it!

    1. I need access to basic commands (Like WorldEdit, etc.)
    2. It would help me build faster if I was already opped. I have already dedicated myself fully to the server without even being on it, and believe I deserve such responsibility. I can be trusted
    All of these things require your power to help me help you and the server out along with all it's members. Thanks for listening.

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