blobber5678's Avatar
Level 1
New Explorer

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    03/07/2017 9:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    blobber5678's Avatar
    IGN: blobber5678
    Discord Name: blobba
    Age: 17
    Rank: Any, I would prefer Undyne, Burgerpants or Temmie.
    Experience: I have been a Head-Admin, Admin, Moderator and Helper on a few servers before, so I know what I am doing
    Playing Time: 2:00 pm or 4:00 pm through the whole day. I go to collage, so I am unsure which days i will be able to be on, but i will be active.
    Why Should You Pick Me: Because I am extreme helpful staff who loves Undertale. I am also very mature, honest, and kind towards everybody on the server. I will never abuse the staff commands, and will tell about anything that is going on the server through Discord. I have been helping servers like this for a very long time, so I pretty much know what I am doing.
    Way Of Contact: Discord, in-game or Email. I will pm you about that.
    Undertale Knowledge: I know almost everything about Undertale from Chara killing everybody the first time, then kill everybody again during the reset to Frisk fighting Omega Flowey and Asriel. Chara also beat up Sans, Sans has a time machine, Frisk kill Papyrus, All of the monsters get to leave the underground in the end, and etc. I love this game. ^w^
    Have you been reffered by a staff member? (WILL BE VERIFIED):No.
    PS: I might be on in the morning.

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