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    11/15/2014 8:27 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    Reported u cheeki cont this is not anything to do with OP get lost en fegit
    11/15/2014 8:20 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    u havin a gigle ther m9 1 v 1 me u cheeki cont
    09/11/2014 6:51 pm
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    good luck getting anyone -snip-
    09/11/2014 6:47 pm
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    also i vote you stop copying skins and taking credit for them
    09/11/2014 6:46 pm
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    what is thankies?
    09/10/2014 8:32 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    To be fair Mojang fail at making any other games, infact they slowly are making minecraft worse. Notch was lucky to of been succesful with this game he probably never dreamed it would of been this succesful but like most success he most likely sold his soul to the devil to get it.
    03/13/2014 7:06 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    I find it strange that I get people come onto my prison server from planet minecraft which is designed to be played with heavy restriction (you do not get to explore the wild or build a house) and they ask to build a house. Is this just general trolling or stupidity?

    Sorry for double post i was meant to edit the above post.. meh..
    03/13/2014 7:03 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    FishmastrI don't Quote as it is to much but i totally agree with Blue5lime.

    I agree with you too and would like to add that the main influx of players you will get these days are simply ones who are looking for staff, troll, or just play with their friends. I wish the old day's of playing a server and looking for new interesting things to do or to learn and make new friends would come back but it seems lost in the mess of what now is becoming a "bad community"
    03/13/2014 6:52 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    SmokeythenoobMinecraft is just getting boring.

    Sadly i find this to be true even for myself but also when i ask a friend to play minecraft i am given that type of response..
    03/13/2014 6:50 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    Strange I had also recently just lost around 80% of my players going from around 40-50 a day to less than 5 if that.. some of the days recently I have been on it myself all day.
    03/13/2014 6:47 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
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    It is hard to keep motivated when your efforts show no results.. Sure I will keep up the work I am doing but only for my friends and I to play on it as that is the only people who do play on it (despite the fact that South Park: stick of truth and the Diablo 3 expansion have stolen many of my usual players away recently)

    I do struggle to motivate myself to do this on my own however, it is simply just not as fun to work on somthing yourself especially when it already seems like a failure.
    03/13/2014 6:30 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    I was thinking that pixelmon and prison just didn't mix really.. after giving it some thought the pixelmon playerbase tend to like it easy, sort-of no PvP god mode never die not even vanilla monsters. While the prison server player base tend to be the opposite, hardcore pvp, mining, ranks etc.

    While the server that I am making is currently unique it is not getting any sort of acknowledgement from the minecraft community and has been my first failed project thus far.

    Is making a genuinely good minecraft server as simple as just running one with doing nothing to it? I have personally found that making a server and not doing anything to it seems to be more popular than a server where you spend hours of time building on it. It is sad but true in the past I had made serveral vanilla servers with only a protected region at the spawn and they have been far more popular than anything I have created. This was also back when Minecraft was officially released and among the very few updated servers at them time in-fact many of the players came from Minecon itself. All servers slowly die off tho and has been the case for everything I have ever made either from me getting bored of doing it or from the drop in players or donations to help keep it running.

    Back to the main topic, I find minecraft is dying off especially when it comes to new servers getting players it seems to be for me extremely difficult compared to what it used to be and personally i feel like giving up with the game. The only thing left now is to make a small server for you an your friends to play on just to build or mess around on. I don't see any point in building up a role-play controlled environment for people to play such as an adventure map. I find this sad as it is what i enjoyed doing with Minecraft and as such i enjoy having new players try the things which I had created. All i get these days is "where can i build a house" or "this server sucks " just because they don't understand what they are supposed to do. It also brings up another point that many people who come from PMC are very hard to please these days most dont take into account the amount of effort one guy puts into making a functional server, advertising it and everything else that comes in between. I may be ranting now a little but I also find that getting help to make a server is also just as impossible as anyone who has the slightest idea on how to make a server or even the desire to make a server will just end up making there own server rather than helping in a small way to an experienced server creator. Being as it is so easy to just pay a company and they would set one up for you, giving them OP or an Owner title makes it more appealing than helping out with "work" on another server. People who want to help most often can't actually help in any way shape or form as they lack any sort of skill required to make a decent build or help make a server grow and due to this they most likely lose out on the opportunity to help with an experienced owner and end up making their own server in the hopes that they can prove someone wrong who denied them staff and quite often stealing players along the way with offers of "come to my server and get op" which in most cases seems to be what gets players.

    What is better getting OP on a normal server or help another server with limited permissions to do anything? What do people gain from helping established servers grow? I feel like these days there is very few people who will help out another server rather than to just make their own and relatively fewer people willing to just play a server rather than be some sort of staff position.
    03/13/2014 5:13 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    I honestly thought by creating something kinda new and different " Pixelmon Prison" that I would of got a fair amount of new players. It's not as if it hasn't gained interest i noticed my page had gotten more views on the first day than many of the current popular servers out there but i never got many players.
    03/13/2014 4:42 am
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar

    So? Am I the only one?


    So, am I the only one?
    11/06/2013 12:44 pm
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    So you had a minecraft server before you bought a minecraft account? lol
    11/06/2013 12:37 pm
    Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
    Blue5lime's Avatar
    I could do with a partner to help build a server from the core, I can do all the server related stuff just not much of the in game things.. the server ip is you can private message me on here if you would like to talk more about it.

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