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    10/17/2011 6:59 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    09/10/2011 6:27 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    zombies601i was looking forward to this updates survival and creative modes but after i downloaded it all i found in the game was notch ruined minecraft he removed the features of holding down the mouse and it repeatedly placing blocks now you must click once for each block he removed the luxury of holding down shift and right clicking in your inventory and it moving the item instantly he removed the fog toggle key and next the creative mode is much less than anyone could expect because you can spawn items but the format is very ineffective the only thing i liked about this update is notch implemented into the game the multiplayer menu mod so in my personal opinion stick with 1.7.3

    This isn't the official release fuckwit. Either stop bitching or go back to 1.7.3.
    09/03/2011 3:51 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    Why the fuck was I banned?
    09/03/2011 3:48 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    I'll join if I can.

    IGN: B0BgoesB00M
    09/03/2011 3:27 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    Actually they're peaceful until you put your crosshair on them then the stop whatever they're doing and stare at you, but if you take your crosshair off of them then they start sprinting at you and they'll teleport if they're far away from you they can teleport once every second and they only teleport to somewhere out of your line of sight. The damage they deal is 3 hearts each hit, and I would suspect they have pretty damn good range with those arms.
    09/03/2011 3:19 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    To me the upside and downside will be pissing my pants when I see them after I reskin them to look like Slenderman . Even now while I'm typing this I see him out of the corner of my eye standing outside of my window behind the tree in my yard .
    06/08/2011 8:50 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
    BOBgoesBOOM's Avatar
    It seems as though I'm the only one who thinks this is a great idea. I think that all the people saying that Minecraft should be a PC exclusive are being a bit selfish cause not everyone has a good PC and not everyone likes using a mouse and keyboard (I am included in those people) also I've used the Kinect myself on the 360 and I gotta say it's actually very responsive more responsive then the Wii or atleast my Wii controller provided your in a well lit room.. I do think it will feel kind of weird playing Minecraft off of a disk but that's just what I think and I should also add that I played Minecraft for a year before I installed any mods and even now I only play with "Mo' Creatures" and "Too Many Items" mods so for me and anyone who will be playing Minecraft for the first time on the 360 it shouldn't be a problem if you can't install mods. also I think that Multiplayer would work very well on the 360 once they have the server browser up but the only thing I wonder about is the amount of servers they're gonna need up with all the people that may be playing it and as for skins I would think that they could have an in-game skin editor in the main menu. But all in all I think that Minecraft will work on the XBOX 360 and I will definitely be buying it when it comes out.

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