BR_Elias7011's Avatar
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    • BR_Elias7011's Avatar
      June 25, 2023, 5:47 pm to Public
      the bedrock version of the server has gone down and been deleted. we now have just that one is good for bedrock and java for bedrock users put 60543 for the port. keep in mind we will be using the server later for surrayvale saga once the script is written however i've been busy with other endeavors and need help not only getting things out of the way but might need help writing the script and finishing the server and the elias smp for me and my friends to do youtube videos on. keep in mind i'm also churning out new skins as a weekend thing or in my spare time.
    • BR_Elias7011's Avatar
      March 22, 2023, 1:14 am to Public
      I am happy to announce that surrayvale now has voice. i successfully setup our skoice bot on the server and on disord. to those that want to join the server you now need to join our discord to if you want to join voice. please do NOT troll. we will ban you as fast as you join. no kidding. the server ip is read rules before you rp. all rules are at spawn. NO ACCEPTIONS. we are fair but fast to ban rule breakers if caught.
    • BR_Elias7011's Avatar
      August 11, 2022, 11:38 pm to Public
      i will be posting rules for surrayvale soon. keep watch. it's not on all the time as it's been just me building and aternos shuts down the server. dropping ip now for those willing to help though. server ip and the port is 37406 my discord to have me turn on my server is princess dannie marie smith#8657. it's a slow effort but with help i'm sure even with those that know which mods are best we can get my rp server really going. i will say though NO SKYLIN OR SKYLIN FANS ALLOWED!!!
    • BR_Elias7011's Avatar
      August 8, 2022, 10:48 pm to Public
      new to minecraft working on a pet project of mine called surrayvale and currently building the castle. need to know if there are any mods i can use for modernization of my server and if anyone knows of anything that can be used to speed the process of building the server. COPYBOTTERS NOT ALLOWED SO GET WREKT SAME WITH TROLLS AND GRIEFERS!!!
      BR_Elias7011 said 2022-08-10 09:45:47
      BR_Elias7011's Avatar
      elias7011 to any builders willing to help and youtubers willing to document this build in the process. i still need a long way to go and need someone to work on the stronghold wintervale someone to work on the castle town someone to work on the npc castle town housing for both with improvements for the npcs and other things. pls for now pm me on discord at princess dannie marie smith#8657 if interested in helping or elias7011 in the xbox system as my pc will pick up those messages if i remember to hit windows key+g. this build is taking way to long and i want to expedite it and get things going. including modernization mods.
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