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Level 1 New Miner

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    11/30/2018 7:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bronto727's Avatar
    1. R/L name( First only): Kyro

    2. Age: 18

    3.What time zone you are in: AEST

    4.Position applying for: Server Manager

    5. Hours available and when: ( what times during the week): For US times, 3.00pm to

    6.Past Experience ( if any ): I legally own a community passed down by a different game owner, in the past it was once a multiplex community that had over a thousand people in it, through out it's days it was once popular though I shut it down to gain money and I am now thinking about selling the rights, I have owned over three server's which were mostly for personal module testing and addon syncing for different administrator server hosting's. I currently have an actual Minecraft Educational Certificate, mostly used for schools. I have been playing for about seven years and have over four thousand five hundred hours.
    I have just completed school and now gaining my actual Certificate III in Management. I also originally founded Lavacraft.

    7.What makes you the best candidate for the position you are applying for: I am mature, I have had experience on multiple server's that others have not had a chance to even come across.

    Extra: The discord link does not work. Add me here; Kyro#3536
    07/01/2018 7:36 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Bronto727's Avatar
    Went on this server. Built a whole nation then everyone starts leaving because the owner builds in their Territories which is clearly breaking the rules in spawn. They also say that he spawns stuff in, I didn't believe it at first but when everyone left I went through my friends chest that he told me to go to. He then said go to the "army" chest. Went there and found a stack of 64 diamond picaxes. I believed him. He told me to grab some stuff from other chests to build my base because he allowed me to take stuff from there. I did and then the owner jumps on and I explain to him that my friend showed me it. He then starts explaining how no one else on the server has OP other then him. He is a Veteran in Minecraft since 2011 and doesn't know what the "Notch" head is. He finds an excuse and tries to blame it on someone else, then I say he is contradicting himself and he ignores me and then bans me for going through my friends chest and taking the stuff he allowed me to have. It says do not swear or harass, bully or anything like that. It is 4 days old because it says in PMC and he also said it himself. He then says he has been on longer then me even though I am on about 8 hours a day when he isn't on and have been on since the 2nd day. It used to be a 12/20 player server now its 0/20 every day because he has been so mean to the players and abused his powers.

    Owner breaking rules

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