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    07/01/2017 3:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    bucs081's Avatar
    I just msg you my discord username, just send a msg and we can discuss anything about your server
    07/01/2017 2:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    bucs081's Avatar
    Hi ShinyWorm2, I would love to help out to create a unique server experience! I couldn’t agree more with what you said about towny servers these days. Here are some of my thoughts:

    Real Kingdom/Feudal System

    I love your idea about many unique kingdoms interacting w/ each other through peace or war. I don’t believe an application process though would be the best way to start kingdoms. I think the best way to go about this is as you said, everyone staring equal as a nomad/peasant and working there way up. Then overtime as they acquire more money, friends, etc., they would have the resources to start a town. By doing this you give the player freedom of their actions.

    IMO, having players start in a world unique to them, were they choose their own path is a better way to start than having pre-built kingdoms/nations. This way, players can forge their own path. Maybe they want to be an assassin who earns his money through contracts, maybe the player doesn’t want to mess with any of the responsibilities / politics in leading so he decides to join settlement, or maybe the player wants to be a bandit who raids small farms and settlements.

    By doing so, this allows many diff creations to happen. You will see towns and kingdoms, merchants, bandit camps, etc. all around the map. This creates a unique, living world all created by diff players, were each player has the possibility to do what they want.

    Real War/Conquest System

    Totally agree, one kingdoms wants to declare war, they submit an app, set the best date and best side wins. This system keeps it fair and balanced for both sides

    Real Economy

    It sounds exactly like capitalism. A player working his way to the top but in order to gain the riches of the world he is going to have to work hard to earn a living. Once again, I totally agree with this.

    Pay for fun, not to win

    Nothing to add, couldn’t have been said any better

    Final Thoughts

    I would think the server would need a custom map, plugins, etc. and the spawn would be a separate world to allow for complete immersion of a world created by the players

    I also think you need to limit the towns on the map to encourage growth of towns. I think one of the worst things is getting on a towny server and having, for ex, 20 towns all w/ 2-3 people in them. Possibly set the price to: f(x) = e^x where x is the number of towns. This would be sure that once a certain number of towns in met, that it becomes increasingly harder to make one

    I think a permadeth mechanic would be cool. Once someone dies, they wouldn’t be able to spawn as that same character but be able to create a new one, maybe go down a diff path.

    I think custom built dungeons throughout the world, may possibly be a cool idea also. This would motivate exploration and reward the players who do explore

    As a 4th year student in college, I would love to help you put time in, but might not be able to work my #$# off all the time due to college/work. Also I would love to hear your thoughts about Kingdom/Feudal System I laid out and anything else.



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