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    10/12/2015 5:33 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Hey dude, message me on PMC as I would be happy to help ya out and keep the mod going. I do know how to do mod as I'm working on 2 others mods in my spare time.

    07/30/2015 10:39 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    I was born in the early 2000's and I grew up with the slow change from Floppy to CD (as in the change to CD Drives in most homes, not the creation of the CD.).

    It's sad to think that new born children probably never see a Floppy Disk...
    07/30/2015 10:14 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    *Nickname: BzrkTheCoder
    *Age: 14
    Skype: BzrkTheCoder
    *Gaming System/s: Ps4, Wii, Ps2, Desktop PC, Laptop, Surface Pro 3
    Games You Play: Minecraft, KSP, Terraria, G-Mod
    *Recording Software: OBS
    Do you have a YouTube channel?: BritishGeekGamer
    Amount of subscribers (if any): 2 (I know, sucks.)
    Any other side notes: Nope!
    07/30/2015 3:57 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    IGN: BzrkTheCoder
    Age: 15
    Experience: I have built on multiple servers beforehand.
    Why do you want to build here: Because I love to build for purpose!
    Anything else: Just that the server looks really cool!
    07/29/2015 7:08 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    07/29/2015 7:03 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Hey! Welcome to the world of YouTube and PMC. Its a tough place but if you produce good content which is high quality, you can rise to the top of the YouTube crud. An idea might be looking into partnership with a company later on to increase viewers but I would only recommend this if you are sure of it as they sometimes have dodgy contracts.

    07/29/2015 6:50 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Age: My currnt age is 14, however I will be 15 at the start of 2016.

    IGN (in-game name): My current IGN is BzrkTheCoder and I have no plans on changing it

    Skype username (required for group chat, no microphone necessary): BzrkTheCoder (or Bzrk TheCoder if that doesn't work)

    YouTube channel (optional): BritishGeekGamer

    Why do you want to join us?: I am looking to get back to Vanilla and Minecraft in general as I have been busy with end of year tests and various weekend plans

    What do you bring to our community?: I would be able to bring some cool builds that I would like to do but not yet planned (Landscape-based) and also automated redstone crop/animal farms.

    How did you find/hear about us?: Through PlanetMinecraft, on the 'Server Related' section.

    How much time per day/per week will you play on the server?: I can spend 3-4 hrs after school during non-holidays, on weekends I can play depending on plans but should be able put in 5-6 hrs regardless and on holidays, around 4-7hrs depending on my plans and want to play other games

    Have you ever been banned/removed from a server, and if so, why?: As of writing, I have not been kicked/banned from a public server (Not including my friends servers)

    Will you be able to help pay for the server?: Currently I cannot, but if plans go the way I think they should I may be able to, yes.

    Rate your skills from 1 (noob) to 10 (pro), as well as a description of skill:

    Redstone: [7] I can build cool machines on the server such as calculators and some cool looking automated animal/crop farms.

    Building: [8] I can build some cool over-hanging buildings and towers, along with underwater/underground bases (Community buildings would not be a problem)

    Farming (automated/mob/crops): [7] As stated before I can build automated animal/crop farms but I haven't really built enough mob farms to accurately rate myself

    Pranking: [6] I can build some really cool secret traps such as tree traps and I can easily gather enough resources to put some cool pranks around

    Teamwork: [7] I can happily work together with around 3-4 people maximum in a Skype chat, but any more and I would mostly have to listen as I would start to try and organise and take charge unintentionally (Rarely happens with people who I haven't met before)

    A bit about myself: I'm a Nerdy guy who loves games and scripting/coding! I take part in coding competitions and can run servers and make mods with ease. I also like building random projects that benefit people, such as automated farms that are compact or produce a lot quickly to challenge myself.

    09/14/2014 5:48 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar

    - Bzrk262 + 18
    - I have created mods, a simple plugin and have a ton of server experience. I have played for about 2 - 3 years and have a keen eye for detail.
    - England, Great Britain (GMT Timezone)
    - (Rather not publicly say)
    09/14/2014 5:45 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Something Different:

    Make your own region! I tried to make one but failed and gave up. It is much easier to create your own world! Speaking of that I might try myself again.... No. I can't not enough time!
    09/14/2014 5:43 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    *Bumpty Bumpt Bump*
    09/14/2014 5:40 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Bzrk's Buidler Application
    Name: Mike
    In Game Name: Bzrk262
    Skype: (Not Public - Tell Later)
    Age: 15
    Timezone: GMT (UK)
    Examples of Builds: I have built on about 3 build teams and I have a lot of spare time as I have little work (Apart from the PMC game ) and have great knowledge in Java. If you would like proof look at some of my PMC projects!
    09/14/2014 4:15 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Using it now, and is amazing once you get used to it
    09/13/2014 8:29 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Most people will be NPCs. The peeps on the first 5 pages will deffo be a NPC! So enjoy your time being a character
    09/13/2014 3:42 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Guys! Its a activated stone pressure plate with no body on it! It has the door beside it open. I'll make a comparison in a minute.
    09/13/2014 3:39 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    I have been working for 1 1/2 with Java now and this isn't my first project! I'm currently working on a Minecraft mod but I have put that on hold. I kind of don't know where I'm going to end this because I still haven't got a proper theme going. At the moment I'm just setting up the basics for the game. The time limit is there because I need a kick up ma butt to do any work and I probably change it later

    Thanks for helping me a little be and reviewing what I've done so far
    09/12/2014 2:10 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Reer123Yeah I found this one creepy. According to wikipedia black death is still around. Yipee!

    Plague was confirmed in the United States from 9 western states during 1995. Currently, 5 to 15 people in the United States are estimated to catch the disease each year—typically in western states.

    The plague bacterium could develop drug-resistance and again become a major health threat. One case of a drug-resistant form of the bacterium was found in Madagascar in 1995.

    What does this mean? It means that black death is still out there but there is a 1/50,000,000 or greater chance of you getting it.

    Yes, its still around but all the people whose body couldn't protect them died. So we have a world full of immune people. Its is probably around you if you still work / go to school.
    09/12/2014 12:51 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Environment setup and code being typed - We have lift off!
    09/12/2014 12:04 pm
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Guys, just to say the first open test version will hopefully be ready for Early November / Late October (Don't hold me on this) and most admins/ 90 Lvl+ will be in the game! I might add some people as NPCs :/
    09/12/2014 11:11 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Banning Lazer Concept Design:

    Just had to make this!
    09/12/2014 2:29 am
    Level 23 : Expert Taco
    BzrkPlayingMinecraft's Avatar
    Corps_NetworkLooks Nice

    Thanks guys! I'm starting work tonight, but as I'm UK some people won't get to see some character tests I'm working on.

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