C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
Level 12
Journeyman Prince

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    02/08/2015 8:23 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    1) IGN: CallMeDanny, recently changed due to the new mojang name changes

    2) Age: 16

    3) Timezone: GMT

    4) Will you be dedicated? As dedicated as can be, I'm currently admining a server I have played on for 3 years but am looking to play around on some other servers. The same one can get repetitive

    5) What is your previous experience in moderation? I have played Minecraft since 28th October 2011, so I have moderated a good amount of servers in my time. The biggest ones include Duncsweb which has now merged into Blockshed run by a different owner, I'm currently still an Admin here and Mafiacraft which is still going 200+ players strong but I left due to complications with the other staff. I have also moderated loads of smaller servers but nobody really cares about that

    6) Why should we pick you? I have a wide plugin knowledge including, Towny, Factions, iConomy, Chestshop, Permissions ex, Group Manager, Essentials, Vitals, and many others. However the server may not include these I always have fun learning the plugins in more depth. I have always been a Minecraft enthusiast so I'm active a lot of the time during my day. I'd love to get involved with the development with this new and upcoming server working together I really think we could get it somewhere. Staff isn't essential for me, I really like the concept of your server and it honestly sounds like a server I could really get into and enjoy regardless of being staff or not. I'll leave that there you can question me further if you were wanting to be informed of anything else.

    7) Do you have a skype & a microphone? I do indeed, my skype is c0dv1llan123, add the Daniel Green one if you do decide to pick me the other one is my old corrupt

    8) Anything else you'd like to add? Just like I mentioned above it has an awesome concept. I have 203 friends on enjin so I could redirect people over here. I'd love to get to know the rest of the staff. I consider myself a friendly guy so hopefully the players would learn to love me and I can help them with anything they may need.

    I'll leave it there,

    09/24/2014 4:57 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    Age: 16

    Skype(You dont NEED it but put it if you have it) c0dv1llan123

    Position: Whatever takes your fancy

    Why you wanna be staff: I want to be staff as I believe I could be a great asset to your panel. I am a friendly individual who is serious at what they do, yet know how to have a good time in the process. I have been staff on many servers, 2 stand out more than any Duncsweb/Blockshed which is a small friendly community and Mafiacraft which rocks around 200+ players every day. I'm fairly good with all plugins knowing their configs, permissions and stuff along those lines which may come in handy. I can build fairly well I'd say you can be the judge though. I am good at enforcing rules where need be and have fun doing so. A more dev like rank is up my street but I'll be happy to take any rank available. A list of plugins I am familiar with include the following; Towny, Factions, PermissionsEx, Group Manager, iConomy, Essentials, Vitals, Chestshop and many many others. I'm also good at setting up enjin type websites and IRC networks.
    Experience: Many small servers and the 2 big servers which I mentioned above

    Extra Comments: After all even if I am not accepted it is always good to make new friends on servers or even trying out the server itself. I do not expect to be picked but I'll have an awesome time playing the server anyways. I'd like to thank yourselves for even giving me this opportunity and hopefully I am able to help you.
    08/18/2014 2:20 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    07/19/2014 5:34 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    Name (In real life name): Daniel, Danny, Dan
    Position Wanted: Mod
    IGN (in game name/ minecraft username): C0DV1LLAN
    Age (In real life Age): 16
    Skype: c0dv1llan123
    Have you been staff before if so what rank(s) and how many times: I have been by a matter of fact, on 2 pretty big servers and a few small ones. Big ones being Duncsweb and Mafiacraft which both have about 200+ players. I have also owned 2 servers which I used for testing reasons only testing plugins out etc.
    What you can bring to the Server: Experience, maturity and good times. I'll leave that pretty short and include a lot in the below sections.
    How long you've been on Minecraft: 4 years now
    Could you bring people to our server: Yes, I have an enjin account with 200+ friends
    How much will you be on: Many hours a day, depending how much you would need me I'm sure I can make something work
    Could you donate: In the future yes
    Any Extra Info?: I have a wide range of plugin knowledge which I have acquired through the other servers I have staffed. I'm fairly popular on a lot of Minecraft servers so hopefully members will feel I'm an approachable staff member. I will be able to assist the higher staff members in many ways giving tips or even receiving them.

    Anyways I'll leave this short and sweet

    I hope you take me into consideration I would love to be part of the team

    Daniel, C0D
    07/13/2014 8:32 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    Age: 16
    Position I'm applying for? Admin, it's my preferred position
    Name: Daniel, Danny, Dan whatever takes your liking
    Skype: c0dv1llan123
    What do you think it takes to be staff? To become staff I believe you need a mature attitude, a long with being able to work well under pressure. I am both of these. You must be able to give warnings as well as issuing a punishment when necessary. You also must be calm with the players giving them an approachable staff member without feeling insecure. You must also know how to work with all staff helping or being helped with or by them.
    Plugin knowledge? I have a wide plugin knowledge including the following;
    Towny, Factions, iConomy, Essentials, Permissionsex/Group manager, Vitals, Lockette/LWC, Chestshop and many many others.
    Experience working with other servers? I have had a lot of experience with staffing servers including 2 big servers, MafiaCraft and Duncsweb. I have also owned 2 servers which I used souly for testing reasons, testing new and old plugins and their devs.
    Why I feel I should be staff? I feel I should be staff as I am one of the more experienced options for you to choose from. As you can see I have a good plugin knowledge, as well as an ok building talent. I honestly feel like I could benefit your server with suggesting areas where the server could improve or things I like. I also feel like I could be an approachable staff member as I try to get on with all players. I work well under pressure and always have a good time doing so.

    Anyways I'll leave it there if you need any more information ask me in game.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    11/29/2013 12:54 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Prince
    C0DV1LLAN's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Maturity Level (1-10): About an 8
    Skype: c0dv1llan123
    Why are you better then other applicants: I believe I have an advantage over the other candidates as I am experienced with working with plugins. To list a few Permissions Ex, Group manager, Vitals, IConomy, Factions/Towny, LWC, Chestshop and Essentials, aswell as many others. However this server may run different plugins but I would have fun learning them all.
    Will you get players for the Server: I will get as many players as I can and will help advertise where-ever I can
    Will you be on at least 20 minutes/day?: But, of course
    Skills: I am a techy sort of guy, so I would be a good Admin, I also have an ok array of building so I will help where I can, or where is required.

    Thanks for taking the time to read over this, and I hope to hear back from you soon


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