Caevyx's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Artist

Skin Requests!

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I also do skin requests (or try to). Send me a message with your request and I'll do my best to fulfill it.

Details I'd like you to include in your request: (If you are missing any of these, I will not create your skin. However, I may update the list, and if your request was put in before an update, I will still make it even if it does not include a new requirement.)

  • Model (Steve or Alex)
  • Edition (Bedrock or Java - no HD skins please)
  • Gender (Female, male, non-binary, or other - please specify)
  • Color scheme (preferably in an image)
  • Idea of character (i.e. leopard, ghost, tropical person, etc.)
  • Details such as hair length/color/style, eye color, or horns/tail/wings if needed
  • Bonus: (Not necessary but it helps a lot!) anything else that you think would help me create a more accurate skin for you.

A picture is worth a thousand words! If you send me images of an inspiration for the skin or the skin character itself, you will not need to include as many details. I will need to know the model and edition, but many other details will be unnecessary. I will specify which ones are needed when I see any images you send me.

I have school and other activities to tend to, so please allow me at least a week per skin. I'm sorry if this is too long, I'm sure others can do it faster and you're welcome to ask them instead, (I have no incredible skills that set me apart from other skinners, unfortunately), but please do not badger me about getting your skin. If I receive more than 3 "isn't it ready yet" or similar phrases I will not create your skin because that's just annoying. (Joking. Kind of.) I will reply to you as soon as I can when I receive your request, but I do sleep and I have school, so please don't expect me to reply in 20 minutes or even an hour, especially if you ask during school or night hours. (I am in E.S.T).

I'm sorry if your skin doesn't turn out how you'd hoped, (more details help me but this still will happen sometimes), please give me any feedback and I could try to remake it (after I finish any other requests at the time) or you could ask someone else. I understand that a skin needs to be practically perfect for the requester to want to wear it, and while I can't guarantee that, I will certainly do my best.
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