captainkurtly123's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    10/30/2013 12:37 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar
    Hi, I've accepted your Skype request but you seem to be on DND xD
    10/29/2013 4:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar
    Hi. Ehm, could you post a format in which we apply?
    10/29/2013 4:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar

    Text: Qwerty Craft, factions, pvp, raiding
    IP: (Don't want it there)
    Colour: Red and Black (Text green)
    Font: Big and easy to read
    Images: Diamond Sword, and orange sheep
    Inspiration: For my server that I'm currently working on
    Additional info : Anything that you think looks better can be implements
    Skype: kurtrockson
    I will give you credit everywhere I use it x)

    If possible, flashing?
    10/29/2013 4:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar
    When it comes to servers, unique - ness is the key. Maybe implement a minigame into your faction server? Make a mob arena, or even some parkour. It just takes that little bit of extra thought to get your server up there. Take a look around for some guides on how to get your server to the top. :}
    10/29/2013 4:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar
    In Game Name : Kurtly333
    Skype: kurtrockson
    Examples : Spawns, Bases, Parkour, Pixel art and anything that you want. Building is a passion of mine and I'd love to be apart of helping your server!
    10/29/2013 3:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    captainkurtly123's Avatar

    Ign: Kurtly333

    Real Name: Kurt

    Age: 15


    Skype: Yes (kurtrockson)

    Experience : I am a fun, nice person who can devote many hours to Minecraft. I have ran, moderated, administrated servers and also have lots of experience with plugins. I know how hackers try to get around your plugins and I can code them for that not to work. I can use WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Pex, GroupManager, Factions, and many more! Most of my experience came from a server called Splash Hotel. There I learnt the stresses and ups/downs of running a server.

    Why do you want to be staff: I want staff because I can devote the time and effort to do this responsibly,
    I look forward to the prospect, TSS is a long term favorite of mine, I've
    been checking the forum since the beginning hours and would like to be involved
    in bringing the Server provided to people in a friendly & informative way.
    I have found TSS is a truly genial server, while everyone I have encountered,
    whether user or management has been friendly and helpful. I would definitely
    like to be apart of this. I was recently a staff member on a server called
    Splash Craft but due to financial reasons this Server has since shut down.
    When I found CM, it was like Heaven. I believe now that applications
    are open I can pursue and succeed in continuing doing what I love. I believe
    with this position I can add flare to the community. The fact that I am in
    web dev/programming means I am able to think logically, and with logical
    thinking, comes logical reasoning. I am able to see both sides of a story,
    no matter how much the situation offers biases. I have easily understandable
    grammar and spelling. With all this I believe I can help and would love to
    help and be apart of the TSS management team. I reflect maturity and see
    this in yourself and possibly your other staff members. I can see this server going far and it would
    be an honour to be apart of this. I can and would love to work well in a
    team with your other staff members. I would take pride and love creating
    events for the users to play in. I have a passion for happy people and helping.
    I believe and would love to help and bring all the above and more from the
    best of my ability to the hotel. I can help improve and increase players in many ways. Below are just a few.

    How i can help improve CM: There are obviously many attributes a person
    needs to be a good staff member. One of the most important and under-rated
    qualities I feel is most important in working as staff is maturity. The more
    mature the staff member the better the staff member. High levels of maturity
    show experience working on servers and it shows other members they can trust
    you with any problem they may have. If a staff member was rude to users or
    used crude language around them I believe that could lower the overall standard
    of the hotel greatly.

    So the number one quality I incorporate when working for a server is maturity.
    I feel other qualities such as the ability to work well in a team is also
    very important. For the staff system to fully work I believe the staff members
    should get along with each other as any feud they may have with one another
    could effect the way they work with fellow users. I can also bring multiple
    hours (8-10 per day) to the server.

    How can you help increase users: Actively and happily I will get involved
    and help out with such competitions as the YouTube competition. I will reward
    (to my expense) and praise for advertisement. The fact that you would have
    such a loyal staff team, with me included would be a turn up for the server's
    user base. I can and WILL constantly advertise. I will not only get users
    to join the Hotel, I will be the loyal guide when they join. I will welcome
    them, I will show them around and I will answer questions. I will not only
    get user to join but I will get users to stay. Anything within the best off
    my ability I can do. I will happily advertise and do things over social networking.
    I am not the type who will be too embarrassed to like this page or too embarrassed
    to comment on that video. I am a dedicated member who shows honesty and I
    WILL do those things. Anything needed of me to increase user will be done
    by me.

    Anyway, thanks for reading. Hopefully you like it.

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