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    11/08/2015 5:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Please don't decline my request because of my young age, I'm only at the age of 14 years old but I'm almost 15.
    Username: CaptainWafflez00
    Mountain Time Zone - Alberta, Canada
    Position you are applying for:
    I'm applying for the position of administrator, I'm also very flexible to moderator but admin is my preferred position.
    Why do you want to join?
    I have a ton of experience administrating servers, I'm very mature for my age and have tons of minecraft experience to add to all of this. I have had minecraft for 4 years, in those 4 years I have administrated over 20+ servers, it seems very unbelievable but it's true. I work very professionally, I'm very good with plugins and commands, because I have experience owning servers too that were hosted by a organization. My drive is to build a minecraft community where players can interact, enjoy and have fun on. This is all possible with the right team of staff members, I want to help expand this server and see it become really big, I can see lots of potential on this server but you won't get anywhere without the right team of staff. I love working with others and creating new ideas to improve the server. I can't guarantee that the server will be popular after a month but I will try my hardest to have active players on and at least 20+ people on at a time. Unfortunately the server will not be able to run without donators, and fortunately for you I have many ideas on getting donators as the server I owned was bringing in 300 dollars per month and was going up every month.
    How will you help the server?
    As I said previously, I really want to help the server grow that is my passion, I will provide vast amounts of ideas to help expand the server.
    How long can you be on in a week?
    On weekdays probably 2-3 hours on weekends I can be on as much as I am needed to be on.
    Why should we choose you over someone else?
    Unlike many others I have the experience, that they do not. I have mentioned how many servers I've been staff on unfortunately I don't remember all of the names but to list a few I've owned a server named DynastyCraft and one named CookieCraft, CookieCraft was unsuccessful but DynastyCraft was pooling in a lot of money every month and we were able to make profit and keep the server running. I was recently the head-admin of a server called ReflectiveMC which was a hub server that got shut down due to hackers because it lacked DDOS protection. I moderated most the servers I was staff on such as LavaCraft, EndCraft, IcyRaids, and many more.

    Thanks for letting me apply, I hope to be working with you very soon!
    11/08/2015 3:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    1.What is your in game name (IGN)

    2.What position(s) are you applying for?
    I'm applying for the position of administrator, as it is my preferred position, I'm very flexible and willing to be a moderator.
    3.Describe the way you meet the qualifications for that position (Builders, include or PM screenshots of your portfolio here)
    I have a ton of experience administrating servers, I'm very mature for my age and have tons of minecraft experience to add to all of this. I have had minecraft for 4 years, in those 4 years I have administrated over 20+ servers, it seems very unbelievable but it's true. I work very professionally, I'm very good with plugins and commands, because I have experience owning servers too that were hosted by a organization. My drive is to build a minecraft community where players can interact, enjoy and have fun on. This is all possible with the right team of staff members, I want to help expand this server and see it become really big, I can see lots of potential on this server but you won't get anywhere without the right team of staff. I love working with others and creating new ideas to improve the server. I can't guarantee that the server will be popular after a month but I will try my hardest to have active players on and at least 20+ people on at a time. Unfortunately the server will not be able to run without donators, and fortunately for you I have many ideas on getting donators as the server I owned was bringing in 300 dollars per month and was going up every month.
    4.List experience you have related to the position(s) you are applying for
    I have mentioned how many servers I've been staff on unfortunately I don't remember all of the names but to list a few I've owned a server named DynastyCraft and one named CookieCraft, CookieCraft was unsuccessful but DynastyCraft was pooling in a lot of money every month and we were able to make profit and keep the server running. I was recently the head-admin of a server called ReflectiveMC which was a hub server that got shut down due to hackers because it lacked DDOS protection. I moderated most the servers I was staff on such as LavaCraft, EndCraft, IcyRaids, and many more.
    I really hope that you don't decline my application based off of my age because I'm really young, I'm only 14 almost 15.
    6.Skype/Curse Voice is required for staff members. Please provide or PM a user name with your application
    My skype username is :captainwafflez00 and I will try and remember my curse voice and get to you with that.

    Thanks so much for allowing me to apply I hope to be working with you soon! Have a nice day!
    08/01/2015 1:39 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    In Game Name: GodCookiez
    Age: 14
    Maturity Level: I would give myself a 8/10 I know I seem really young, but I personally think that I am more mature than the other people who applied, they might be more mature in real life but their application doesn't have any professionalism.
    Why do you want to be staff: I want to be part of something big, I would like to create a fun community for players to play on, I want to see the server grow and know that the some of the success is because of me, it just gives me a good feeling.
    Why should I choose you instead of everyone else: Just pointing out that I'm the only one who noticed that you said "choice" instead of "choose" just putting that out there. I also have a lot of input on the server to make it improve I've owned/been staff on servers that have done pretty well but unfortunately got hacked. If your starting a server make sure that the server is safe and can't be hacked because 2 servers I've been administrator on have shut down because they got hacked on the first few days of opening.
    Are you familiar with all Mod commands: Yes, I know every single essentials plugin command, I know core-protect, know some bungee-cord I'm also an extremely fast learner. I learned GroupManager and PEX in 3 days.
    Why should I trust you over all the others: I have actually administrated many servers where I have been harmless, to tell you the truth my weakness is procrastinating on large projects such as building a /warp shop I can build very big buildings though, as long as theres not too much sign placement.
    Will you complain over what commands you have: No, its your server your rules. /fly and /heal would be nice but I'm just a moderator not an admin.
    What will you do if a griefer comes on: If griefing official builds I will ban/banip until further consent from you of course.
    What will you do if a hacker/ddoser threatens the server: Stop the server immediately but first banip the ddoser. But I don't think I can /stop with moderator so I would have to tell a higher authority position.
    05/27/2015 7:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Could I start a semi op faction server? Where I will hold tournaments every month. Have lots of fun things to do
    05/21/2015 8:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Co-Owner Application
    Name: Aiden
    IGN: GodCookiez
    Age: 14
    Skype: captainwafflez00
    How much time can you dedicate to the server?: 2 hours per weekday, 4-7 hours on weekends, my time zone is Mountain Time.
    Are you able to contribute money: Unfortunately at the moment I am not able to contribute any money to the server. I hope that in a few months I will be able to constantly help the server out.
    Past experience in a server management position?: This topic could go on forever, I have been moderating/managing servers for 3 years now. I have owned 3 servers, 1 of them pretty successful. I was recently the Head-Admin for a server called ReflectiveMC that shut down due to being hacked. I was moderator on about 10-11 servers, admin on 6-7 I graphic designed for 1 server and I was the co-owner on 2 servers, one called "DynastyCraft" and another called "VortexPVP"
    What can you do to help the server?: I think my plugin/mod management could come in handy since I was administrated many servers and have been playing minecraft for 5 years I know almost every plugin including essentials and worldedit, these are the two I find really important to a public server, if a server does not have essentials it is done. I also can do permissions with the plugin "GroupManager" I am flexible to learning new plugins if needed. I would like to create a fun community for players to cooperate and try to do anything they want. I think the MineCraft community is one of the best unlike competitive games MineCraft is peaceful and no one fights. I can be your best man, because if your not on I can take over and keep the server running smoothly. Before the server starts I can help you and the other builders build all the important "wonders" such as a spawn or any of the warps. I want to build a popular server that will one day be one of the big servers.
    Anything else I should know?: I live in Calgary, Alberta which is in Canada, eh? I think the person above me who applied is a troll he mentioned his spelling is very good but he spelled "spelling" with two e's and one "L." I am also very flexible to switching positions I would also like to be Head-Mod, Admin or Head-Admin but I would prefer Co-Owner

    I would like to keep in touch so when you see this if you could reply it would be great,
    Thanks for your time and reading my application!
    12/30/2014 2:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Skydragon, you're a liar, on my post on the forums for staff you claimed that you were 14 and your brother was 13. Now you are saying that you are both 16?
    11/13/2014 12:29 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Age: 13, Almost 14 (I know this doesn't meet the requirement but I think I have the experience and maturity for staff on your server, don't let this make you stop reading please).

    Real Name: Aideen Makky

    Skype: captainwafflez00

    YouTube/Twitch/Twitter: iCookiez Music

    Country: Canada

    Timezone: Mountain Time Zone

    MineCraft Username: GodCookiez my alternate account is MrHolidayBunny

    How long have you been playing MineCraft? 4 Years and counting.

    Do you know any commands? I basically know all the commands, Iv'e mastered all of the essentials plugins commands, factions, groupmanager, permissionsEX, I only don't know mini-games commands. But I'm a quick learner, I learned everything about survival games in 1 hour. And set up my own map.

    Do you know Java, HTML, C++, Etc.? Not too much, I do know a bit of java, but not enough that you're looking for.

    How long can you dedicate yourself to the server? 2-5 Hours on weekdays. 5-10 Hours on weekends (Yes, I am a nerd).

    What position are you applying for?: (Admin, Moderator, Builder, Etc.) I would prefer Admin over moderator, but I can do both. Moderator is a great position on your server itself.

    Why do you want to join us?
    I'm going to be completely honest with you the words "Large Server Network Need Staff'' sucked me in. I would like to join your server because it seems very organized by the way you wrote the forum discussion. You seem really mature, and I think this server could be a huge server like HiveMC, Mineplex, or HyPixel. I have been staff on quite a few servers, one called EconomyCraft that shutdown around two years ago? It had like 400 players on average, minimum 300. I can bring a ton to your server I may be young but I am experienced.

    Name three things, you could do, that would help us succeed?
    I can help with plugins which is one of my favorite to do, not as fun as moderating the server but I can still do it well. I can build, whatever you like whether it's a hub spawn or just a tiny house. I am very experienced with world edit and world guard. I can do a ton for you. Third is I have a huge amount of ideas to promote this server, such as every first Sunday of a month we can have a PvP tournament and the winner can win prizes such as donator ranks, or even donator armor. Another one is having some tiny farms at spawn, that people can harvest and then sell it for in-game money, and with in game money they can buy things such as armor, swords, and other items to maximize their gameplay.

    Thank you, I am sorry I'm not old enough. But please take my application into consideration. Bye.
    11/11/2014 2:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Im Aideen and I would like to be a beta-tester on your server.

    Have you ever used a hack client (This will not effect your chances)?:
    Yes I have, I even developed my own, it failed miserably mostly because I was not experienced at the time. I have used Nodus and Kronos.
    What is your age?:
    I am 13, I am young but I can be very mature when asked too. I hope this does not decrease my chances of the beta-tester rank.
    Skype username?:
    What is your Minecraft username?:
    GodCookiez, I have a alt called MrHolidayBunny
    Are you good at exploiting bugs?:
    Yes, and when I use my hacks I am even better.
    How would you like to be rewarded for beta testing (Beta tester rank or Donator Rank)?:
    I still haven't decided yet, but for now I would like to have Beta Tester Rank. I was also wondering If I could change after possibly?
    Why do you want to be beta tester on AelisMC?:
    I like exploiting bugs, I like hacking, but trust me I will not use it on a mode that has been released. I will turn it off when I'm not exploiting bugs. Or when I am told so. I also want to have early access to games? I hope I can be a beta tester on your server.

    Thank you, please take my application into consideration
    11/10/2014 12:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar

    My name is Aideen, my IGN (In-Game-Name) is GodCookiez, I am interested in your server as it sounds it will be a successful hub server. The positions I would prefer is Server Administrator, Server Moderator, Network Administrator if those positions are not possible, I would like Design Team member, I think your server will be a huge hit about after a few months. I can get some players on easily. The server I would prefer to be staff on is the faction one. The reason I would like the faction one is because I am mostly experienced in factions. I have played factions for 2/3 years and have played MineCraft for about 4. You're probably wondering why I'm not bored of this game already. The reason I am not bored is because Minecraft is always different. There is like different plugins (I'm also very experienced with plugins) that make the game new and refreshed. Please take my application into consideration, if you need me to write something longer than this I would be happy too.

    12/15/2013 8:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Ign: GodCookiez
    Skype: captainwafflez00
    Age: 12
    Have you been banned? Never except for once for killing the owner in pvp ^.^ Abusers
    Do you have any alts? Yes, MrHolidayBunny
    What are you good at (building, designing etc.) Pixel art, its my strength I also have great ideas and designs, building is not my thing though, Im am very good at graphics, such as making trailers, and banners.
    What rank do you want to achieve (Moderator, Administrator)? I honestly would be happy with each they both sound like great positions
    When are you available? From hours 4:00-6:00 GMT Everyday, and on weekends and friday I can play as long as I want
    Time zone? GMT
    Experience with staffing? Ive been staff on 6 servers and owned 3 not anymore though i quit most of them and ive been playing minecraft for 3 years now, I quit for Half a year otherwise it would be like 3 and half
    Overall experience? this is going to take a long time, I am like the plugins freak I know mostly everything there is to plugins, like Permissions, Worldedit, essenstials(LOL) GroupManager, and I know great plugins that would help the server attract more people, plus I know more this list is just going to be too long
    Why should you be accepted? I love stopping the bad guys, its like being a dectective and killing traitors, I help out other players, I fly around the map alot to look for things, Theres just one thing that pisses me off ALOT and that is abusers they are the most annoying little craps I just want to jail them for like ever but I wont if u told me not to because that would be abuse too xD
    Can I trust you? Yes, you can trust me ive never ever griefed a server in my life, if im admin I dont think I will ever pvp, if im moderator I will pvp if you allow me and thats only sometimes otherwise it would be unfair to new players. I always read /rules the first minute I join the server so I wont break anyrules. For sure, Capeesh, pinky swear
    Other information? I just love working with new players they are just great, they dont really know the server that much so I get to show them around, which just makes me Happy!! Plus if I get accepted for this server, I would really like to help with plugins if you let me I like working on them it helps me pass free time. I can be on like 2 hours a day maybe 3 if my mom doesnt take a spazz attack lolz, I would really like to be accepted on this server please
    12/15/2013 3:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    IGN: GodCookiez
    Nickname Cookiez
    Previous Experience I used to own alot of servers that I shut down, all of them were bukkit, I dont remeber the ip's on the top of my head right now, but I think ive owned 3 servers, and staff on 6 other ones, and have never got demoted from any of them.
    Why are you fit for the job Im like the plugin freak im very good with plugins I helped develop a plugin, I love stopping the bad guys its fun, its kind of like Trouble In Mineville Im active for 2 hours a day. I would love to have this job, and I play with about 12 other guys on skype I will invite them to the server
    Why should you be chosen Well I mentioned most of it above, but this server sounds really serious, not like those servers where one staff is on only all the time. And I will be willing to take this server seriously I am happy with Moderator but I would prefer administrator
    Age 12
    Why are you trust worthy.
    12/22/2012 9:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Age: 12
    Maturity 1/10: I think I'm A 6, Not very high but I'm being honest
    Builder Past(Pictures please): I actually don't make epic builds and stuff but I go to building schools
    What are your talents?: I can chew on gum for 10 minutes (lol JK) Im decent a PVP horrible at bow but almost good at sword
    Are you good with world edit(if we get it)?: I'm horrible with Worldedit my friend Godcookiez is great with it he teaches me
    Can you build quickly?: No lol (I organize my chests true fact same with inventory)
    Are you ready?: Yes I am ready Right now i play 24/7 I'm a gamer
    Experience : none But this one time I got banned for being a noob
    11/15/2012 10:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    dude if by class u mean like this [Owner]Lucky_C for it to say that. Thats already a plugin
    11/15/2012 10:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    Help me
    11/15/2012 10:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    oh yeah i forgot the ip
    ill pm u
    11/15/2012 10:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    11/09/2012 4:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    hey bro im having the same problem
    11/01/2012 7:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    thats great son do u know how to make ranks permissions and prefixes that i tell u with pex
    10/21/2012 10:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    CaptainWafflez's Avatar
    IGN: chickencowdew
    TimeZone: Calgary, AB, CA Moutain TIme Western
    Skype: captainwafflez00
    Any knowledge on permissions, if so, tell me a little: Ive been working with PermissionsEx, PermissionsBukkit, And Group Manager For about a year now Ive MadeTons of groups Command Reference has ALOT of Essentials Permissions
    (i.e essentials.helpop
    Have you been Co-Owner or Owner of any other servers? If so, name them below.
    Im Owner Of CookieCraft, Co-Owner In LightningCraft, I used to be Op In Diamcraft, One Of The Co-Owners In HC-Craft And I was Supposed To Be co owner of NAnoCraft (tekkit Server)
    How much can you play in a day?: about 2-4 Hours
    Trustworthy?: 10/10
    Reliable 95%
    Maturity: 10/10
    What is the name of the server?: VortexCraft
    Tell me a little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for 2 years Tekkit for 1 year Im a really good Builder IM VERY GOOD WITH plugins including WORLDGUARD and WORLDEDIT, I want to help deal with people that r not following the rules, I really want another staff position Thx Bye

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