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    01/24/2017 7:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    IGN: Cephot

    Age: 16

    Timezone: Atlantic Canada

    Experience: I have had the opportunity to work for several servers, working my way up from a helper to a very high management position, working very closely with the owners to build the servers. From one server in particular I worked my way up the ranks, and helped the owner build a network, where I did all the networking and created the 3 or 4 servers that we were running on our network. I gained a lot of experience from this, I learned how to manage servers better and how to create then using a command line and FTP, but I also learned how to deal with players that were hacking or being immature in a professional manner, and how to listen to, as I would usually be the one to talk to if another staff member or player wanted something implemented.

    Why do I want the position of staff manager?: I love helping people, every once in a while I will look on these forums and find a good thread that is looking for help, and pick one that I feel has the most potential. I really want there to be a great community on this network, somewhere that I will enjoy going to every day.

    What makes me stand out from the other applicants? I am a very dedicated person, I try my best to finish anything that I start, and if I'm struggling I won't give up and I just keep trying to solve the problem. With my past experience, I feel that I can put together a good group of hard working individuals that will work together and make this a great community where everyone likes each other, and no one feels the need to cause any trouble. I really want to see this server grow into an amazing community where everyone gets along together, and a place everyone can enjoy.

    Other: I would think that I am very mature, and very capable of managing the staff on this network if I was given the chance. I have lots of free time to dedicate to this position(around 30 hours a week), which gives me lots of time to create a good environment. Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

    P.S If you need a way to contact me you can send me a message on skype or on here, whatever works best for you. My skype username is velocitygaming12.
    11/19/2014 6:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    IGN: Cephot

    Name: Rather not say on here

    Age: 16

    Skype: VelocityGaming12

    Applying Position: Community Manager,Manager or Staff

    Experience: I have worked on 2 previous Prison servers up to the point of their public release, meaning I'm knowledgeable of how to build and maintain a server. I've also helped monitor and build a Factions/RP server and a City RP server, enabling me to effectively administrate an RP based server. I've even helped setup and run a server before which became semi popular. It was a Hub server with an A-Z Prison server, KitPvP, Creative and Factions. Everything was built by experienced builders and even paid for graphics. In the end the server was a big hit, unfortunately everything corrupted itself and we had to close the server, as it would of took months to recreate everything once again. I understand that being a part of Staff all have very big roles in Chat Monitoring as that is where everyone socializes and can be a great source of Community development. I understand the responsibilities I will have as Staff for this Server as I have viewed a lot of different Staff Members on Server’s handle arguments or any questions being asked. I have also been one of them Staff Member’s and know wrong from right due to my experiences and common sense with making unbiased decisions.
    04/16/2014 8:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar

    There is 2 of us.

    Age: 14

    Build Skill: ? / 10 8-9

    In Game Name: Cephot and onocool

    First Name: Would rather not say

    Skype: VelocityGaming12

    Proof Of Builds: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/cephot/

    Could You Build The Prison In Less than 24 hours: Maybe 1-3 days.

    How long are you on each day: I'm on for around 5 hours and he's on for about 3-6.

    What amount of money would you like for this build: It depends on how long it takes and the effort put into it. It also depends on how much we're building and the amount of detail put into it.
    04/16/2014 6:34 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    Could you add me on skype so I can get more details of what you need?

    My skype is VelocityGaming12
    04/15/2014 7:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    Skype username: VelocityGaming12

    Years of programming experience: 2 years

    Programming languages you are familiar with: Java

    Experience in creating custom plugins: I have created a few plugins and I have 2 other people who can help me out also, they have been doing it for a bit longer too.

    Experience in managing plugins: If you mean configuring plugins, I am very good at that because I have owned many servers and have helped tons of server with this. I can do PermissionsEx, Groupmanager, Essentials, Factions and tons more.

    Past experience in managing multiplayer servers: I've owned my own servers and am currently Admin on another popular Network.
    04/14/2014 6:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    So, what's your point?
    04/14/2014 5:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    Bump, Still have it.
    04/13/2014 2:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    Add me on skype VelocityGaming12
    04/06/2014 1:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Cephot's Avatar
    Add me on skype : VelocityGaming12

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