Chocoblast1000's Avatar
Level 5
Apprentice Taco

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    12/12/2012 4:57 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Maturity: 8/10 (i like to have a joke around some times)
    Past Positions/Experience: I have been a mod on COUNTLESS servers and admin on 3 other. Also i have co owned a server with my friend.
    Skype: No skype sorry (pm me for email though)
    Under what circumstances would you kick/temban/ ban someone? I would kick them if they strart being really annoying and affecting the people around them. After this if they keep continuing i would give them 3 warnings and after this is i would tempban for 14 hours. The temp ban will keep getting higher but if they continue it will be a perm ban..
    Will you abuse your powers? No i have never abused powers and never will.
    Are you a good builder? yes im your average builder and cant build something cool every once and a while if im feeling good.
    Plugin knowledge: I dont know A LOT about plugins but i know how to use them correctly...
    What do you think about Nodus and other hacks? I cant stand them. They ruin the fun for everybody and make the game less enjoyable by not actually "surviving".
    Can you make a good website? no sorry
    Extra info: I love to play mc, and am a very nice guy. I love to have fun with the players and i would also respect them even if they are a lower rank. I will make the experience enjoyable for them also i can play anytime also

    thanks for the oppurtunity.
    12/10/2012 12:55 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    LIFEStream Streaming life to all of the world.
    12/09/2012 11:15 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    12/03/2012 5:06 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Minecraft username: chocoblast1000
    Can you build different themes: Yes (villas are my best)
    Can you show some pictures of your creations? No sorry.
    Did you build a "Town/City" before? Yes with 1 skyscraper.
    Do you have skype? No sorry dont have a mic yet
    Have you ever banned for griefing: Yes but my 5 year old bro came on and destroyed everything
    Country: Australia
    Timezone:AEST (Austrlian eastern standard time but i can come on whenever you want )

    thanks for the oppurtinity
    12/02/2012 11:01 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Becoming admin on a server in less than 30 min..
    12/01/2012 2:50 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Jude application:
    IGN: chocoblast1000
    Age: 15
    What will i focus on when juding?: How the builder creates his project and how eye - catching the project is.
    11/27/2012 4:26 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Builder: ok dude im just gonna leave you here at my house. DONT TOUCH ANYTHING
    Noob: Ok
    (Builder leaves game)
    Noob: Hmm whats in here (opens chest) ohhh flint and steel.
    (Noob sets fire to house and himself)
    (Builder has joined game)
    Builder: I couldnt help to feel i left you with somethi...... WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!
    Noob: Lol idk is it fire
    Builder: You are such a greifer
    Noob: Whats a greifer?

    (Builder has thrown keyboard at screen! Rage+!!!)
    11/27/2012 4:25 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    Builder: ok dude im just gonna leave you here at my house. DONT TOUCH ANYTHING
    Noob: Ok
    (Builder leaves game)
    Noob: Hmm whats in here (opens chest) ohhh flint and steel.
    (Noob sets fire to house and himself)
    (Builder has joined game)
    Builder: I couldnt help to feel i left you with somethi...... WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?!
    Noob: Lol idk is it fire
    Builder: You are such a greifer
    Noob: Whats a greifer?

    (Builder has thrown keyboard at screen! Rage+!!!)
    11/26/2012 5:06 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Taco
    Chocoblast1000's Avatar
    For once at least give australia something in stead of spoiling america and other countries.

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