Coco1234's Avatar
hi, Welcome to YOUR DOOM! * Insert evil laughter*
Level 19
Journeyman Dragon

Forum Posts

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    07/01/2023 8:09 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
    Coco1234's Avatar
    Mango Cupcakes
    Many Cakes
    Many Cups
    Moldy cauliflower
    Mango cauliflower (Ew)
    Mob Carnage
    Mine cauliflower
    Many Crafting
    Moldy Crafting
    07/01/2023 7:41 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
    Coco1234's Avatar
    I wish for 5 more unruinable wishes that CANNOT be locked anywhere, First I would like a planet for myself the planet must have a million cats that cant die and dont age and other animals I like pluse animals from myths and legends so like dragons and nine tailed foxes but all of them are nice and do not fight and the planet is as big as the sun in a solar system with a sun that is much bigger then our sun that will never turn into a black hole or destroy my planet the planet is not to cold and not to warm and is like a big earth but it is imune to every form of damage even when our universe ends (YES IT IS IN OUR universe) it will still be there along with its solar system, Next I would like unlimited rocket fuel and a rocket to get to and from my planet. third I would make it so no 1 will ever die or age again and they all have good intentions no criminals. and for my forth wish I would like unlimited cat food and water and human food and water, and after that I would like a house and a big cat area for the cats to play. and after that I would like the ability to talk to animals. forgot to mention I make the rules there and cant be taken to jail for having the planet and I can kick out who I want
    06/28/2023 9:05 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
    Coco1234's Avatar
    I wish for 4 more wishes my first of the other 4 would be to wish that you cant ruin any of my wishes including this 1 my next would be to get a planet with lots of cats that cant die and dont age my third would be a rocket to get to and from my planet and my last would be a wish I wouldnt die or age so I could have my cats and kittens forever

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