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    04/01/2014 6:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Username: XSmiteaX

    How long do you plan to be here on NoxPrison: 4-5 Hours daily.

    How old are you: I am 14

    What makes you qualified for the position and why should we pick you over any other application: I think I am qualified because I am a friendly person and love meeting new friends, I am the stereotypical Canadian and I hate offending people I also love helping people with anything and everything, but all legit.

    You agree that you will NOT ask a staff member to check your application, We will check them on a daily-weekly basis and if we don't check it we aren't recruiting, let it sit here and we will accept it if needed: I will and I will put up with it, I have did stuff like this before and hate to wait longer, so It is all good to me!

    Anything else you'd like to say: I have been told I am super funny and I can make anyone laugh, I am a persuasive person, if someone is all hyped up and mad, I can calm them down fast, I do it all the time, I am also a fast typer so I can /ban /mute /kick fast so nothing too too bad can happen, I am also really good with a lot of plugins!

    Thanks for considering!
    04/01/2014 4:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Experience: Ive been staff on many servers usually a higher rank like Owner, Co-owner or admin.
    Why?: I love helping people out on servers and I love meeting new people.
    What Would You Do If Someone Is Abusing Their Powers: I would warn them, and if they're a higher position than me, I tell a higher rank then them.
    What Would You Do If Someone Is Advertising?: Mute for 10 mins with a warning, and if they do it again kick with warning and if they dont stop, temp ban for 2 days.
    What Would You Do If Someone Is Spamming?: Mute for 5 mins with warning then kick.
    What Would You Do If Someone Is Hacking?: Perm Ban.
    What Would You Do if someone is complaining that the server sucks?: Mute for 15 mins then ask them why.
    Additional Info: I am told I am super funny and I know im outgoing, I can make almost anyone laugh and I love making friends, I will help out with anything for anyone, but if its not an admin, it will be all legit. I am Canadian so I hate offending people, I kinda live up to that stereotype... I also almost always have correct grammar and spelling, and punctuation!
    Skype And/Or Steam: Skype: colebysmith4 ,if there is more than one, Im the one from Canada!

    Thanks for considering!

    03/31/2014 7:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Name : Coleby Smith
    Maturity level out of 1/10*: 8 I like making jokes, not offensive, I hate offending people.
    Skype*: colebysmith4
    Experience*: I have been staff on may servers, usually a higher rank example, usually owner, co-owner or some type of admin.
    What can you do to benefit the server*: I have lots of creative ideas to bring to the server some of which I will tell you in confidence and a good personality, I've been told im funny.
    Why should I pick you over anyone else?*: You should pick me because I make friends easy and am very likable so people who join will get to know and like me and hopefully stay. And I am good with commands like World Edit and more. Plus im a fast typer and can /ban /kick /mute and some more, I can type them quick before they do something bad.
    What would you do if you caught a player hacking or spamming? *: Hacking=Temp ban, 2 months with warning and caught again then Perm ban, Spamming=Mute for 5 mins, with warning, if they dont stop after that, mute for 2 hours.

    If you have anymore questions, please message me on skype or planetminecraft! Thanks!
    03/31/2014 7:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    In Game Name: XSmiteaX
    Skype name: (You may leave this blank and share it later on) colebysmith4
    Location and timezone (time purposes): EST Ontario, Canada.
    Will you be creating youtube videos?: (If so, please include your channel link) Yes but not for a few weeks. My last youtube account got hacked, but I had over 300 subs in 4 months.
    Why do you want to join the server? Ever since I saw the mindcrack server videos I have been looking for a mindcrack like server because I've always had much more fun on vanilla and love servers like that.
    How active are you? (Schedule):I can play 6 days a week for 4-5 hours.
    A little more about you (optional): I am told I am super funny and I know im outgoing I make friends with everyone I meet and I do it quick, I love making new friends and hate offending people no matter what so I wont be doing that. I am also very mature. I also love helping people.

    Thanks for considering!
    03/30/2014 5:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Ok thanks man, will the message be on Planet Minecraft or skype?
    03/30/2014 5:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    IGN: XSmiteaX
    Skype: colebysmith4
    Will you record: yes
    Youtube account name:Do not have one yet but on my last account over 300 subs, I will tell you the name as soon as I make it.
    Reason for wanting to join: I've been wanting to join a server like Mindcrack or Hermitcraft for a long long time now but could never find one just right and I dont usually beg but I could beg to get on this one. I also love meeting new people and making new friends!
    03/30/2014 5:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Age(13+): 14

    Past Experience: I've been staff on many other servers im usually Owner, Co-Owner, or head admin.

    Why would we pick you over others?: I think you should pick me because I will bring a whole new personality and alot to the server like comedy because I am told im pretty funny and im a decent builder.

    How much time are you willing to spend for us: A day? 3-4 hours at a time.

    How will we contact you? (Skype is preferred): Skype, my username is colebysmith4

    How would you handle swearing?: Mute for 5 mins with a warning

    How would you handle racism?: Mute for 30 mins with a warning

    How would you handle Homophobic calls?:mute for 20 mins with a warning

    How would you handle two players fighting?: give them a warning and if they dont stop then both get kicked

    How would you handle two staff members fighting?: Tell them to stop and if they dont tell an owner or a higher staff member but kick them with a warning first.

    If you got into a fight with another staff or player what would you do (Write two explanations) : Why I would have, because they have insulted me or insulted people close to me. If I were in a fight with someone I would try my hardest to become friends with them again and stop the fight between us.
    03/30/2014 4:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Ign: XSmiteaX
    Timezone: Pacific
    How would you handle a problem: Racism? Mute the player. Hacking? Ban for 1 month with a warning. Spamming temp-mute for 2 mins with a warning. Advertising? Kick for a day. Asking for staff? Mute for 10 mins.
    Previous staff experience: On about 4-5 other servers but usually a higher rank like owner or co-owner or head-admin.

    Skype: colebysmith4

    Other information: I am generally a funny guy, I bring alot of joy to servers. I love making new friends and helping people out.
    03/30/2014 4:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Name: Coleby Smith
    Age: 14
    Skype: colebysmith4
    Staff Experience: I have been staff on many servers usually Owner, Co-Owner or head admin.
    Why Should we hire you?: I think you should hire me because I can bring some entertainment to the server because I have been told im quite funny, but I wont be one of those "Oh do anything you want" kind of staff and trust me, I wont give out anything.
    Maturity: Well if I were to do out of 10 then I would say 8/10 or 9/10 because im not completely mature, I will crack a joke or 2.
    Info: I love making new friends and I make them quite easy, im also a talker and love helping people out, im also a pretty good builder but not as good as some people you'll meet, so if you need help with anything just ask.

    If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!
    03/30/2014 4:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Sorry did not mean to post it twice
    03/30/2014 11:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Age : 14
    (Required)Skype : colebysmith4
    Timezone : Pacific
    Why would you like to be staff? : I love joining new servers and helping out and doing whatever I can to make it a generally good time.
    Why should i accept you? : I have been an Owner, Co-Owner, Admin, Head-Admin, Moderator, and builder and I know lots of commands and im a fast typer so I can /ban, /mute and all that fast and I can bring alot of laughs and happiness to the server.
    How can you support the server? : I will make it a good time but I wont let them get out of hand and I can come on whenever you need to help or fix something im reachable in many different ways!

    Thanks for considering!
    03/29/2014 6:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    In-game name: XSmiteaX
    Age: 14
    Location: Ontario, Canada eh?
    Minecraft experience: Been playing since beta
    Why you want to apply: I love playing straight up no plugins kinda minecraft.
    Vanilla Rain
    IP and details will be privately and personally messaged to you once your application goes through (takes two days max).

    03/29/2014 6:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Skype name: colebysmith4
    How long have you being playing Minecraft for: Since beta
    What you enjoy the most and best at in Minecraft (e.g. Building, survival...): Straight up surviving without any plugins
    Where are you from: Ontario Canada eh?
    Anything else that you would like to add: I am a really funny guy im told, I make friends really easy and can make anyone laugh
    03/29/2014 6:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Age & Minecraft username: 14 & XSmiteaX

    Why do you want to be part of our staff?: I love helping people out and make new friends

    Do you have any previous experience in skyblock/being staff, if so what?: Yes on multiple servers, I have been staff

    Your time zone: Pacific

    How long would you be spending on the server per day?: 3-4 hours

    Something interesting about you?: I am really funny and outgoing, I make friends really easy, and can make everyone laugh.
    03/29/2014 4:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    In Game Name: XSmiteaX
    Skype: colebysmith4
    Youtube (not necessary): Currently in the making but on my old account over 300 subs
    Why you want to join: I have been looking for a vanilla taco server and I would love to join yours!
    Strengths in Minecraft (Redstone, PVE, Building, etc.) Building PVP but I will not kill people for no reason. also im a really creative and thoughtful pranker
    Number of bans from other servers and reason why: Never ever have I been banned.
    03/29/2014 3:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Name: Coleby
    Ign: XSmiteaX
    Skype(Dont have to have): colebysmith4
    Mic?: Not right now but should be fixed my Tuesday.
    Why Do you want to join Sugarcraft?: I love playing on new and different servers especially whitelisted
    Age: 14
    If you are accepted I Will Add you on Skype But you need To Know These Rules,
    1.No Cheating/Hacking
    2.No Griefing/Raid/Pvp For random Reasons
    3.No Asking for op
    4.No Banned Items
    5.Have fun

    Ok for sure, thanks!
    03/29/2014 3:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Insecure Lemon how do I private message you?
    03/29/2014 3:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Applying for: Some type of admin if I could?
    Name: Coleby
    Age: 14
    YouTube?: Currently making one but before I had about 300 subs
    Experience: Head admin on many different servers

    Why shall we pick you: I think you should pick me because I have a fun and bubbly personality and can make almost everyone i I meet laugh and have never offended anyone, I don't like to make people mad or sad, I know how to use a variety of different plugins and can build some pretty beautiful and nice building, I have been told that I rarely am disliked and that I and a friendly person. I am a person who can not handle a bad speller but I will not be a spell correcting freak Ill ask them politely to spell correct and if they don't then Ill just ignore the bad spelling, I am also a quick typer and can do lots of commands quite quick.

    IGN: XSmiteaX

    Skype: colebysmith4

    Swear?: Not really, don't really like swearing.

    How much time will you spend on the server: Per day? 2-3 hours at a time.
    03/29/2014 3:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ColebyS2's Avatar
    Name: Coleby Smith
    IGN: XSmiteaX
    Age:(Optional) 14
    Have you had previous experience with being staff on servers?: Yes about 6 different servers
    How long have you played Minecraft?: Since beta
    Why do you want to join this server?: I think it would be cool to try something new and cool.
    Any suggestions for the server?: I think the whitelist is good but maybe no factions.
    What would you like to see in this server(Plug-ins,A mini-game)?: Prison break maybe?

    Thanks for reading.

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