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    10/19/2014 2:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    I would join but Its not been updated yet so I cant
    10/19/2014 2:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Hi there Mike, My name is Conner. I am a pretty experienced minecraft player as well as running servers. I have held staff on several other servers as well as a brief time I had my own. I am not exactly adept with the implementation of plugins or coding. I do however know how to keep a server running smoothly and fairly. I would love to hear what you have in mind for this server.
    10/19/2014 1:54 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Age: 20
    TimeZone: Standard Pacific
    Position: Admin
    Experience: Been admin on a few servers (Brothercraft, Cudacraft) as well as OP on my own server thats long since ended
    Proof Of Experience: I have no proof, but you can go to and attempt contact with Redstone_Mody who was the Owner. The server just recently shut down though so I am unsure about a response
    10/19/2014 1:50 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Experience:been admin on several servers aswell as OP on my own
    Can/Will you be able to donate: maybe at some point
    Random Info: I love working with people and helping anyone who might need it, I am a great peoples person and I am very likeable
    When can you start: ASAP
    10/18/2014 4:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    -Helper Application-

    Minercaft Username:


    How long have you played on ProvimGaming?:
    Just got back on the server scene so not long.

    How long do you plan on playing on ProvimGaming?
    Provided I dont have a falling out like the last server I was on quite some time

    What do you like about ProvimGaming?:
    Seems like a relaxed and friendly server

    Why would you like to be Helper?:
    I miss being staff on a minecraft server so it would be nice to be a part of something again

    Briefly list some of your skills:
    Decent with world edit, can manage situations effectively, learn quickly and im very like-able

    How old are you?:
    19, 20 this january

    Do you have/use TeamSpeak?:
    I do

    In order to become staff, it is very important for you to have and use Teamspeak.
    Do you have a microphone/headset?:
    Laptop has one

    On average, how much time do you spend on ProvimGaming on a daily basis? (Server, Website, etc):
    new to the server

    Do you have strong interpersonal skills?
    Most definitely

    About yourself?
    Be as detailed as you like: Hi, names Conner and im a big minecraft lover. I just recently got back into server playing. I stopped awhile back due to a falling out with my fellow staff at my old server which im sad to say closed not long ago. I am eager to get back into it and lend a helping hand to a good server (:
    09/14/2013 2:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Apologies for the multiple posts, my internet went on a rampage
    09/14/2013 2:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    How old are you?

    What's your time zone? Pacific
    Do you have Skype? Bigburrrr
    Do you have a working mic? Razer Megaladon
    What's your knowledge on being staff? I have been staff on numerous servers as well as had a few myself
    What can you bring our team? I am a competent builder as well as very charismatic. I have a lot of patience with the inhabitants of the minecraft world. I also am very fair in my judgments when people have committed offences against the server.
    Are you mature? Most certainly
    Can you use proper grammar? Absolutely
    Skype name? previously mentioned
    Which position are you applying for? Admin
    What do you specialize in Minecraft? From a single player standpoint I would have to say building but when it comes to Multiplayer I would have to say I excell in the dealing with other players.
    How would you go about two players arguing? If the argument is trivial (he killed my pig!) then I would tell them that they are spamming up the chat and if it does not cease they are in risk of becoming muted. If it of a more serious matter such as the stealing of property and or griefing I would investigate further and punish him/her accordingly as well as tell the other party that if it is to occur again to contact a member of staff immediately instead of raging in the chat
    Why we should pick you? Other than the previously mention information Id say that I am just a very lovable character!(:
    09/14/2013 2:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    How old are you?

    What's your time zone? Pacific
    Do you have Skype? Bigburrrr
    Do you have a working mic? Razer Megaladon
    What's your knowledge on being staff? I have been staff on numerous servers as well as had a few myself
    What can you bring our team? I am a competent builder as well as very charismatic. I have a lot of patience with the inhabitants of the minecraft world. I also am very fair in my judgments when people have committed offences against the server.
    Are you mature? Most certainly
    Can you use proper grammar? Absolutely
    Skype name? previously mentioned
    Which position are you applying for? Admin
    What do you specialize in Minecraft? From a single player standpoint I would have to say building but when it comes to Multiplayer I would have to say I excell in the dealing with other players.
    How would you go about two players arguing? If the argument is trivial (he killed my pig!) then I would tell them that they are spamming up the chat and if it does not cease they are in risk of becoming muted. If it of a more serious matter such as the stealing of property and or griefing I would investigate further and punish him/her accordingly as well as tell the other party that if it is to occur again to contact a member of staff immediately instead of raging in the chat
    Why we should pick you? Other than the previously mention information Id say that I am just a very lovable character!(:
    09/14/2013 2:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    How old are you?

    What's your time zone? Pacific
    Do you have Skype? Bigburrrr
    Do you have a working mic? Razer Megaladon
    What's your knowledge on being staff? I have been staff on numerous servers as well as had a few myself
    What can you bring our team? I am a competent builder as well as very charismatic. I have a lot of patience with the inhabitants of the minecraft world. I also am very fair in my judgments when people have committed offences against the server.
    Are you mature? Most certainly
    Can you use proper grammar? Absolutely
    Skype name? previously mentioned
    Which position are you applying for? Admin
    What do you specialize in Minecraft? From a single player standpoint I would have to say building but when it comes to Multiplayer I would have to say I excell in the dealing with other players.
    How would you go about two players arguing? If the argument is trivial (he killed my pig!) then I would tell them that they are spamming up the chat and if it does not cease they are in risk of becoming muted. If it of a more serious matter such as the stealing of property and or griefing I would investigate further and punish him/her accordingly as well as tell the other party that if it is to occur again to contact a member of staff immediately instead of raging in the chat
    Why we should pick you? Other than the previously mention information Id say that I am just a very lovable character!(:
    09/14/2013 1:48 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Can you build good: Extremely well
    are you good with plugins: not the best but decent
    What can you bring to the server: I am extremely experienced when it comes to being staff. Been admin/head admin on several servers as well as had a few of my own
    What would you do if someone griefed: I would immediately ban them and make a forum post as to why as well as with screenshots of the grief
    Applying for Co-Owner
    09/11/2013 3:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Administration Application

    How old are you? 18 years young

    Skype? bigburrrr

    Time zone ? Pacific time

    Staff experience Ive been admin and mod on several different severs the largest of which was Brothercraft

    Working mic? Yes, Razer megalodon

    Former positions Mod and Admin

    Do you work good with other people? Absolutely

    Can you be responsible on the server Of course

    Plugin experience? Not a whole lot but I have worked with it a bit

    Building experience? I have made several impressive builds some of which that took several months due to detail and size.
    06/18/2013 7:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Community helper xD
    06/18/2013 7:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Location:United States
    Skype(Required): Con_Man415
    Past Servers You've Helped?: Brothercraft, Electricraft, Cudacraft
    Are You Good At Working With People?:Yes
    Are You Social Or Shy?:Very social
    What If One Player Was Being Racist To Another & No Moderators, Admins Nor Myself Was Online, What Would You Do?: I would screenshot the chat to show the appropriate staff member so he could take the appropriate measures to stop him/her from behaving that way again
    What Skills Do You Have To Offer?: I'm very good with plugins and the ones im not familiar with I am capable of learning quickly, I have always been quite charismatic as well
    Why Do You Want To Help Us?: I recently left my previous server and am In need of a new home(:
    Past Server's You've Helped: Didnt you already ask this? o.O
    06/18/2013 7:28 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Age: 18
    Skype: bigburrrr
    Experience of Staff: I have run my own server as well as been admin/op on many others
    Your Time Zone: PST
    Hours You on computer per day: Several
    About Yourself: Im a fun guy that enjoys the company of others and I am fairly funny. I am very experienced in minecraft and I enjoy making videos(:
    06/18/2013 1:58 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    have you one over my app?
    06/17/2013 1:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    A) You Must be at least 13 : Im 18 M
    B) You have to live in The United States, Australia or New Zeeland: United States
    C) You must have skype : bigburrrr
    D) tell me something about YOU: Im a pretty funny guy and im generally great fun to play with
    06/16/2013 5:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    In-Game Name: Con_Man415
    Skype: bigburrrr
    Youtube (If applicable): cant be assed to get the link
    Can you record?:Yes
    Are you a Brony?: No deff not. just responding to a Brony forum post for the lulz xD jkjk
    06/16/2013 5:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Hey man, just a tip. Every time you make a forum post on here....dont change the name of the team yer trying to put together....and avoid the "Cast" bit of the name. people will just call you a copy cat of the yogscast
    06/12/2013 9:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Con_man415's Avatar
    Age(Must be 13+): 18
    Maturity[1-100]: 95
    Do you have Skype Y/N: Y
    How Good Are You?[1-100]: 90ish
    Which program do you use to record with: Playclaw4
    Do you like Science?: Was my favorite in highschool
    Experience[Optional] Ive done a few videos myself as well as a guest on several others

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