Cptman123X's Avatar
Level 17 Journeyman Mage

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    12/28/2012 2:56 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Ign: cptmman123
    Age: 16
    Skype: dallaskleven1
    Why you want to be admin: I enjoy helping people and solving disputes. I play hours of minecraft due to a slight injury from track.
    Are you good with plugins?: Essentials and wold edit.
    Why should I choose you as admin?: I am experienced, mature, calm, and never pick favorites.
    Staff Experience: A few times mod, twice admin, once OP.
    Have you ever been banned?(If yes it wont matter): Not on a server worth keeping, or breaking rules I knew about.
    Do you use a hack client?(Don't lie I will make you screenshare): Nope, feel free to screenshare, but it will lag some.
    12/28/2012 2:53 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Age (Not a large factor just want to get the feel of the staff age): 16

    Name (optional,if you do not prefer to place your real name for some reason your not obliged to): DJ

    Skype (This is not ultimately needed but will hasten the communication process): dallaskleven1

    Experience (List open server IP's, giving fake IP's or shutdown IP's will be ignored and will decrease your chance): None, all serves been shut down by now, not gonna trouble you with the research.

    Resume (from previous owner of a server you was a high rank on, not that you were owner on): Out of touch with previous owners.

    Plugin knowledge (extensive report will do well especially the commands you know on World Edit and general basic server commands): Essentials and world edit.

    Areas you exceed: Civil dispute and general chaos prevention

    Areas you could improve: general commands outside essentials and world edit.
    12/28/2012 2:46 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Ign: cptmman123
    Age: 16
    Skype: N/A atm
    Why you want to be admin: I like helping, simple as that.
    Are you good with plugins?: essentials and world edit.
    Why should I choose you as admin?: I am experienced, matured beyond my age, keep a cool head and logical decisions are always made. I never pick favorites.
    Staff Experience: multiple mod, 2 admin, once OP.
    Have you ever been banned?(If yes it wont matter): Yes, breaking rules I didn't realize existed. Someone people fail to post them.
    Do you use a hack client?(Don't lie I will make you screenshare): No clients here, most of em are viruses anyways.
    12/28/2012 2:44 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Ign: cptmman123
    Age: 16
    Country: united states
    Skype: currently N/A
    Why you want to be admin: I enjoy helping people and solving disputes.
    Are you good with plugins?: Good with essentials and world edit.
    Why should I choose you as admin?: I am mature, calm, notably good at solving disputes, civil or not.
    Staff Experience: Multiple mod experiences, 2 admin and once OP
    Have you ever been banned?: Not on a server worth playing.
    12/28/2012 2:23 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Miner: 7/10
    Builder: 1/10
    Fighter: 8/10
    Redstoner: 6/10
    Farmer: 10/10
    Brewer: 10/10
    12/27/2012 2:06 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    IGN: cptmman123
    age: 16
    skype: dallaskleven1
    E-mail: N/A
    Why you want to be staff?: Skilled at it, helps pass the time to help keep chaos at bay.
    How long would you be online?: A few hours a day
    have you ever been staff on any servers?: about a dozen servers
    have you ever been banned (be truthful this wont effect your chances): thrice, once on false pretenses, once griefing when unaware I wasn't allowed to, and another when I was getting revenge on a server that attempted to Ddos my friends.
    rate your self: 8/10
    any plugin knowledge?: world edit and essentials, some iconomy.
    have you donated?:(this will increse 80% of ur chances) The most I've ever spent was $30 for creative mode.
    what staff rank would you like to be?: Any is suitable
    12/27/2012 1:47 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Name: DJ
    Age: 16
    Email: N/A
    IGN: cptmman123
    12/27/2012 1:34 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Name: Dallas
    Age: 16 3/4
    IGN: cptmman123
    Skype: dallaskleven1
    Why should we choose you: Mature, calm, cool-headed, can spot an xrayer or modder a mile away
    Plugin Experience: Minimal BB n FB (bigbro n falsebook), higher experience with essentials and world edit.
    Staff Experience: Mod a few times, admin twice, OP 3 times.
    Maturity: 8/10
    How many hours you could play a day: 3-5 (injured leg from tack)
    Could you donate to help the server: Possibly
    11/22/2012 3:30 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Now I need staff for the Surivial world.
    Age(Have to be Over (12) I'm 16
    Skype is mandatory(means you need it) I have skype will disclose privately
    Why you chose to pick to be this staff for this world? I enjoy pvp survival very much
    What can you do to help keep the world safe for the best of our server? I don't take any crap so to speak, am fair, just, and honest.
    Why you want to be a staff on this server? It's been awhile since I've helped a new server.
    Tell us a little about your self: I am fair, honest, simple, humble, and actually investigate situations, I don't just assume and take action, which personally annoys me when people do.

    Have you ever been Banned? Yes, but only because no investigation was taken place, just assumptions of harassment when someone photo-shopped a convo.
    Can you follow the Admin rules for your ranks? eASILLY.
    How long are you on? At most a few hours.
    Will you let some one pass from getting punished? Depends the crime. Grief in an anti grief situation should be reminded/warned before any extreme punishment is taken. Hacks and mods should be punished immediently. I take pleasure in following x-rayers around and punishing them thoroughly.
    IGN? cptmman123
    Will you have fav friends who you will let bypass the rules? Hell no, I refuse to baby anyone and I refuse to pick favorites, it does nothing less than piss me off when people get off easy because they are buddy buddy with people.
    08/07/2012 9:54 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    Hm guess only certain regions can join
    06/18/2012 11:46 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    IGN: cptmman123

    Age: Anonymous (mature and intelligent)

    What is your skill?: Everything - Mining, farming, combat, not exactly creative with my architecture (but my designs are superior when it comes to survival, not looks), and my animal tracking and trapping skills are superb.
    What guild you want to be in?: Farming. I am talented in all, but I like the peaceful lifestyle of melon, pumpkin and wheat farming.

    Are you Trustworthy?: More so than anyone you could ever meet.

    I never grief, steal, or lie. Only kill the worthless trash who do so.

    Additional notes: I am like a walking Wikipedia. I know about 90% of everything there is to know about minecraft, including shit you didn't no exist, as well as shit only found by experience or on the wiki itself

    Such as the spawning of villages, dungeons and strongholds do NOT apply to seed, as they are actually completely random, so going to a solo server with the same seed doesn't mean you will find the villages in the same plaxce

    As well as the spawning chunks of Slimes are also random, and few.

    XD I know a lot by heart.
    06/18/2012 11:40 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    I suppose I'd be considered a lower class then, cuz I'm a journeymen farmer :3
    02/04/2012 2:24 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    it's not that I mean the usual colored chat, like, the titles and such are all white. Can't tell anything about anything and it's all just white. Texture pack isn't it, and idk what u mean by &1 n jazz.
    02/04/2012 2:16 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
    Cptman123X's Avatar
    um what? And I don't own the server lolz..

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