crispii's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    08/14/2017 5:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    crispii's Avatar
    IGN: CrispiiMC
    Age: 15
    Country: United States of America
    03/28/2017 8:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    crispii's Avatar
    GN: CrispiiMC

    Preferred Name: Myles

    Age(Must be 13 and older or mature): 15

    Timezone: Central Standard

    Experience with other groups if any?: No, I wanted to give this SMP a chance because my friend wanted me to apply to this one

    Why should we accept you?: I want to find a server where I can join and grow a community where I can be accepted.

    Other games you like besides Minecraft?: I enjoy League of Legends.

    Are you willing to be an active member?: Of course, I have lots of time on weekends 99% of the time and weekdays i'm not too busy

    Skype or Discord:Skype: captain_crispii (Myles)
    Discord Crispii#1597
    03/27/2017 9:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    crispii's Avatar
    In game name: CrispiiMC
    Name: Myles
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Central Standard
    Why should we let you join?: I am very considerate and kind, and like being in a community
    Why do you want to join?: I want to try the game out again in a server like this SMP with friends.
    What can you add to our server?: I have past experience, I will be committed, and nice.
    Which language do you speak?: English
    How active are you and on which days?: I am the most active on weekends and weekdays can vary due to homework loads

    Discord(Required for server events):Crispii#1597

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